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V. Vijaysai Reddy Biografie & News

- Avere & Scorul

V. Vijaysai Reddy

V. Vijaysai Reddy

Data nașterii:
Partid politic:
YSR Congres...
Legături externe:

V. Vijaysai Reddy

Data nașterii:
Partid politic:
YSR Congres...
Legături externe:

Biografie & Evaluare

Nu exista prea multe informatii despre V. pentru a calcula scorul lui. Adauga articole dupa inregistrare si arata oamenilor sa voteze V. sau nu.
He s-a născut pe N/A si e activ în India, New Delhi.
V. Vijaysai Reddy are in total 10 Noutati si e separat in 10 News, 0 Pozitive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizări, 0 Acuzații and 0 Condamnări. Cel mai activa categorie esteNews. V. Vijaysai Reddy este cel mai activ in News.


2018.05.29 - Sursă: 75% - News
Visakhapatnam: YSRCP senior leader and Rajya Sabha member V Vijay Sai Reddy has said that the formation of the booth level party committees was very important for strengthening the party. Talking to party workers here he said that the booth level ...

2018.05.26 - Sursă: 80% - News
Vijayawada: AP agriculture minister Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy on Saturday said TTD former chief priest Dr A.V. Ramana Deekshitulu should be “given police treatment” and send to jail. “Deekshitulu needs to be put behind bars and only then will all ...

2018.05.23 - Sursă: 90% - News
As soon as Rajya Sabha member V. Vijaya Sai Reddy and other leaders came out of the party office near Dr. V.S. Krishna Government College and walked some distance, they were taken into custody by the police and bundled into police vehicles. However ....

2018.05.23 - Sursă: 90% - News
He said that if immediate action is not taken, the jewellery might slip out of India. Referring to Chandrababu's claims that his son Lokesh was being unjustly targeted, Vijay Sai Reddy asked him why he was not ordering a CBI probe to prove Lokesh Bab...

2018.05.16 - Sursă: 75% - News
Alleging large-scale corruption and lack of development during four-year TDP rule, YSRCP general secretary and MP V. Vijay Sai Reddy has said the days of Chandrababu Naidu Government are numbered. Addressing the 'Vanchanapai Garjana' meeting of ...

2018.05.15 - Sursă: 80% - News
YSR Congress Party general secretary and MP V. Vijaya Sai Reddy has charged Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu with not fulfilling election promises and mortgaging the Special Category Status for selfish interests. On the second and final day of his...

2018.05.09 - Sursă: 95% - News
“Land grabbing has become menace in the city with politicians and their henchmen in collusion with officials grabbing huge chunks of land by altering records in the online system,” alleged MP and YSR Congress Party leader V. Vijay Sai Reddy. Mr. Redd...

2018.05.09 - Sursă: 90% - News
Fronts were coalitions of multiple parties and each had its own agenda and opinion, said Rajya Sabha member and YSR Congress Party leader V. Vijaya Sai Reddy. But having said so, he categorically rejected the idea of aligning with the Congress, but d...

2018.05.04 - Sursă: 85% - News
A privilege motion moved by YSRCP Rajya Sabha member V. Vijaya Sai Reddy against the police “high-handedness” at the Visakhapatnam airport was referred to the Privilege Committee by the Chairman of the Upper House.

Mai multe informatii

Avere & Salariu

Nu exista inca averea lui V. aici. Incearca sa gasesti prin Biografie de la V.'s averea sa si adauga-o aici. Pentru V. Vijaysai Reddy inca nu avem Salariu aici. Poate gasesti in CV raspunsul.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

V. Vijaysai Reddy has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of V. Vijaysai Reddy is YSR Congress Party from India.
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