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Rajeev Shukla Biografie & News

- Avere & Scorul

Rajeev Shukla

Rajeev Shukla

MP; Rajya Sabha;...
Data nașterii:
Partid politic:
Legături externe:

Rajeev Shukla

MP; Rajya Sabha;...
Data nașterii:
Partid politic:
Unknown, Un...
Legături externe:

Biografie & Evaluare

Scorul Ductumeter este pozitiv si Rajeev poate fi votat crede Ductum. Persoanele cred ca Rajeev este pozitiv. Cauta daca are si negative si decide daca Rajeev merita sa fie un conducator.
He sa nascut pe data de N/A si activ in India, New Delhi ca mp; rajya sabha; maharashtra.
Rajeev Shukla are in total 154 Noutati si e separat in 153 News, 0 Pozitive, 0 Negative, 1 Realizări, 0 Acuzații and 0 Condamnări. Cel mai activa categorie esteNews. Rajeev Shukla este cel mai activ in News and Alegeri.


2016.09.22 - Sursă: 90% - Alegeri
Uttar Pradesh Cricket președintele Asociației Rajeev Shukla felicitat foștii căpitani, inclusiv Ajit Wadekar, Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Kris ...

2018.12.05 - Sursă: 75% - News
Modi went on to call Rahul's family 'nakli Gandhi parivar' and blamed them for not doing enough for the khadi industry. He claimed that he had popularised the khadi jacket, which he maintained has come to be known as the Modi jacket and is now being...

2018.12.05 - Sursă: 90% - News
“Delhi is the power centre of the country, it is the capital, therefore the name Delhi Capitals,” JSW director Parth Jindal said, according to AFP. He also added that they wanted the name to mean something for the people from Delhi. “With (Shikhar .....

2018.12.04 - Sursă: 95% - News
... अभी जवाब नहीं मिला? जवाब : भाजपा को पहले ये बताना चाहिए कि यूपी, उत्तराखंड, हरियाणा और झारखंड में उसका दूल्हा या सेनापति कौन था? राजस्थान में कांग्रेस की परंपरा रही है कि विधायक मंडल की बैठक में ही सीएम का नाम तय किया जाता है। सवाल : कांग्रेस में...

2018.12.02 - Sursă: 95% - News
But the Congress's Rajeev Shukla, holding fort while Pilot campaigns in the rest of the state, brushes aside such calculations. He says the Gujjars (Sachin's community) — plus “the Muslims, in fact most of the community, are solidly behind the ...

2018.12.02 - Sursă: 95% - News
Will win over 150 seats in Rajasthan: Rajeev Shukla. Jaipur, Dec 2 (UNI) With the election campaign in full swing in Rajasthan, the Congress on Sunday claimed that the party is going to win over 150 seats in the ensuing assembly electoral battlefront...

2018.12.01 - Sursă: 75% - News
Jaipur: The Bhartiya Janata Party's former Secretary and political advisor Chandra Raj Singhvi is likely to join Congress. Singhvi in his twitter post announced the news on Saturday. According to Chandra Raj Singhvi's tweet, a meeting was held with ....

2018.11.30 - Sursă: 90% - News
Senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel is camping in Jaipur to observe the party campaign for Rajasthan assembly elections. In an informal discussion with the media at press club on Friday, Patel expressed concerns on rising incidents of assault on ...

2018.11.30 - Sursă: 85% - News
नवजोत सिंह सिद्ध के सवाल पर वे बोले, कांग्रेस ने अपना स्टैंड साफ कर रखा है. कांग्रेस नवजोत सिंह के बयान से इत्तेफाक नही रखती है. एक सवाल में वो बोले, गांधी परिवार ने देश के लिए शहादत दी है, उनके योगदान को काम करके नहीं आंका जा सकता. राममंदिर को लेकर...

Mai multe informatii

Avere & Salariu

Nu exista inca averea lui Rajeev aici. Incearca sa gasesti prin Biografie de la Rajeev's averea sa si adauga-o aici. Pentru Rajeev Shukla inca nu avem Salariu aici. Poate gasesti in CV raspunsul.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Rajeev Shukla has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Rajeev Shukla is unknown or there is no related information. Rajeev is active as MP; Rajya Sabha; Maharashtra.
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