Andrea Fischer Biografie & News
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Rol guvernamental
Andrea Fischer
Biografie & Evaluare
Scorul Ductumeter este pozitiv si Andrea poate fi votat crede Ductum. Persoanele cred ca Andrea este pozitiv. Cauta daca are si negative si decide daca Andrea merita sa fie un conducator. She s-a născut pe 14 ian 1960 si e activ în Germany, Berlin. Andrea Fischer are in total 260 Noutati si e separat in 259 News, 1 Pozitive, 0 Negative, 0 Realizări, 0 Acuzații and 0 Condamnări. Cel mai activa categorie esteNews. Andrea Fischer este cel mai activ in News and Rol guvernamental.Noutăti
2018.10.26 - Sursă: 85% - News
The Michigan Daily Administration News Beat will be conducting interviews with the incumbent and challenging candidates for University of Michigan Board of ...and more »
2018.10.25 - Sursă: 75% - News
LANSING, Mich. (WILX) -- Michigan voters will be choosing board members for three public universities on Election Day, Nov. 6. Two of eight seats are up for election for all three schools. The University of Michigan Board of Regents has 10 candidates...
2018.10.25 - Sursă: 80% - News
The Detroit News is making recommendations in a number of state and local races on the Nov. 6 election ballot.and more »
2018.10.24 - Sursă: 80% - News
Republican incumbents Andrea Fischer Newman of Ann Arbor and Andrew Richner of Grosse Pointe Park are seeking additional terms, and they should get them. The board has been heavily dominated by Democrats, and it's worth at least preserving the ...
2018.10.22 - Sursă: 75% - News
Amy Schumer is pregnant with her first child, she announced via her friend, the journalist and author Jessica Yellin. Schumer married chef Chris Fischer in a beach wedding in February. At the time, she told fans that she was not pregnant, despite the...
2018.10.21 - Sursă: 95% - News
“I think rain makes things a little more intense but yeah no I think it would be the same,” said Andrea Fischer who came from Wisconsin. “If it doesn't affect the race it won't affect me,” said Gina McGauley, an Austin resident. The main races will ....
2018.10.18 - Sursă: 90% - News
When you embark on a relationship with someone, it's only natural to invite them to try out your favorite hobbies, and vice versa. That's exactly what Amy Schumer did this week, when she brought along husband Chris Fischer while engaging in her
2018.10.18 - Sursă: 80% - News
During a UM Board of Regents candidate forum Monday, regents Andrea Fischer Newman and Andrew Richner addressed the university's decision to punish Cheney-Lippold, bringing the argument of academic freedom to the forefront. Fischer Newman said ...
2018.10.18 - Sursă: 75% - News
Two prominent educational and professional institutions — the American Association of University Professors and the American Political Science Association ...and more »
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Avere & Salariu
Nu exista inca averea lui Andrea aici. Incearca sa gasesti prin Biografie de la Andrea's averea sa si adauga-o aici. Pentru Andrea Fischer inca nu avem Salariu aici. Poate gasesti in CV raspunsul.Prison, Corruption & Trust
Andrea Fischer has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.Political Party
The political party of Andrea Fischer is unknown or there is no related information.Persoane similare
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