Gale A. Norton Biografie & News
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Gale A. Norton
Former 65th; Uni...
Data nașterii:
11 mar 1954
Partid politic:
Biografie & Evaluare
Nu exista prea multe informatii despre Gale pentru a calcula scorul lui. Adauga articole dupa inregistrare si arata oamenilor sa voteze Gale sau nu.She sa nascut pe data de 11 mar 1954 si activ in United States, Ad Dakhiliyah Governorate ca former 65th; united states secretary.
Gale A. Norton are in total 8 Noutati si e separat in 8 News, 0 Pozitive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizări, 0 Acuzații and 0 Condamnări. Cel mai activa categorie esteNews. Gale A. Norton este cel mai activ in News.
2018.06.04 - Sursă: 85% - News
Adam Murnane and X. Watson combined well to deliver the ball forward and the pressure was on the Saints again as Andrew Jericho, Jack Crettenden and Jaxen Norton were marking everything down back. Eagles 11-6 to Saints 3-11. Bryce Breed kicked a grea...
2018.06.03 - Sursă: 90% - News
Born and raised in Garfield County and a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, Bernhardt got his start in Washington as chief of staff to Interior Secretary Gale Norton, a former Colorado attorney general. That was after he was an lawyer f...
2018.06.02 - Sursă: 75% - News
... McLean, Liam Matthew; McRae, Duncan Oran; Meyer, Christopher Allen; Miller, Kyra Walker; Miller, Max Norton; Mills, Allison Kay; Milton, Caden Anne; Moore, Colleen Meadow; Morocco, Amir; Moss, Brett Jacob; Nelson, Daniel Scott; O'Brien, Cassidy A...
2018.06.01 - Sursă: 75% - News
In 1990, future Interior Secretary Gale Norton argued for the “right to make noise”—for example by enjoying the natural world from the seat of a snowmobile. When city-dwellers head out into nature this summer, they might just find that the quiet they...
2018.05.31 - Sursă: 95% - News
Gale Norton, a former Colorado attorney general and one of the attorneys involved in the tobacco litigation, disputes a comparison between tobacco and energy. Norton wrote in an editorial for the Denver Post, “tobacco use is not an integral part of ....
2018.05.31 - Sursă: 80% - News
“Shining a light on actual broadband performance will also encourage telco providers to compete on performance and not just price,” Gale says. The Commission is now recruiting for volunteers from around the country who are willing to accept a ...
2018.05.29 - Sursă: 80% - News
January 2001 - Gale Norton becomes the first woman to serve as US secretary of the interior, and Ann Veneman is the first woman to serve as US secretary of agriculture. Both were nominated by President George W. Bush. 2001 - Fran Mainella is the firs...
2018.05.17 - Sursă: 95% - News
Junior pitcher Justin Pratt tossed a no-hitter, striking out four, walking one, and needing only 74 pitches to lead host Medway (11-5, 7-4) to a 6-0 win over Tri-Valley League opponent Norton in baseball action on Wednesday. “Justin was really ...
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Avere & Salariu
Nu exista inca averea lui Gale aici. Incearca sa gasesti prin Biografie de la Gale's averea sa si adauga-o aici. Pentru Gale A. Norton inca nu avem Salariu aici. Poate gasesti in CV raspunsul.Prison, Corruption & Trust
Gale A. Norton has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.Political Party
The political party of Gale A. Norton is Republican from United States. Gale is active as Former 65th; United States Secretary.Persoane similare
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