A secret army of 200 neo-Nazi soldiers planned to murder immigrants and political figures in Germany, it has been revealed.

The operation, chillingly titled Day X, was intended to wreak havoc on the country by carrying out a series of brutal killings.

Under the plot, Green Party leader Claudia Roth, foreign minister Heiko Mass and ex-president Joachim Gauck would have been executed.

The conspiracy was revealed in a seven page report by Berlin news weekly, Focus.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass was a target (
AFP/Getty Images)

Death squads planned to lure them and other left-wingers to remote locations to assassinate them on the day law and order collapsed - something they claim is 'imminent.'

The 200 soldiers were also set to target leaders of asylum groups they blamed for rapes, terror and social unrest.

The group also wanted to execute Claudia Roth, it is claimed (

The group are allegedly a neo-Nazi faction within the Bundeswehr’s KSK – the equivalent of the SAS.

Its membership grew when Chancellor Angela Merkel let a million refugees into the country in 2015.

Former German President Joachim Gauck (
Getty Images)

But authorities smashed the breakaway group before the death squad could carry out their plans.

Originally, they thought it was an alcohol-fuelled fantasy, but a former Air Force major broke under interrogation to reveal the truth.

The plotters all belonged to a group called Uniter, which was founded in 1996 to take care of soldiers who had toured in Afghanistan and Africa.

Uniter has denied any knowledge of the group.