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Savitri Bai Phule Biografie & News

- Avere & Scorul

Savitri Bai Phule

Savitri Bai Phule

Data nașterii:
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Legături externe:

Savitri Bai Phule

Data nașterii:
Partid politic:
Unknown, Un...
Legături externe:

Biografie & Evaluare

Scorul Ductumeter este pozitiv si Savitri poate fi votat crede Ductum. Persoanele cred ca Savitri este pozitiv. Cauta daca are si negative si decide daca Savitri merita sa fie un conducator.
She s-a născut pe 1981 si e activ în India, New Delhi.
Savitri Bai Phule are in total 249 Noutati si e separat in 248 News, 1 Pozitive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizări, 0 Acuzații and 0 Condamnări. Cel mai activa categorie esteNews. Savitri Bai Phule este cel mai activ in News and Educaţie.


2016.09.19 - Sursă: 75% - Educaţie
... Adivasi lider Soni Sori, al 19-lea reformator social și educator Savitribai Phule, Dalit autorickshaw driver Chitralekha, și viol supraviețuitor Bhanwari ...

2018.12.05 - Sursă: 85% - News
Bahraich (Uttar Pradesh): Bharatiya Janata Party MP from Bahraich Savitri Bai Phule has claimed that Lord Hanuman was a Dalit, but a slave of the 'Manuwadi' people. She said that rather than focusing on the construction of Ram Temple, the Central ...

2018.12.05 - Sursă: 85% - News
On Tuesday, a BJP MP from Uttar Pradesh, Savitri Bai Phule, dubbed Ram “Manuvadi” and dismissed the Ram temple pitch saying that the country does not need a temple and asked will it end unemployment and other problems faced by the Scheduled ...

2018.12.04 - Sursă: 85% - News
LUCKNOW DES8 UP-BJP MP-HANUMAN Lucknow: Bahraich BJP MP Savitri Bai Phule Tuesday claimed that Lord Hanuman was "a Dalit and a slave of 'manuwadi' people", joining a row which erupted over UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's statement that ...and mor...

2018.12.04 - Sursă: 80% - News
Phule also demanded that if Lord Hanuman was a 'Dalit' as claimed by UP CM Yogi Adityanath, then Dalits should be appointed as pujaris in the all the Hanuman temples across the country. “Hanuman always stood by Lord Ram but then why did Ram award ...

2018.12.04 - Sursă: 90% - News
LUCKNOW: Two days after BJP's nominated MP Rakesh Sinha announced that he would bring a private member bill for construction of in , party's Lok Sabha ...and more »

2018.12.02 - Sursă: 90% - News
This plot of about 30,000 sq.ft is located next to tower-1 of the super luxury residential Castel Royale residential project, located on 20 acres off Aundh road on Park road outside the Khadki gate of Savitribai Phule Pune University. “We have built...

2018.11.29 - Sursă: 95% - News
Shyam Ghuge, the proprietor of Hariti Prakashan who's bookstall at the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) was disrupted by the ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad) for allegedly selling “anti-national” books, has said that he won't succumb...

2018.11.28 - Sursă: 85% - News
Phule played a key role in starting educational institutions like "Native Female School, Pune" and "The Society for Promoting the Education of Mahars, Mangs and Etceteras" in the 1850s. Phule himself taught in these schools, as did Savitribai. Brahmi...

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Avere & Salariu

Nu exista inca averea lui Savitri aici. Incearca sa gasesti prin Biografie de la Savitri's averea sa si adauga-o aici. Pentru Savitri Bai Phule inca nu avem Salariu aici. Poate gasesti in CV raspunsul.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Savitri Bai Phule has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Savitri Bai Phule is unknown or there is no related information.
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