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Tom Vilsack vs Ernest Moniz

Compare Tom Vilsack e Ernest Moniz para saber em quem votar.

Tom Vilsack

Tom Vilsack

Ernest Moniz

Ernest Moniz
Tom Vilsack
score Ernest Moniz
United States Secretary
United States Secretary
East Lansing United States
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Partido político
News, Alimentos & Agricultura
News, Médio ambiente
Walker seeks federal aid for farmers in Ashland, Bayfield ...
2016.09.21 - Fonte :80% - Alimentos & Agricultura
Gov. Scott Walker is asking United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to issue a...

A Republican, five Democrats and two Libertarians are running for governor
2018.05.30 - Fonte :85% - News
John Norris of Des Moines has worked for Democrats Jesse Jackson, Leonard Boswell, Tom Harkin, John...

970 On Demand: The Mike McFeely Show Rob Port, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Kevin Wallevand, Tom Vilsack, Trump ...
2018.05.10 - Fonte :95% - News
The Mike McFeely Show from Thursday, May 10, 2018. The show includes discussion on Mike's article re...

Pete D'Alessandro, Democratic candidate for the 3rd District, hammers at a populist message
2018.05.28 - Fonte :85% - News
He's spent 30 years working in politics, coming to Iowa in 1996 to help elect Leonard Boswell to the...

Dairy Industry Launches Got Jobs Campaign
2018.05.23 - Fonte :80% - News
Major dairy groups are collaborating to create the new campaign “Got Jobs? Dairy Creates Jobs, Expor...

Norris, Glasson seek union backing after Boulton exit
2018.05.25 - Fonte :85% - News
Norris, who served as Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief of staff, worked for Sen. Tom Harkin and held posts i...

Ag Secretary Confident Trump Will Help Push Farm Bill Across Finish Line
2018.05.02 - Fonte :90% - News
Former ag secretary Tom Vilsack said that while states could be doing a better job of preparing SNAP...

Stunned Nate Boulton supporters look to other Democratic candidates after he quits race
2018.05.24 - Fonte :90% - News
"I was a friend of Tom Vilsack's, and of course John was Vilsack's chief of staff, so I know he has...

Register endorses Fred Hubbell in Democratic primary for Iowa governor
2018.05.26 - Fonte :95% - News
We think Hubbell, in the mold of former Gov. Tom Vilsack, would be far more effective at accomplishi...

Do You Know Where Your Meat Comes From?
2018.05.27 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) would no longer enforce the lab...

Iowa democrats hope for "blue wave," gubernatorial payback
2018.05.20 - Fonte :85% - News
Norris has worked the rural and small town circuit the hardest of the candidates, hoping to build on...

Former ag secretary Vilsack endorses Heitkamp for Senate
2018.06.07 - Fonte :95% - News
WASHINGTON — Former agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday, June 7, said he is endorsing Sen....

Democrat Ag Secretary candidate looks forward to general election
2018.06.08 - Fonte :75% - News
Gannon is a Jasper County farmer and worked for former Iowa governor and USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack,...

Iowa Democrats see hope in nominees for governor
2018.06.08 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack and former Democratic Party state chairman John Norris of Des Moines; and former Iowa Ci...

Mexican Tariffs Could Devastate US Dairy Export Sales
2018.06.08 - Fonte :80% - News
This week Mexico announced tariffs on U.S. cheeses which could have a devastating impact on U.S. dai...

Hubbell to make local stop Saturday
2018.06.09 - Fonte :90% - News
Fred Hubbell will be joined by former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack an...

Peterson: Remembering Arnie while walking with the pros at the Principal Charity Classic
2018.06.08 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack happened by. "Been following your career my whole life," the governor told the legend. "...

Hubbell to run on Reynolds' record
2018.06.10 - Fonte :90% - News
“This is the most important election for the state of Iowa and for the people of Iowa and most impor...

INSIKT Appoints Oscar Gonzales to Lead Government & Community Relations Program
2018.06.11 - Fonte :95% - News
His government background includes working as Deputy Chief of Staff for USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack a...

Hubbell Starts Off General Election In Oskaloosa
2018.06.11 - Fonte :95% - News
Mahaska County Democrats Chair Eric Palmer introduced the quartet of guests that included former Iow...

Mexican Cheese Tariffs Could Devastate American Dairy Export Sales
2018.06.10 - Fonte :95% - News
U.S. Dairy Export Council President and CEO Tom Vilsack says, “Those tariffs on cheese will potentia...

Democratic nominee Fred Hubbell thanks voters
2018.06.11 - Fonte :85% - News
Hubbell didn't hit the trail alone: he was accompanied by his wife Charlotte as well as friends Chri...

Reynolds, a forward thinking governor
2018.06.12 - Fonte :85% - News
I know its campaign time and there is going to be a lot said but former Gov. Tom Vilsack was in Mars...

Canadian dairy farmers cling to protections as Trump demands concessions
2018.06.11 - Fonte :90% - News
said Tom Vilsack, chief executive of the U.S. Dairy Export Council and a former U.S. Agriculture Sec...

April dairy exports break record Dairy Capital Press
2018.06.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Exports of U.S. dairy products set an all-time monthly record with shipments of 213,115 metric tons...

Sheltered Canadian dairy sector skimming global exports, US complains
2018.06.12 - Fonte :80% - News
Canada cannot expect to have both a protected system and compete globally, U.S. Dairy Export Council...

Behind Trump's dairy rant, a cheesed-off Wisconsin and Canada's sacred cows
2018.06.12 - Fonte :80% - News
The effort is being pushed by the export council, headed by President Obama's former agricultural se...

Canada's dairy sector worried Trump is trying to wipe them out
2018.06.13 - Fonte :95% - News
“They have decided to go significantly into the export market by undercutting the world price for mi...

When it Comes to Labeling, COOL is No Longer the Rule
2018.06.13 - Fonte :95% - News
21, 2015, under orders from USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. The decision was made following a World Trad...

A “Smart” Way of Addressing Food Insecurity in the Digital Age
2018.06.15 - Fonte :85% - News
Maya is a 4-year-old girl who is presenting to our office for her well-child check. A familiar mark...

Ag Secretary GOP nomination to be decided Saturday
2018.06.15 - Fonte :90% - News
Republicans are holding their state convention on the state fairgrounds. The winner of the conventio...

What Canada Can Teach Trump About Milk
2018.06.15 - Fonte :85% - News
And Tom Vilsack, two-term US Department of Agriculture Secretary under Barack Obama, is a fierce cri...

Hubbell picks rural state Sen. Rita Hart as running mate
2018.06.16 - Fonte :75% - News
Hart's selection as a running mate gives the ticket the gender balance and urban-rural balance Iowa...

After four rounds of voting, Naig secures GOP nomination for ag secretary (AUDIO)
2018.06.16 - Fonte :90% - News
Naig will face Democrat Tim Gannon, a former aide to Tom Vilsack in the governor's office and in the...

Western Iowa woman who killed husband granted work release
2018.06.19 - Fonte :95% - News
She argued her husband had battered and verbally abused her. A jury convicted Duty of second-degree...

Dixie Shanahan Duty, Iowa woman who fatally shot husband, granted work release
2018.06.18 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack commuted Duty's sentence, deciding she must serve a minimum 10 years in prison. At the t...

2018.06.18 - Fonte :80% - News
... Naig crossed the required 50 percent threshold to secure the nomination from G-O-P delegates. Na...

Western Iowa woman who killed husband granted work release
2018.06.20 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack commuted her sentence so she only had to serve a minimum of 10 years before being eligib...

Iowa news in brief
2018.06.20 - Fonte :85% - News
She argued her husband had battered and verbally abused her. A jury convicted Duty of second-degree...

Glover Park Reps Leader in Lab Meats
2018.06.19 - Fonte :85% - News
... Leftwich, former majority staff director on the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and F...

Tariffs Hitting Agriculture One Of America's Positive Trade Sectors
2018.06.20 - Fonte :95% - News
A good trade deal for one sector can pose risk for the other,” said Brandon Willis, a professor of a...

Who is Dixie Shanahan Duty and why did she murder her husband?
2018.06.20 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack commuted Duty's 50-year sentence, setting aside the parole board's recommendation that h...

US dairy farmers 'deeply concerned' about exports situation | Fox ...
2018.06.21 - Fonte :75% - News
An escalating trade spat between the U.S. and some of its closest trading partners has American dair...

On the Stump: Politics 2018 Tama News-Herald
2018.06.25 - Fonte :80% - News
... on Thursday, June 21 takes the honor of being the first candidate for the November 2018 General...

EU dairy sector finds unlikely ally: Donald Trump – POLITICO
2018.06.27 - Fonte :90% - News
The US president lashed out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his dairy policy. Europe,...

Addressing rural voters
2018.06.27 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack's tenure and how places like Storm Lake and Emmetsburg and Algona moved forward along wi...

Trump: Don't sacrifice California farms to U.S. trade war | The ...
2018.06.28 - Fonte :80% - News
President Donald Trump's trade war is clouding California's farm industry, which supports more than...

Trade war + California farms + wildfires + Justice Kennedy
2018.06.29 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack: Millions of jobs, billions of dollars – don't sacrifice California farms to Trump's tra...

Senate Should Be Wary of These 3 Subsidy Myths
2018.06.28 - Fonte :85% - News
As former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said less than two years ago (and this still holds true), “The...

Fear is growing on California farms over Trump's trade war. Valley Republicans must help stop it
2018.06.28 - Fonte :95% - News
As former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack argues in an op-ed in The Sacramento Bee, it makes...

Senate Should Be Wary of These 3 Subsidy Myths
2018.06.29 - Fonte :95% - News
As former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said less than two years ago (and this still holds true), “The...

Farmers, cheese makers ask Trump to suspend tariffs on Mexican products during NAFTA talks
2018.06.30 - Fonte :90% - News
"Our first four months of 2018 showed a strong expansion in the volume of U.S. dairy exports into Me...

Former Governor, Ag Secretary Vilsack Talks Tariffs
2018.07.02 - Fonte :85% - News
Agribusiness Reporter David Geiger sits down with former Secretary of Agriculture and Iowa Governor...

Numbers flitting around
2018.07.03 - Fonte :80% - News
John Norris was an organizer of the Iowa Farm Unity Coalition, chief of staff to Tom Vilsack as gove...

'We will never forget him': Iowa leaders mourn former Gov. Bob Ray
2018.07.08 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, a Democrat who served from 2009 until 2017, offered his admiration: “Gov. Ray set the h...

Former Iowa Gov. Bob Ray's casket to lie in state Thursday; funeral scheduled for Friday
2018.07.09 - Fonte :90% - News
Ray, a Republican, drew accolades from across the political spectrum as news of his death spread acr...

Correcting the Record on Farmer Suicide Data
2018.07.09 - Fonte :90% - News
The widow and her children traveled to Washington, D.C., shortly after Tom Vilsack became Ag secreta...

Former Obama Officials Are Riding Out The Trump Years By Cashing In
2018.07.11 - Fonte :75% - News
Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is now advocating for some of the country's biggest dairy i...

Ray exhibited civility, relic of a bygone era
2018.07.12 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack. Ray lived his belief that Americans should work together and focus on our commonalities...

Dem touts his 'pro-choice' background in gubernatorial race
2018.07.12 - Fonte :95% - News
Democrats may have to change their strategy if they hope to reclaim the governor's mansion in Iowa,...

AFL-CIO sticking to the union with Walker?
2018.07.11 - Fonte :90% - News
The company has also helped the fortunes of former Sens. Ken Salazar of Colorado, Tom Harkin of Iowa...

Warren is Preparing for 2020. So Are Biden, Booker, Harris and Sanders.
2018.07.15 - Fonte :80% - News
And she has emailed with Tom Vilsack, the former Iowa governor and agriculture secretary, about an a...

Next date for farm bill steps in flux
2018.07.17 - Fonte :80% - News
She most recently was program director for economic development, resilience and transportation at th...

Scott Hutchins picked for USDA's top science post
2018.07.18 - Fonte :75% - News
The University of Virginia alumna previously was program director for economic development, resilien...

Walter Reed Jr. remembered as community champion
2018.07.17 - Fonte :90% - News
“We created a forum for residents to talk about tough community issues and come together on common g...

Gannon believes life experiences could make good ag secretary
2018.07.18 - Fonte :95% - News
Gannon, who farms with his father, Bill, and his cousin, on a Century Farm in Jasper County, worked...

Brisk fundraising pace for several statewide candidates
2018.07.20 - Fonte :80% - News
Tim Gannon, a former aide to Tom Vilsack in the governor's office and at the USDA, was unopposed for...

UPDATE: Service time set for Walter Reed Jr., remembered as community champion
2018.07.19 - Fonte :85% - News
“We created a forum for residents to talk about tough community issues and come together on common g...

'Squeaky wheel' approach working
2018.07.23 - Fonte :90% - News
We've all heard the old proverb, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” In a lot of cases, this means...

$391 Million in cheese exports to Mexico support US dairy industry, boost US economy
2018.07.23 - Fonte :80% - News
On Tuesday, Mexico responded with tariffs on a list of U.S. products, including U.S. cheeses. “Tarif...

The Coming 2020 Demolition Derby
2018.07.24 - Fonte :95% - News
Former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack announced he was running for president on November 30, 2006. His ca...

Billions in trade aid for farmers coming soon
2018.07.25 - Fonte :75% - News
Matt McKenna, a former adviser to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack who's now head of Georgetown's R...

National Western Center goes on the road | SOURCE | Colorado ...
2018.07.25 - Fonte :80% - News
The Colorado State University System is conducting monthly listening tours to gather ideas from peop...

Will The USDA's $12 Billion Package Shield Farmers From A Trade War?
2018.07.25 - Fonte :95% - News
Brandon Willis, a professor of applied economics at Utah State University and senior advisor to the...

The Elbert Files: Playwrights expose Steve King
2018.07.27 - Fonte :75% - News
His tightest race was in 2012, when he defeated Christie Vilsack, wife of former Gov. Tom Vilsack, 5...

NOTEBOOK: Who's in the July 27th Issue?
2018.07.27 - Fonte :95% - News
Allison Engel, 44. Margaret Engel, 44. Deniz Franke, 36. John Jensen, 6. Stan Jensen, 6. Lana Jones-...

Indian American Physician Megan Srinivas Seeking Iowa House Seat to Improve State's Health Care, Education Systems
2018.07.27 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack (1999-2007) to serve as the first student representative on the Iowa State Board of Educ...

Vilsack says farmers want Trump to end trade wars, not gifts
2018.07.28 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, who served as U.S. Agriculture Secretary under President Obama, tells MSNBC's Gigi Ston...

Opinion: USDA's FCIC Insurance Board has Unique Opportunity to Help Livestock Producers
2018.07.30 - Fonte :95% - News
About the Author: Brandon Willis worked on Capitol Hill for U.S. Senator Max Baucus, served as a sen...

Dairy Industry Loses $1.8 Billion Due To Tariffs, Aid May Not Help
2018.07.30 - Fonte :80% - News
Recently, the USDA announced a $12 billion aid package to help farmers impacted by the retaliatory t...

Former President Obama endorsed Iowans for Secretary of State and Secretary of Agriculture
2018.08.01 - Fonte :80% - News
Former President Barack Obama endorsed Iowa Democrats' nominees for Secretary of State and Secretary...

Trade Tiffs Slow Dairy Export Goals
2018.08.03 - Fonte :90% - News
“What this does is essentially eliminate our price competitive advantage that we had with the rest o...

ERIN MURPHY: Let's make press conferences great again
2018.08.04 - Fonte :75% - News
Previous governors, including Branstad, Chet Culver, and Tom Vilsack, also held the weekly press con...

Des Moines Register announces 2018 Political Soapbox schedule at the Iowa State Fair
2018.08.05 - Fonte :90% - News
Gannon currently works as a farmer on his family's 900-acre century farm near Mingo, worked for the...

Trade Tiffs Slow Dairy Export Goals
2018.08.06 - Fonte :80% - News
“What this does is essentially eliminate our price competitive advantage that we had with the rest o...

Top 2020 Democrats missing in Iowa but working backchannel
2018.08.06 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack, a Democrat. "I've never seen us three months away from the midterms where we haven't ha...

Make news conferences great again
2018.08.06 - Fonte :75% - News
Previous governors, including Branstad, Chet Culver and Tom Vilsack, also held the weekly news confe...

Ag News: Ag Land Buyers
2018.08.06 - Fonte :85% - News
That's according to U.S. Dairy Export Council CEO Tom Vilsack who tells MSNBC the dairy industry has...

California burns: The “new normal” thanks to Obama Era Environmental Regulations
2018.08.06 - Fonte :85% - News
Under Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, “the Obama administration finalized a rule governing the ma...

Governor Reynolds releases personal income tax returns from 2008-2017
2018.08.07 - Fonte :90% - News
In 1998, Democrat Tom Vilsack released five years of tax returns he and his wife, Christie, had file...

Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti heads to Iowa State Fair but could be the only big name Democrat at this year ...
2018.08.06 - Fonte :90% - News
The Iowa State Fair opens this week, complete with its signature deep-fried Oreos and prize hog judg...

Trade war spooks the county fair
2018.08.08 - Fonte :95% - News
He was an aide to Tom Vilsack at USDA and knows what those commodity groups are thinking. He smells...

Tim Gannon For Agriculture – An Easy Decision
2018.08.08 - Fonte :95% - News
From 2009 to 2017, Tim worked for former Iowa governor and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack...

How Trump's Supreme Court nominee could change voting rights
2018.08.09 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack in 2001 and retained in 2016 with nearly 75 percent of the vote. Since minority and youn...

Carl P. Leubsdorf: Judiciary is key in resolving battles over voting rights
2018.08.09 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack in 2001 and retained in 2016 with nearly 75 percent of the vote. Since minority and youn...

Leubsdorf: Judiciary is key in resolving battles over voting rights
2018.08.11 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack in 2001 and retained in 2016 with nearly 75 percent of the vote. Since minority and youn...

Cindy Axne tells Soapbox crowd 'The heart and soul of this country is at risk'
2018.08.11 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, Chet Culver and Terry Branstad, she said her job was to root out waste and hold governm...

Politics: Even without Infowars, social media 'echo chamber' effect lives on
2018.08.12 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack will be the featured guest at a fundraiser for fellow Democrat Nancy Fett, of Peosta. Sh...

Judiciary is key in resolving our country's battles over voting rights
2018.08.13 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack in 2001 and retained in 2016 with nearly 75 percent of the vote. Since minority and youn...

The shakeup at ERS has already started
2018.08.14 - Fonte :90% - News
Former secretaries call for focus on nutrition: Dan Glickman, Ann Veneman and Tom Vilsack, former Ag...

Political Soapbox: Gannon says Reynolds, Naig not tough on Trump trade policy
2018.08.14 - Fonte :95% - News
Gannon's resume includes time on his family farm and time in Washington, D.C. He was recruited by fo...

Vilsack: Going it alone on trade put bull's-eye on US ag
2018.08.14 - Fonte :90% - News
DeWITT — President Donald Trump's go-it-alone approach on trade with China put a bull's-eye on Ameri...

Vilsack: Going it alone on trade put bull's-eye on U.S. ag | Political ...
2018.08.15 - Fonte :85% - News
DeWITT — President Donald Trump's go-it-alone approach on trade with China put a bull's-eye on Ameri...

Hubbell's taxes being fast-tracked for release as 'soon as available'
2018.08.14 - Fonte :95% - News
Democratic state Sen. Tom Vilsack released his returns when he ran for governor in 1998, and four ye...

Iowa gubernatorial candidate says taxes being fast-tracked for release 'as soon as possible'
2018.08.15 - Fonte :80% - News
Democratic state Sen. Tom Vilsack released his returns when he ran for governor in 1998, and four ye...

Focus on Nutrition Essential for Farm Bill
2018.08.16 - Fonte :75% - News
The group includes former USDA chiefs Democrats Dan Glickman and Tom Vilsack and Republican Ann Vene...

Ex-Iowa congressman Leonard Boswell, a decorated Vietnam vet ...
2018.08.18 - Fonte :95% - News
Former Iowa Congressman Leonard Boswell, a longtime Democrat whose political career spanned decades,...

Congress Hated Obama's Aid To Farmers, Seems OK With Trump's
2018.08.17 - Fonte :80% - News
“It's a reflection of the Congress hopefully understanding and appreciating that restricting the Sec...

Services scheduled for former congressman, Leonard Boswell
2018.08.20 - Fonte :95% - News
FILE - In this Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 file photo, U.S. Rep. Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa, speaks to member...

Former US Agriculture Secretary and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack Will Speak at Iowa State University
2018.08.21 - Fonte :80% - News
Newswise — AMES, Iowa – Tom Vilsack is returning to Iowa State University this fall to discuss recen...

Vilsack on Current Trade Issues
2018.08.20 - Fonte :95% - News
“It's obvious that we were headed toward a conflict with China,” Tom Vilsack, CEO of the U.S. Dairy...

CAPITOL DIGEST: Iowa AG joins opposition to EPA's new pollution rules
2018.08.21 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack to the Iowa District Court in 1999. He was appointed in 2011 by former Gov. Terry Branst...

Vilsack endorses Fett for Iowa House
2018.08.23 - Fonte :75% - News
By Kelsey Lansing [email protected]; 17 hrs ago; (0) · Facebook · Twitter · Email. IMG_4863....

US Attempts to Push Excess Dairy onto China
2018.08.23 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Visilak, former Secretary of Agriculture and president of the Export Dairy Council, is conductin...

US dairy delegation travels to China, South Korea on trade mission
2018.08.24 - Fonte :80% - News
In Xi'an, Tom Vilsack, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC...

Ag Secretary candidates discuss E-Verify for all businesses, including farm operations
2018.08.24 - Fonte :85% - News
Democratic nominee Tim Gannon, a former aide to Tom Vilsack in the governor's office and the U-S Dep...

Trade tariffs leading to billions in losses for US dairy as new US-Mexico deal negotiated
2018.08.28 - Fonte :95% - News
“The damage is real, and it is being felt by dairy farmers, dairy businesses and dairy exporters eve...

Democratic ag secretary candidate calls for extra $5 million to ISU for research
2018.08.29 - Fonte :90% - News
The Mingo native previously worked in the U.S. Department of Agriculture under former agriculture se...

USDA buys $1.2bn of surplus food from US farmers while trade disputes rage on
2018.08.29 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, president and CEO of USDEC, said, “The damage is real, and it is being felt by dairy fa...

Candidate shows up early, listens carefully
2018.08.29 - Fonte :95% - News
Sherrod Brown of Ohio, would have a better handle on rural issues (unless Tom Vilsack runs). Oregon...

Protect judicial selection system, says retiring Iowa Supreme Court judge
2018.08.30 - Fonte :80% - News
Zager was appointed to the district court by Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack and to the Iowa Supreme Cou...

Iowa Supreme Court Justice Zager honored upon retirement
2018.08.30 - Fonte :85% - News
... years in the Black Hawk County Attorney's office. He then served as a district court judge in Wa...

The Forest Service Is Silencing Women
2018.08.29 - Fonte :85% - News
Perdue, because former Georgia governor Sonny Perdue replaced Tom Vilsack as the secretary of agricu...

National News Briefly
2018.08.31 - Fonte :85% - News
In Xi'an, Tom Vilsack, president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, will speak Saturday to hu...

Cramer column: North Dakota priorities abound in Farm Bill drafts
2018.08.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Here's some good news for North Dakota! Our state's entire delegation was appointed to serve on the...

Agribusiness: Dairy Export Council Visits Asia
2018.09.03 - Fonte :80% - News
President of the U.S. Dairy Export Council and former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was ove...

„Es gibt ein Klima der Unsicherheit und Angst“
2018.09.03 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack: Die Hersteller von Sojabohnen, Schweinefleisch sowie Milchprodukten spüren die Auswirku...

Former Iowa Governor to speak about agriculture and trade relations
2018.09.03 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, former Governor of Iowa and Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, w...

Tom Vilsack speaks on trade agreements and the United States agriculture market
2018.09.05 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack spoke about international trade relations and the impact on United States agriculture on...

Former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack on Ongoing Ag Tariffs
2018.09.04 - Fonte :95% - News
Companies and farmers weathering the Trump administration's trade policy, which has brought painful...

US dairy struggles to keep Chinese market under tariffs
2018.09.05 - Fonte :75% - News
... of relatively low-cost nonfat dry milk powder – have already had to give up, but many who depend...

FOX NEWS FIRST: Political theater mars Kavanaugh hearing; Facebook, Twitter executives expected on the hot seat
2018.09.05 - Fonte :85% - News
Countdown to the Closing Bell, 3 p.m. ET: Tom Vilsack, U.S. Dairy Export Council CEO, former Agricul...

R. Brad Lane and Governor Tom Ridge expand RIDGE-LANE Limited Partners with Tony Scott, Molly Corbett Broad ...
2018.09.06 - Fonte :85% - News
R. Brad Lane and Governor Tom Ridge expand RIDGE-LANE Limited Partners with Tony Scott, Molly Corbet...

US-China tariffs creating a 'barrier' for American dairy | Fox Business
2018.09.05 - Fonte :95% - News
A back-and-forth trade war between the U.S. and China has been detrimental to the American dairy bus...

'You only have so many people to assist in the fight': USDEC visits China, South Korea amid trade tension
2018.09.06 - Fonte :75% - News
Fluid milk, cheese, whey and powder have been among the products affected. Tom Vilsack of the USDEC...

Rep. Kevin Cramer: Farm Bill priorities for North Dakota
2018.09.06 - Fonte :75% - News
As our farmers know all too well, former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's implementation of the A...

Political veterans say debate could benefit Reynolds, Hubbell
2018.09.07 - Fonte :95% - News
“I think there will be three debates. We've always had three debates in Iowa for gubernatorial candi...

Marion County Dems Holding Picnic and Pie Auction
2018.09.08 - Fonte :75% - News
The Marion County Democrats are holding a picnic and pie auction tomorrow at Lake Red Rock Fifield 1...

Political veterans say debate could benefit Reynolds, Hubbell
2018.09.09 - Fonte :95% - News
We've always had three debates in Iowa for gubernatorial candidates,” said Gross, who challenged Dem...

Marion County Dems Holding Picnic and Pie Auction Today
2018.09.09 - Fonte :90% - News
The Marion County Democrats are holding a picnic and pie auction today at Lake Red Rock Fifield 1 sh...

From Tom Vilsack to fall enrollment: This is the weekly recap in academics
2018.09.09 - Fonte :80% - News
In case you missed it, here are the top stories from academics this week: 9/4: CALS candidate Daniel...

Poll shows Steve King with lead in Iowa 4th race with Scholten
2018.09.11 - Fonte :95% - News
His closest call was in 2012 when he edged Democratic challenger Christie Vilsack, 53 percent to 45...

IN DEPTH: Former Governor Tom Vilsack
2018.09.11 - Fonte :80% - News
A former Iowa Governor and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture was in Marion County Sunday for the Marion...

Libertarians have earned invitation to Iowa governor debates
2018.09.13 - Fonte :75% - News
Iowa's gubernatorial debates this year will be one lectern short. Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds and D...

Hickenlooper moves closer to 2020 presidential bid POLITICO
2018.09.13 - Fonte :95% - News
SAN FRANCISCO — Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is edging closer to a potential run for president, f...

Northam to deliver food policy address at Chesapeake Food Summit
2018.09.13 - Fonte :90% - News
Kessler was particularly close to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack during the Obama administ...

Democrats serve slices of tough talk at pie auction
2018.09.14 - Fonte :95% - News
PELLA — Tom Vilsack wasn't at Lake Red Rock on Sunday just to talk about his wife's peach pie. Thing...

Vilsack to speak at Dubuque sustainability conference
2018.09.15 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack will be one of the featured speakers at the 11th annual Growing Sustainable Communities...

The fight over defining soy and almond milk
2018.09.14 - Fonte :75% - News
Agribusiness is among the most entrenched interests in Washington, and it has mastered the revolving...

Complaint questions cost of Iowa governor's flight to game
2018.09.17 - Fonte :75% - News
An attorney is alleging that Gov. Kim Reynolds' campaign underreported the cost of a flight she took...

Democrats make pay-for-play insinuation over Reynolds donations
2018.09.18 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack) told me, you need to be your own biggest contributor. As long as you are the biggest co...

Four corners briefs Sept. 19, 2018
2018.09.18 - Fonte :95% - News
Kim Reynolds' campaign underreported the cost of a flight she took on a contractor's jet to the Iowa...

For farmers, not Farm Bureau
2018.09.19 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack, and we will never forget it. Mike Naig, the Republican candidate, is a graduate of Buen...

Reynolds' Missed Judge Appointment Deadline Raises Question
2018.09.20 - Fonte :85% - News
Gary Dickey, an Iowa lawyer who served as former Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says he plans to...

CSU Ag Innovation Summit addresses global food security and biosecurity
2018.09.19 - Fonte :80% - News
... director of the International Center for Food Industry Excellence; Blake Bextine, program manage...

Ethics panel: Reynolds OK to take 9 rides on private jets
2018.09.20 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, who also reported three flights during one of his campaigns. The board's records report...

Gov. Kim Reynolds' flights on private jets not improper, ethics panel rules
2018.09.21 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack, who also reported three flights during one of his campaigns. The board's records report...

Gov. Kim Reynolds' missed judge appointment deadline raises question
2018.09.21 - Fonte :85% - News
"Until this issue is resolved with some finality, it does call into question the jurisdiction of the...

Reynolds' missed judge appointment deadline raises question
2018.09.21 - Fonte :95% - News
Gary Dickey, an Iowa lawyer who served as former Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says he plans to...

Gannon requests votes to become Iowa Ag Secretary
2018.09.23 - Fonte :95% - News
He said he worked on President Barack Obama's 2008 Iowa campaign as director of rural outreach. He t...

Evans: Taxpayers paying expensive tab over political differences
2018.09.24 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack appointed Chris Godfrey, a lawyer from Sioux City, to fill the remaining three years of...

The Power of 4 Black Women, and How Obama Told Them Race Didn't Matter
2018.09.24 - Fonte :85% - News
Almost always White men, candidates such as Howard Dean and Tom Vilsack would suddenly find themselv...

Ag secretary nominee touts trade, conservation
2018.09.25 - Fonte :95% - News
Tim Gannon, the Democratic candidate for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, believes he has the right co...

'He's going to do it … He's got a theory'
2018.09.26 - Fonte :95% - News
“The challenge for a Hickenlooper, or for that matter many of the other candidates, is how do you ra...

Statewide office candidates tour Iowa universities
2018.09.27 - Fonte :95% - News
The candidates encouraged students to put all of their energy into the Nov. 6 election. According to...

Badger-Two Medicine lease reinstated
2018.09.26 - Fonte :85% - News
Now the recommendation for or against drilling is in the hands of the Advisory Council on Historic P...

'Storm Lake' book is available Tuesday
2018.09.28 - Fonte :90% - News
Former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack says, “(Art) believes strongly that Storm Lake is worthy writing ab...

State Democrats visit with Iowa State students
2018.09.27 - Fonte :75% - News
Gannon talked about his own volunteerism during Democratic Governor Tom Vilsack's campaign. “We've g...

Disappearing 'underground" trafficking plays a part
2018.09.29 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack. After she left the legislature, Tinsman founded Braking Traffik, an organization dedica...

In Iowa: Echoes of 1998 in 2018 governor's race
2018.09.30 - Fonte :90% - News
About this time 20 years ago, I was sitting across a desk from Tom Vilsack at his campaign headquart...

Democrats fired up at chilly Polk County Steak Fry
2018.09.29 - Fonte :95% - News
(Tom) Vilsack says it's the most important election in Iowa in the last 50 years, and that includes...

American Legion team being revived for 2019 season
2018.10.01 - Fonte :85% - News
... Legion Baseball boasts such names as Yogi Berra, Ted Williams, Frank Robinson, Chipper Jones and...

Fall Flea Market & Festivities @ MLT Community Senior Center!
2018.10.01 - Fonte :95% - News
Saturday October 13th, from 9:00am-3:00pm the Mountlake Terrace Community Senior Center invites you...

Trump trade deal pries open Canada's dairy market
2018.10.01 - Fonte :80% - News
“The outlines of the NAFTA pact remain intact, which will allow the U.S. agricultural sector to cont...

US Dairy Farmers Score Gains in New Trade Deal
2018.10.01 - Fonte :95% - News
The deal should remove uncertainty that has hurt the U.S. dairy industry since the Trump administrat...

US Dairy Organizations Thank Trump Administration for Concluding New Trade Agreement with Canada, Mexico
2018.10.01 - Fonte :80% - News
"The outlines of the NAFTA pact remain intact, which will allow the U.S. agricultural sector to cont...

Dairy, Wheat Grades Among Some Ag Issues Addressed, But Retaliatory Tariffs Remain
2018.10.01 - Fonte :75% - News
The fact that an agreement has been struck provides some certainty of relief for U.S. dairy farmers...

Ambassador Terry Branstad: China uses US free press to bully American workers, farmers
2018.10.01 - Fonte :95% - News
But the Trump administration placed a “large bull's-eye” on U.S. farmers by failing to get Europe, J...

Tom Vilsack talks trade and dairy exports under USMCA
2018.10.03 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom: I think the fact that we mixed up tariffs with steel and aluminum obviously has created a hiccu...

US dairy experts cast doubts that Canada trade deal will end a deep slump
2018.10.03 - Fonte :75% - News
“The export story is probably the silver lining in the dark cloud that hangs over the dairy industry...

Trade deal: What could it mean for milk prices and farmers?
2018.10.03 - Fonte :75% - News
“The export story is probably the silver lining in the dark cloud that hangs over the dairy industry...

Two Secretary of Agriculture candidates debate in the MU
2018.10.04 - Fonte :90% - News
Gannon previously worked at the USDA under U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and former Iowa governor To...

AgriTalk: October 4, 2018
2018.10.04 - Fonte :95% - News
Former Secretary of Agriculture and current president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council Tom V...

From anonymity to Pulitzer: Art Cullen discusses his career
2018.10.04 - Fonte :85% - News
Soon, he was getting calls from the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, fo...

Biosecurity featured as key topic at this year's CSU AgInnovation Summit
2018.10.05 - Fonte :95% - News
To cap off the event, former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who was a keynote speaker in 2017...

In Iowa debut, Booker urges action after high court vote
2018.10.07 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack during the Iowa Democratic Party's annual Fall Gala, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018, in Des Moin...

Week in Review: Top stories from across the tri-states
2018.10.07 - Fonte :80% - News
Speaking to hundreds of people in Dubuque on Tuesday afternoon, former Iowa Gov. and U.S. Secretary...

Insiders 10/07/2018: Farmer Makes Case for Statewide Job, Insiders Discuss How Kavanaugh Hearing Impacts Voters
2018.10.07 - Fonte :90% - News
DES MOINES, Iowa–A Jasper County farmer and former staffer to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vils...

Democrats' first 2020 debate is only months away
2018.10.08 - Fonte :90% - News
"The first stage gets the primetime hour, the second group gets the 11 o'clock hour and you're compe...

Farm Bill stalled in Senate, but why?
2018.10.08 - Fonte :85% - News
Democratic leadership, going back to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, has pushed for increa...

'We have so much pain': Sen. Cory Booker makes 2020 Iowa debut
2018.10.08 - Fonte :80% - News
"It was a very good message, obviously well received," said Tom Vilsack, the former secretary of agr...

Speed Reads
2018.10.08 - Fonte :80% - News
"The first stage gets the primetime hour, the second group gets the 11 o'clock hour and you're compe...

Ohio Ag Net Podcast | Episode 76 | One man band talks trade, drug prevention, and harvest safety
2018.10.08 - Fonte :75% - News
Joel Penhorwood hosts the Ohio Ag Net podcast, episode 76, sponsored by AgriGold. Guests include Tom...

Farm Bill stalled in Senate, but why?
2018.10.09 - Fonte :80% - News
Democratic leadership, going back to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, has pushed for increa...

Dairy West sets annual meeting for Boise
2018.10.08 - Fonte :80% - News
Guest speakers Nov. 7 include former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, now president and CEO o...

Lawyer formally challenges Iowa governor's judge appointment
2018.10.09 - Fonte :75% - News
Dickey, who served as former Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says a judge must declare...

Iowa news in brief
2018.10.10 - Fonte :85% - News
Dickey, who served as former Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says a judge must declare...

How Does President Trump's Cabinet Turnover Compare To Others?
2018.10.10 - Fonte :80% - News
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack served the entirety (minus one week) of President Obama's two term...

Lawyer formally challenged Iowa governor's judge appointment
2018.10.10 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says a judge must declare whether Reynolds' verbal appointment is suff...

Don't fail to make your voice heard
2018.10.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Right here in Iowa, in the 1998 Democratic primary, Tom Vilsack won his party's nomination for gover...

Lawyer formally challenges Gov. Kim Reynolds' judge appointment
2018.10.10 - Fonte :80% - News
Dickey, who served as former Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, says a judge must declare...

Iowa chief justice says he has no authority to take action on Reynold's judge appointment
2018.10.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady will not “confirm or ratify” the June appointment of a 6t...

Libertarian candidate Porter says criminal justice reform needs more attention
2018.10.11 - Fonte :85% - News
In 2005, Governor Tom Vilsack issued an executive order that automatically restored voting rights to...

Meet the Candidates: Tim Gannon
2018.10.12 - Fonte :75% - News
Gannon worked for former Iowa governor and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack in various posi...

Ag secretary race defined by conservation
2018.10.14 - Fonte :95% - News
Iowa's next secretary of agriculture will be a key player in the ongoing debate over how best to pro...

Tim Gannon launches TV ads in bid for Iowa secretary of agriculture
2018.10.17 - Fonte :80% - News
"But working at USDA with Tom Vilsack, we focused on the future — opening new markets overseas and e...

Grundy County pays $500000 after jailer waits 13 minutes to aid man who hanged self in cell
2018.10.16 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack asked the Iowa Ombudsman's office to review multiple deaths at the Anamosa State Peniten...

Ex-USDA official Tim Gannon eyes Iowa ag-secretary office
2018.10.18 - Fonte :85% - News
From 2009 to 2017, Gannon worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture under Tom Vilsack, the forme...

“Celebration of the Literary Arts 2018,” October 25
2018.10.17 - Fonte :80% - News
Swander's play Farmscape, meanwhile, has been performed throughout the U.S., with a special performa...

Iowa View: Don't fail to make your voice heard
2018.10.19 - Fonte :80% - News
In 1960, the presidential vote was so close that the outcome was decided by about one vote per preci...

Yeshi Abebe is top fundraiser in Black Hawk County supervisors race
2018.10.21 - Fonte :75% - News
She also received a $200 contribution from former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack. Abebe worked in the U.S. De...

Iowa's statewide races offer intrigue
2018.10.21 - Fonte :95% - News
The Democratic challenger is Tim Gannon, a Jasper County farmer who worked under Tom Vilsack when th...

Gannon wants to grow Iowa's ag economy
2018.10.20 - Fonte :90% - News
While his opponent may have a bit more name recognition, Gannon also has a strong background in the...

Making Nutrition a Priority | Tufts Now
2018.10.22 - Fonte :90% - News
Long before Jean Mayer became the tenth president of Tufts University in 1976, he was a war hero. He...

Dairy Industry Would Rather Resolve Trade than Receive Aid
2018.10.22 - Fonte :90% - News
”Unfortunately, the bail out isn't a long-term solution, according to Tom Vilsack, CEO of the U.S. D...

Jean Mayer Prize for Excellence in Nutrition Science and Policy awarded to individuals, organizations
2018.10.23 - Fonte :90% - News
During his time in the Senate, Harkin served as chairman of the Committee on Health, Education, Labo...

Heartland Summit, Vilsack spotlight rural development needs
2018.10.24 - Fonte :85% - News
The four-day Heartland Summit last week highlighted a rural investment drought, with the 19-state He...

Commitment 2018: Axne vying for spot in US House of Representatives
2018.10.23 - Fonte :80% - News
The longtime Democrat said working for former Iowa governors Tom Vilsack, Chet Culver and Terry Bran...

Former Gov. Vilsack dishes up dinner, and support for Megan Srinivas
2018.10.25 - Fonte :85% - News
On Wednesday, her campaign got a boost from Tom Vilsack, who served as Iowa's governor for eight yea...

Speaking out on wilderness protections
2018.10.24 - Fonte :90% - News
REGIONAL— Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack joined two top Forest Service officials,...

What could a new NAFTA mean for dairy?
2018.10.25 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, a former U.S. Agriculture Secretary, is the president and chief executive officer of th...

Ag applauds work to deepen Philippine trade relations
2018.10.25 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, said this assurance is significant...

US Dairy Industry Applauds Work to Deepen Philippine Trade Relations
2018.10.24 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack, president and CEO of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, said this assurance is significant...

Walker, Trump out of touch with Wisconsin voters, disillusioned about dairy industry
2018.10.25 - Fonte :95% - News
U.S Dairy Export Council president Tom Vilsack added that Mexican and Canadian retaliatory tariffs a...

Iowa election 2018: Sunde challenges Cownie for Iowa House seat
2018.10.26 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack administration, deputy communications director, 2000-2001; Strategic America, public rel...

Did President Trump Just Cancel Michelle Obama's School Lunch Program?
2018.10.25 - Fonte :85% - News
The most popular example of this message that we could find was shared by “Tom Bones Malone” in Octo...

Gannon brings ag secretary campaign to Ottumwa
2018.10.25 - Fonte :75% - News
OTTUMWA — Tim Gannon told an Ottumwa audience he wants to see Iowa build “a conservation economy” as...

Campaign Countdown: state ag secretary race
2018.10.26 - Fonte :75% - News
Gannon worked for Tom Vilsack in the governor's office and in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Th...

Porter: Criminal justice reform has been overlooked in 2018 campaign
2018.10.25 - Fonte :95% - News
The governor has the power to automate this process by signing an executive order. Former Gov. Tom V...

The Iowa purchase
2018.10.26 - Fonte :85% - News
His opponent is Tim Gannon, a Mingo Democrat and former aide to US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack...

Hubbell can return Iowa to its sensible roots
2018.10.28 - Fonte :85% - News
To many Iowans, this isn't the state where they grew up, where people like Bob Ray and Tom Vilsack r...

Down-ballot candidates on TV, too
2018.10.29 - Fonte :90% - News
Democratic challenger Tim Gannon's first ad stresses his experience working in the federal ag depart...

Iowa election 2018: Gleason challenges Hockensmith for Polk County supervisor seat
2018.10.30 - Fonte :85% - News
Work history: Polk County Board of Supervisors, 2003-present; Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, policy adviser;...

Hubbell can return Iowa to its sensible roots
2018.10.29 - Fonte :80% - News
To many Iowans, this isn't the state where they grew up, where people like Bob Ray and Tom Vilsack r...

Food Stamps For Soda: Time To End Billion-Dollar Subsidy For Sugary Drinks?
2018.10.29 - Fonte :75% - News
More than 1,000 deaths every day are due to poor diets," Dan Glickman, Ann Veneman and Tom Vilsack w...

Iowa election 2018: Oldson faces challenge from Addy for House seat in Des Moines district
2018.10.31 - Fonte :80% - News
Work history: Iowa Department of Insurance, first deputy insurance commissioner, 1990-1998; Office o...

2018 Mid-Term Election Preview: Iowa secretary of agriculture
2018.11.01 - Fonte :80% - News
Professional Background: Former senior official for eight years at USDA under Secretary Tom Vilsack....

Des Moines lawyer challenges Reynolds' appointment of judge
2018.11.02 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, claims in an application to file a petition that “Mr. Besler is unlawfully holding the...

Four days out, Democrats working to turn tide of Iowa politics
2018.11.02 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack, the former governor of Iowa and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, will be in Burlington to...

Hubbell, Hart make final campaign swing through Sioux City
2018.11.02 - Fonte :90% - News
Hubbell says, "We're going to be a Governor and Lieutenant governor that stands up for Iowans no mat...

Dairy Checkoff Leaders Share Highlights During Annual Meeting
2018.11.01 - Fonte :95% - News
USDEC President and CEO Tom Vilsack launched the “Next 5%” initiative to build export volume from 15...

Competition at Top of Ticket Could Boost Democrat for Agriculture
2018.11.01 - Fonte :85% - News
A Democrat who farms with his family in Mingo, Gannon worked in former U.S. Secretary of Agricutlure...

Vilsack: 'The future of democracy' on the line in elections Tuesday
2018.11.03 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom and Christie Vilsack visited with voters at the Des Moines County Democrats' Burlington office....

Attorney files challenge to eastern Iowa judge appointment
2018.11.03 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack's chief attorney, filed documents Thursday seeking permission of the court to challenge...

Though not on ballot, Grassley logging miles on campaign trail
2018.11.02 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack and his wife, Christie, and former Lt. Gov. Sally Pederson have been making campaign app...

Trump Backs Wood Power Scientists Call Dirtier Than Coal
2018.11.02 - Fonte :90% - News
For instance, former Democratic Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack argued in 2016 that “the U.S. wood...

Dairy Management Inc: Surging exports, partnership support and Undeniably Dairy campaign among areas of 2018 ...
2018.11.02 - Fonte :95% - News
USDEC President and CEO Tom Vilsack launched the “Next 5%” initiative to build export volume from 15...

Make your voice heard at the polls
2018.11.04 - Fonte :90% - News
Right here in Iowa, in the 1998 Democratic primary, Tom Vilsack won his party's nomination by less t...

Our view: Here's who is backing ND candidates for Senate
2018.11.04 - Fonte :85% - News
... Home Builders; American Federation of Government Employees; National Association of Social Worke...

Rep. Steve King to Newsmax: I Will Win Re-Election
2018.11.05 - Fonte :80% - News
The embattled Republican noted that in 2012, he was outspent heavily by Democratic opponent Christie...

Three candidates for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture
2018.11.06 - Fonte :85% - News
Gannon worked for former Iowa Governor and USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack from 2009 to 2017. He is also...

Is another farm crisis looming?
2018.11.05 - Fonte :85% - News
Tim is a fifth-generation farmer and a former USDA official working for Tom Vilsack. He knows agricu...

Iowa Wesleyan University may have to shut down
2018.11.05 - Fonte :90% - News
Vilsack — whose husband, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, helped raise $1 million for the school earlie...

Though not on ballot, Grassley logging miles on campaign trail
2018.11.06 - Fonte :90% - News
Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Fred has been getting help from Iowa surrogates, too. Former Gov. T...

Democrats on precipice of governor power grab
2018.11.06 - Fonte :75% - News
"It's really nice to have senators and members of Congress ... but the reality is the day-to-day deb...

Dairy checkoff leaders share highlights at annual meeting
2018.11.06 - Fonte :90% - News
USDEC President and CEO Tom Vilsack launched the “Next 5%” initiative to build export volume from 15...

Democrats gain governors' seats, but GOP holds some states
2018.11.07 - Fonte :85% - News
Democrats tried Tuesday to fight their way back to power in state capitols across the country by rec...

Steve King re-elected in Iowa House race despite latest controversy
2018.11.07 - Fonte :95% - News
Democrats had hoped that they'd finally be able to oust King, whose most difficult re-election fight...

Democrat Kristin Sunde ousts incumbent to represent parts of Polk, Warren counties
2018.11.07 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack's communications department. On K-12 school funding, Sunde told the Register that “fundi...

Voter turnout increases across Iowa
2018.11.07 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, a Democrat, opposed Jim Ross Lightfoot, a Republican. Still in 1998, the state of Iowa...

Democrats gain governors' seats, but GOP holds some states WTAJ
2018.11.07 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, a Democrat, said. "Winning the governorships is huge in beginning the process of changi...

Decision time arrives for Democrats mulling 2020 bids
2018.11.08 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack did in 2006 — or wait until deeper into the election cycle, as Bill Clinton famously did...

For Both Parties, a Political Realignment Along Cultural Lines
2018.11.07 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack of Iowa, who served as agriculture secretary in the Obama administration, complained bit...

Postmortem of Trump's Midterm Loss
2018.11.08 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack as involving candidates “moderate in tone but progressive in thinking.” Evers won back c...

FARM: CDFA Secretary Ross meets with area growers
2018.11.08 - Fonte :90% - News
She served as vice president of the Agricultural Council of California from 1989-1996 and then presi...

Naig tops Mingo native in Sec of Ag race
2018.11.07 - Fonte :95% - News
Naig defeated Gannon, who announced his run for the position in February. Like many in his family be...

Steve King relishes close win after wave of political attack
2018.11.07 - Fonte :95% - News
His only other scare came in 2012 when he beat Christie Vilsack, wife of former Iowa governor Tom Vi...

US voters drew a blueprint for Democrats' success
2018.11.09 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack as involving candidates “moderate in tone but progressive in thinking.” Evers won back c...

How Trump lost
2018.11.09 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack as involving candidates “moderate in tone but progressive in thinking.” Evers won back c...

EJ DIONNE, JR.: Here's how President Trump lost on election day
2018.11.09 - Fonte :75% - News
... prevailed as pragmatic problem solvers opposing the GOP's ideologues -- a formula described by f...

EJ Dionne: The beginning of the end for Trump (Gazette Opinion)
2018.11.09 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack as involving candidates “moderate in tone but progressive in thinking.” Evers won back c...

Partnerships, innovation, branding among keys to surviving dairy's challenges
2018.11.09 - Fonte :80% - News
Former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said exports — recently about 17 percent of U.S. milk...

America's Small-Town Crisis
2018.11.09 - Fonte :80% - News
That crisis, he says, includes expensive health care, bad transportation options, job opportunities...

Minnesota Milk hosts Annual Dairy Conference and Expo
2018.11.09 - Fonte :85% - News
The conference agenda includes opening remarks from United States Dairy Export Council Secretary Tom...

Democrats gain governors' seats, but GOP holds some states
2018.11.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Democrats Andrew Cuomo in New York and Tom Wolf in Pennsylvania easily won re-election, as did two R...

Urban-rural divide: A tale of two voting Iowas Increasingly, Iowa Democrats win only in cities and suburbs
2018.11.10 - Fonte :85% - News
In the past six gubernatorial elections, starting with Democrat Tom Vilsack's first victory in 1998,...

Iowa's 'Fund of Funds' closes out after 16 years
2018.11.10 - Fonte :85% - News
In 2002, then-Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack signed into law a bill creating the “Iowa Fund of Funds,” a capi...

Vilsack warns Dems on 2020 candidates: 'I don't think the country is looking for rock stars'
2018.11.11 - Fonte :95% - News
“We're always looking for rock stars but I don't think the country is looking for rock stars,” Vilsa...

David Leonhardt : America's small-town crisis
2018.11.12 - Fonte :80% - News
Tom Vilsack, the Democrat and former Iowa governor, has come up with a four-pillar rural strategy th...

EJ DIONNE: Bigger threat to Democrats is underachievement
2018.11.12 - Fonte :95% - News
For the longer term, Democrats need to listen to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and writer...

POLITICO Playbook: Dems lay out investigation priorities
2018.11.11 - Fonte :85% - News
'We're always looking for rock stars but I don't think the country is looking for rock stars,' said...

Why wait? Democrats openly flirt with 2020 White House bids
2018.11.13 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, a veteran Democrat in the early-voting state, as well as candidates and operatives in o...

EJ Dionne: What House Democrats need to do
2018.11.13 - Fonte :75% - News
For the longer term, Democrats need to listen to former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and writer...

Iowa State Dairy Association To Hold Annual Meeting December 5-6
2018.11.12 - Fonte :85% - News
6th will be Secretary Tom Vilsack, President and CEO of the United States Dairy Export Council. Secr...

Vilsack to headline Georgetown rural finance conference
2018.11.13 - Fonte :90% - News
Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will headline a Georgetown University conference on rural c...

Why wait? Democrats openly flirt with 2020 White House bids
2018.11.13 - Fonte :90% - News
Booker was in touch with former Gov. Tom Vilsack, a veteran Democrat in the early-voting state, as w...

EJ DIONNE: Midterm results are a good first step
2018.11.13 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack as involving candidates "moderate in tone but progressive in thinking." Evers won back c...

Should Iowa restore voting rights to 52,000 felons? Advisory board ...
2018.11.14 - Fonte :90% - News
Iowa felon voter rights should be restored, a legislative advisory board recommended Wednesday.and m...

USDA sued for not requiring verification for 'humane' labeling
2018.11.16 - Fonte :85% - News
AWI's petition, filed back when Tom Vilsack was Secretary of Agriculture, asked USDA to require thir...

Iowa Supreme Court Justice Daryl Hecht to resign Local 5
2018.11.16 - Fonte :85% - News
Justice Hecht practiced law in Sioux City for 22 years before his appointment to the court of appeal...

2020 US Senate race: Who challenges Ernst?
2018.11.16 - Fonte :95% - News
Pat Rynard of says there's talk among Democrats of former Gov. Tom Vilsack as a...

Dairy reporter predicts milk production drop, shares advice
2018.11.17 - Fonte :90% - News
A push from former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who now heads the U.S. Dairy Export Co...

Still in statewide slump, Iowa Democrats see path to a brighter future
2018.11.17 - Fonte :80% - News
And Democrats have won statewide races with their own entrenched incumbents, attorney general Tom Mi...

Birds of a feather
2018.11.16 - Fonte :75% - News
A lot of names to challenge Ernst are batted around: of course, Tom Vilsack, who is 67 and enjoying...

Winners talked to voters
2018.11.19 - Fonte :85% - News
Earlier this year I noticed a provocative essay by Tom Vilsack, who was twice governor of Iowa and b...

Still in slump, Iowa Democrats eye brighter future
2018.11.19 - Fonte :80% - News
And Democrats have won statewide races with their own entrenched incumbents, attorney general Tom Mi...

How The Midterms And Lame-Duck Session Are Pushing The Farm Bill To A Deal
2018.11.20 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, a former Democratic Governor of Iowa and Agriculture Secretary under President Obama sa...

Door slightly ajar for felon voting rights Local 5
2018.11.21 - Fonte :75% - News
WEST DES MOINES - If you commit a felony in the state of Iowa, you lose the right to vote and run fo...

Gov. Kim Reynolds signals changes could come to felon voting rights policy
2018.11.20 - Fonte :75% - News
DES MOINES, Iowa — Governor Kim Reynolds said Tuesday she is taking a look at several criminal justi...

Not a rock star, but worth watching
2018.11.21 - Fonte :90% - News
Tom Vilsack advised last week that Democrats don't necessarily need a rock star to win. They need so...

How the Democrats Can Win in Rural America
2018.11.22 - Fonte :90% - News
To the Editor: Re “Democrats Need a Rural Strategy,” by Michael Tomasky (Op-Ed, Nov. 8):. As a rural...

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
2018.11.24 - Fonte :95% - News
Thumbs Up… Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds for opening the door to changing Iowa's policy of disenfranchi...

Our nation needs to accelerate artificial intelligence for farm tech
2018.11.26 - Fonte :75% - News
Melissa Brandao, a former Apple engineer, wanted to find ways to give back to her rural agricultural...

Guardian Weekly Letters, 30 November 2018
2018.11.27 - Fonte :85% - News
In Chris McGreal's report on the Democrats' struggle for rural votes in the United States, he quotes...

While Small Dairy Farms Shut Down, This Mega-Dairy Is Shipping Milk to China
2018.11.27 - Fonte :80% - News
In 2006, Stephanie Doane moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to a small, rural community in the hi...

AgriTalk: Bringing Businesses to Rural America
2018.11.27 - Fonte :75% - News
Matt McKenna served under USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. He's also the founder of Georgetown University...

Evans: Iowa should do right thing and restore voting rights of felons
2018.11.27 - Fonte :85% - News
That changed after Tom Vilsack was elected governor in 1999. About 115,000 felons regained their vot...

The Senate Will Be Competitive Again In 2020, But Republicans Are Favored
2018.11.28 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack is the Democratic candidate in Iowa, he too would enjoy the benefits of already having h...

Democrats Can Win Back Rural America, But First They Need To Understand What Bled It Dry
2018.11.28 - Fonte :95% - News
Former secretary of agriculture Tom Vilsack, for example, recently called out Democrats for lacking...

Reynolds should act to restore voting rights
2018.11.30 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack issued an executive order in 2005 to automatically restore felons' voting rights, and fo...

Publisher's Platform: Revive the MDP
2018.11.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Rosa DeLauro, D-CT, grilled Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack over the bone-headed move. The Secr...

For New York inmates, voting in midterms was 'profound, empowering experience'
2018.11.29 - Fonte :90% - News
Terry Branstad, for whom Reynolds served as lieutenant governor, revoked automatic restoration of vo...

US Dairy Groups Welcome USMCA Trade Deal Signing; Canadians Unhappy
2018.11.30 - Fonte :95% - News
“The signing of the USMCA gives America's dairy industry greater confidence as we head into 2019,” s...

Dairy Groups Applaud Final Signing of Modernized NAFTA Pact; Urges Congress to Approve Swiftly
2018.11.30 - Fonte :80% - News
“The signing of the USMCA gives America's dairy industry greater confidence as we head into 2019,” s...

While small dairy farms shut down, this mega-dairy is shipping milk to China
2018.12.02 - Fonte :80% - News
Add to that the fact that Tom Vilsack, the former agriculture secretary under President Obama, joine...

Iowa's road to restoring the right to vote to felons
2018.12.03 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, a Democrat, issued Executive Order 42, which reinstated felon voting rights for six yea...

Odds Stacked Against House Members Considering 2020 White House Bids
2018.12.03 - Fonte :75% - News
Tom Vilsack, another 2008 also-ran, became his Agriculture secretary. And when Joe Biden dropped out...

Some Democratic Governor's Association trivia
2018.12.03 - Fonte :80% - News
Reubin Askew (Florida), Jerry Brown (California), Bruce Babbitt (Arizona), Howard Dean (Vermont), To...

Tom Vilsack Fast Facts
2018.12.04 - Fonte :85% - News
Tom Vilsack Fast Facts. CNN Library. Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 12:35 PM EST. CNN Library. Here's a...

Dairy industry applauds USMCA, but tariff concerns remain
2018.12.04 - Fonte :85% - News
“We trust the administration will aggressively enforce both the letter and the spirit of the agreed-...

Editor's Picks: 15 Of Our Favorite Stories From 2018
2018.12.04 - Fonte :95% - News
Tom Vilsack, current USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue, and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND). It's always neat w...

Nearly 450K acres of farmland enrolled in MN Ag Water Quality Certification Program
2018.12.04 - Fonte :75% - News
The MAWQCP was initiated through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed in January 2012, by Gove...

Increasingly, technology decides what's for dinner
2018.12.06 - Fonte :85% - News
Former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack sees parallels between Silicon Valley and the heartlan...

While small dairy farms close, this mega-dairy is shipping milk to China
2018.12.05 - Fonte :95% - News
Add to that the fact that Tom Vilsack, the former agriculture secretary under President Obama, joine...

Delaney thinks voters want healing
2018.12.05 - Fonte :95% - News
One wonders whether the centrist candidate that Tom Vilsack called for can break through the money a...

War on coal' called misnomer
2016.09.13 - Fonte :85% - Médio ambiente
... U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said Congress needs to pass tax credits that could help power...

Netanyahu presentation offers more reason to stay in Iran deal, says former Energy Secretary Moniz
2018.05.02 - Fonte :95% - News
President Trump has a major deadline for the Iran nuclear agreement looming just 10 days away. What...

Iran Deal Withdrawal May Spur Arms Race, Ex-DOE Head Moniz Says
2018.05.15 - Fonte :85% - News
Ernest Moniz, who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal when he served as U.S. energy secretary in...

Obama Energy Secretary Billed Taxpayers $75461 for Flight to Mexico Weeks Before Trump Inauguration
2018.05.25 - Fonte :85% - News
Former secretary of energy Ernest Moniz billed taxpayers over $75,000 for a government flight to Mex...

Verifying the End of a Nuclear North Korea 'Could Make Iran Look Easy'
2018.05.06 - Fonte :85% - News
WASHINGTON — As he weighs opening nuclear disarmament negotiations with North Korea, President Trump...

Fmr. Energy Secretary: 'Of course we knew' Iran had a weapons program, 'we said so publicly, the IAEA said so publicly'
2018.05.02 - Fonte :95% - News
... the country remains a nuclear threat and doing it in English for an audience of one, President T...

Obama energy secretary: Withdrawal from Iran agreement would undermine US relationship with allies
2018.05.06 - Fonte :80% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said on Sunday that the United States' relationship with key al...

Focus your message, Moniz tells industry
2018.05.23 - Fonte :80% - News
Kristi E. Swartz, E&E News reporter. Published: Wednesday, May 23, 2018. ATLANTA — The nuclear indus...

Governor's annual energy summit kicked off Monday
2018.05.14 - Fonte :90% - News
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (News4Utah) - The 7th annual Governor's Energy Summit is underway, and more tha...

A new unity on solutions for climate change
2018.05.24 - Fonte :80% - News
In addition, a report by a think tank established by President Barack Obama's former energy secretar...

Fmr. Energy Secretary: Iran nuclear deal verifiably made sure Iran had no nuclear weapon
2018.05.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Tensions with Iran are rising after the U.S. withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal. Ernest Moniz, Ener...

The energy sector is driving job growth, but not where you think
2018.06.07 - Fonte :90% - News
But while the overall national employment numbers are strong, former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz,...

Pope Francis appeals to top energy executives to care for the poor and the environment
2018.06.09 - Fonte :90% - News
His audience included the CEOs of BP ( Bob Dudley), Exxon Mobil (Darren Woods), Eni (Claudio Descalz...

Scott Pruitt offered a test drive, like other Cabinet chiefs before him
2018.06.08 - Fonte :80% - News
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt was offered to test drive a Lexus luxury...

WIPP: Operations resume after evacuation; safety concerns noted
2018.06.08 - Fonte :95% - News
Steve Pearce, US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, US Sen. Martin H...

In the Trump Administration, Science Is Unwelcome. So Is Advice ...
2018.06.09 - Fonte :85% - News
As the president prepares for nuclear talks, he lacks a close adviser with nuclear expertise. It's o...

The list of oil companies that met with the Pope about climate change has some big names missing
2018.06.09 - Fonte :85% - News
Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, and Ernest Moniz, a former US energ...

USA launches Summit supercomputer
2018.06.11 - Fonte :90% - News
The combination of hardware and software is an evolution of the architecture successfully deployed i...

As the Push for Carbon Capture Continues, Analysts Offer Differing Views of Its Future
2018.06.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Those arguments stand in contrast to a recently released policy paper from EFI, a group led by forme...

The GOP Loves Diplomacy—When It's Not a Democrat Doing It
2018.06.11 - Fonte :85% - News
But it wasn't was ill-considered or done in haste or consummated at Obama's whim. It was painstaking...

3Q: Ernest Moniz on the Vatican climate dialogue
2018.06.12 - Fonte :80% - News
Former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz, the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and En...

Put Down Your Nukes and Step Away
2018.06.13 - Fonte :80% - News
Former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, who helped broker the Iran nuclear agreement, has warn...

Ex-Energy Sec. Moniz: Trump Wrong on NKorea No Longer Nuclear Threat
2018.06.14 - Fonte :85% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said President Donald Trump was wrong when he declared North Ko...

Pope Francis and Big Oil execs come together on need for carbon ...
2018.06.15 - Fonte :85% - News
Pope Francis waves to the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square. Photo: Franco Origlia/Getty Image...

Anniversaries: Lucille Marie Moniz Pimentle Gifford & Albert Ernest Gifford
2018.06.17 - Fonte :80% - News
Lucille Marie Moniz Pimentle and Albert Ernest Gifford of Poughkeepsie are celebrating their 60th we...

Live Wire: Who is the very short man with the long hair who was on the US team in the Iran/Obama negotiations?
2018.06.19 - Fonte :85% - News
Questions and answers of general interest and consumer topics. Q: Who is the very short man with the...

Nuclear Threat Initiative launches new advisory group
2018.06.19 - Fonte :80% - News
“We deeply appreciate the time, expertise, and confidence that this esteemed group is giving us, as...

Race to the top in supercomputing
2018.06.20 - Fonte :95% - News
Summit was one of the projects to receive the $325 millon funding announced in 2014 by the then Ener...

Climate Research Funding Still Under Threat, Report Warns
2018.06.21 - Fonte :90% - News
Ernest Moniz (right), who served as secretary of energy in the Obama administration, speaks about cl...

A “Bridge” Too Far For Anti-Pipeline Movement In New Hampshire?
2018.06.21 - Fonte :75% - News
Which explains why even progressives like President Obama's Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz say “Natur...

Iran's nuclear chief talks peace in Oslo
2018.06.22 - Fonte :95% - News
Here's Salehi (far right) in 2015 as head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran with, from left,...

Perry takes the stage
2018.06.26 - Fonte :80% - News
PERRY GETS A LITTLE HELP ON NUCLEAR: Perry has been pressing to rescue the nation's civilian nuclear...

NTI CEO Moniz on LNG Market, US Energy, Iran Sanctions
2018.06.26 - Fonte :85% - News
Jun.26 -- Ernest Moniz, chairman and chief executive officer at Nuclear Threat Initiative, discusses...

Climate change is a top spiritual priority for these religious leaders
2018.06.26 - Fonte :80% - News
Former energy secretary Ernest Moniz, who attended the meeting, said in an interview that participan...

Climate change is a top spiritual priority for these religious leaders
2018.06.28 - Fonte :90% - News
Aboard the ship more spacious than the heavens • Off the Greek island of Spetses, the leader of 300...

Blast radius: From nuclear history to art
2018.07.06 - Fonte :80% - News
The event, moderated by former White House correspondent and ABC news anchor Sam Donaldson, includes...

Climate change is a spiritual priority for some Christians
2018.07.07 - Fonte :80% - News
... up the two-day session. "But is it enough?" Former energy secretary Ernest Moniz, who attended t...

Lots on tap at Aspen Institute this week
2018.07.09 - Fonte :75% - News
Panelists will include Ernest Moniz, Energy Futures Initiative CEO and former secretary of energy; M...

Lots on tap at Aspen Institute this week
2018.07.10 - Fonte :85% - News
Panelists will include Ernest Moniz, Energy Futures Initiative CEO and former secretary of energy; M...

From Wray to Weiwei, a worldly week for the would-be wise
2018.07.12 - Fonte :80% - News
And on July 14, former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz will join a Hurst Lecture Series panel...

FLASHBACK: Kerry, Biden Warned Russian Pipeline to Germany Would Have 'Adverse Impact,' 'Fundamentally Bad ...
2018.07.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Kerry shared Trump's concerns about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline while serving in the Obama administra...

Why The Future Of Energy Could Be U.S. Natural Gas | Seeking Alpha
2018.07.13 - Fonte :85% - News
By Bruce Blythe Geology dictates that crude oil and natural gas go hand-in-hand. Drill a well for on...

Democrats assail Trump's remarks on Germany's reliance on Russia despite Kerry, Biden issuing similar concerns
2018.07.13 - Fonte :75% - News
In May 2016, Kerry was speaking in Washington, D.C. together with Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and...

Nonesuch Events for the Weekend of July 13–15
2018.07.13 - Fonte :75% - News
To contextualize the performances, Santa Fe Opera is presenting a number of area events: a conversat...

Putin-Trump summit in Helsinki to help with reduction of nuclear danger US experts
2018.07.14 - Fonte :95% - News
Former US Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz and former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn, who are co-chairm...

NTI receives grant to create Global Health Security Index
2018.07.16 - Fonte :75% - News
“We deeply appreciate the continuing, generous support from the Open Philanthropy Project to launch...

Trump-Putin Summit May Raise Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
2018.07.16 - Fonte :90% - News
Though otherwise buying the nonsense about Russia's “malign behavior,” former U.S. Energy Secretary...

The Jolt: The 3 topics avoided by Cagle and Kemp in Sunday's WSB debate
2018.07.16 - Fonte :80% - News
The two surviving candidates in the Republican contest for governor met for the final time on Sunday...

Russia Analytical Report, July 9-16, 2018
2018.07.16 - Fonte :85% - News
“Trump-Putin Summit an Essential Step to Reducing Nuclear Danger,” Ernest Moniz and Sam Nunn, The Hi...

Former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz reacts to President Trump's remarks in Helsinki
2018.07.18 - Fonte :85% - News
The President on Monday placed the blame on past administrations for the breakdown in US/Russian rel...

Blockchain Could Cut Costs of Rooftop Solar, E-Cars, Report Says
2018.07.17 - Fonte :95% - News
... of report and director of strategic research at the Energy Futures Initiative, told Bloomberg En...

Next-gen Nukes
2018.07.18 - Fonte :85% - News
To former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, an advisor to Terrestrial, it feels as if something new...

Climate change is a top spiritual priority for these religious leaders
2018.07.18 - Fonte :85% - News
Former energy secretary Ernest Moniz, who attended the meeting, said in an interview that participan...

'No First Use' and Nuclear Weapons
2018.07.17 - Fonte :80% - News
Within the Obama administration in 2016, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Ash Car...

Analysis: Sam Nunn on Donald Trump's 'baffling' performance
2018.07.17 - Fonte :85% - News
He's a co-founder (with Ted Turner) of the organization, and is now co-chair with former energy secr...

Former Energy Secretary Moniz On US-Russia Nuclear Dialogue
2018.07.19 - Fonte :90% - News
Russian President Vladimir Putin called his first summit with President Trump a success, but warned...

TAE Technologies Welcomes Secretary of Energy Rick Perry on Tour of World's Leading Private Fusion Energy Facility
2018.07.19 - Fonte :80% - News
Immelt joins Chairman Arthur Samberg, Managing Director, Hawkes Financial Services; former Morgan St...

Former Energy Secretary Moniz On US-Russia Nuclear Dialogue
2018.07.19 - Fonte :80% - News
Russian President Vladimir Putin called his first summit with President Trump a success, but warned...

NUCLEAR THREAT INITIATIVE: NTI Experts Available to Discuss Trump-Putin Summit
2018.07.21 - Fonte :85% - News
Nuclear Threat Initiative issued the following announcement on July 12. Presidents Trump and Putin a...

Next-Gen Nuclear Is Coming—If Society Wants It
2018.07.23 - Fonte :95% - News
This story originally appeared on Grist and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Back in 2009,...

Advice for 'smart cities' includes social equity, grid modernization and garbage
2018.07.26 - Fonte :95% - News
The event featured panels addressing high-tech solutions to environmental issues, telecommunications...

Rise Of Nuclear Power Was A Bad Idea
2018.07.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Duane Arnold's fate reflects the general decline in nuclear power in the United States. While some,...

Fusion Power: Watching, Waiting, as Research Continues
2018.08.01 - Fonte :85% - News
Ernest Moniz, former Secretary of Energy in the Obama administration and a nuclear physicist at MIT,...

Hope, hype and heresy as blockchains enter the energy business ...
2018.08.02 - Fonte :90% - News
TEPCO, Japan's largest energy firm, is an unlikely advocate of techno-anarchy. The firm is best know...

Report: Over 11000 South Dakota residents work in clean energy
2018.08.08 - Fonte :75% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) released in May by former...

[GGP] Columbia Energy Exchange: Dr. Ernest Moniz Shifting Dynamics Across the Energy Landscape
2018.08.10 - Fonte :90% - News
The latest episode of Columbia Energy Exchange features the views of Dr. Ernest Moniz, the former U....

Voter guide to the Congressional District 2 Democratic Primary
2018.08.10 - Fonte :75% - News
Qualifications: Served three terms as a Leon County Commissioner and then as a speechwriter for Ener...

Renewable energy employment in Indiana surges
2018.08.11 - Fonte :85% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) released in May by former...

Over 108000 Ohio Residents Work in Clean Energy
2018.08.11 - Fonte :90% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) released in May by former...

More Than 714000 Midwesterners Work in Clean Energy Jobs
2018.08.16 - Fonte :85% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) released in May by former...

In Trump's Washington, Rick Perry lays low
2018.08.16 - Fonte :95% - News
Last summer, he exchanged friendly tweets with Obama-era energy secretary Ernest Moniz after hosting...

Politics Notebook: Heinrich, ex-official tout clean energy plan
2018.08.18 - Fonte :95% - News
SANTA FE – U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich enlisted a high-profile sidekick – former U.S. Energy Secretary...

Senator Heinrich: A 100% Clean Energy Grid Is 'Completely Doable'
2018.08.21 - Fonte :80% - News
“Renewables, storage and smart and resilient grids are key to clean energy future, so Senator Heinri...

Report: 122000 Michigan Residents Work In Clean Energy Industries
2018.08.21 - Fonte :80% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) released in May by former...

Heinrich promotes clean energy vision
2018.08.23 - Fonte :95% - News
SANTA FE – Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) readied for an upcoming media campaign to promote his visio...

Scuttlebiz: Real cost estimate for MOX remains elusive
2018.08.25 - Fonte :75% - News
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya. Boondo...

2018.08.30 - Fonte :80% - News
Speaking of California's plan, my colleague Amy Harder caught up yesterday with Ernest Moniz, Presid...

Obama's Energy Secretary Points Out Two Flaws In California's 'Carbon-Free' Energy Plan
2018.08.30 - Fonte :75% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz came out in support of California's plan to get all its electri...

New Mexico senators speak out on nuclear safety board order
2018.08.31 - Fonte :95% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, who was at the meeting, acknowledged there has historically be...

Axios Science
2018.08.30 - Fonte :75% - News
... change are making a difference, but not enough to fully make up for the lack of national ambitio...

New Mexico Senators Speak Out Over Order They Say Would Hamper Nuclear Safety Board
2018.08.31 - Fonte :85% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, who was at the meeting, acknowledged that there has historical...

New Mexico senators speak out over order they say would hamper nuclear safety board
2018.09.01 - Fonte :80% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, who was at the meeting, acknowledged that there has historical...

Nuclear security threats on the rise under Trump, policy group says
2018.09.05 - Fonte :90% - News
... report by NTI, which is headed by former Obama administration energy secretary Ernest Moniz. The...

Moniz: US Energy Security More Than Oil Imports
2018.09.06 - Fonte :85% - News
American energy security "is in a very very good place" according to former U.S. Energy Secretary Er...

Report: Energy efficiency employs 2X as many Americans as fossil fuel industries
2018.09.06 - Fonte :75% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), released in May by former...

REPORT: Energy Efficiency Employs 2.25 Million Americans
2018.09.06 - Fonte :90% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), released in May by former...

OU professor selected for 2019 ASM environmental research award
2018.09.07 - Fonte :90% - News
In 2015, Zhou received the U.S. Department of Energy's highest scientific award from U.S. Energy Sec...

Moniz group launches 'substantial' CO2 air capture project
2018.09.10 - Fonte :85% - News
A think tank led by former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced today it is developing a federal...

NTI Ranks 2018's Biggest Nuclear Security Threats – Bloomberg
2018.09.10 - Fonte :90% - News
Ernest Moniz, co-chair and chief executive officer at Nuclear Threat Initiative and former U.S. Secr...

Hurricane Florence to cause "catastrophic" damage in Carolinas
2018.09.11 - Fonte :80% - News
What to watch: The bill will likely face two key challenges — finding reliable, long-term energy and...

Carbon removal group rebrands as tech gains steam
2018.09.12 - Fonte :95% - News
A think tank led by Ernest Moniz, President Obama's energy secretary, announced earlier this week it...

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios
2018.09.12 - Fonte :90% - News
A think tank led by Ernest Moniz, President Obama's energy secretary, announced earlier this week it...

Nuke talks to miss target Iran foreign minister heads home
2018.09.12 - Fonte :75% - News
(MENAFN - SomTribune) From left, U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, U.S. Secretary of State John...

Nuclear theft and sabotage threats remain high, report warns
2018.09.14 - Fonte :85% - News
“We are racing the clock to prevent an attack with catastrophic consequences,” NTI CEO Ernest Moniz...

Pompeo Calls a Former Diplomat's Meetings with Iranians 'Unseemly and Unprecedented'
2018.09.14 - Fonte :80% - News
He said that the former senior diplomat Wendy R. Sherman and former Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz...

Pompeo accuses Kerry of 'undermining' US policy by meeting Iranian counterparts
2018.09.16 - Fonte :85% - News
He referred to Kerry and two other Obama officials – former secretary of energy Ernest Moniz and for...

Columbia University launches carbon management initiative
2018.09.17 - Fonte :80% - News
A think tank led by Ernest Moniz, President Obama's energy secretary, announced last week it was dev...

Report: Energy efficiency employs 2.25 million Americans
2018.09.17 - Fonte :80% - News
Both reports expand on the 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), released in May by former...

Why the Future of Energy Could Be US Natural Gas
2018.09.18 - Fonte :95% - News
... point for global natural-gas markets, what could the future of U.S. energy markets look like?" S...

Pompeo accuses Kerry of 'undermining' US policy by meeting Iranian counterparts
2018.09.17 - Fonte :75% - News
He referred to Kerry and two other Obama officials – former secretary of energy Ernest Moniz and for...

Pompeo on Iran: Kerry, Moniz 'Acting in Ways That Are Harmful to What's Best' for America
2018.09.20 - Fonte :75% - News
Ingraham questioned Pompeo on a wide range of topics. "Secretary Kerry can't seem to get off the sta...

Pompeo on John Kerry's Meetings With Iranian Officials: He 'Can't Seem to Get off the Stage'
2018.09.20 - Fonte :75% - News
It's another thing to do what Secretary Kerry, Wendy Sherman, Ernest Moniz, frankly the whole gang h...

Pompeo: Kerry 'actively seeking to undermine' Trump
2018.09.20 - Fonte :75% - News
It's one thing to meet with your counterpart, it's another thing to do what Secretary Kerry, Wendy S...

Nuclear power lobbyist Michael Shellenberger learns to love the bomb
2018.09.20 - Fonte :80% - News
The most important of these initiatives was a paper by the Energy Futures Initiative ‒ a creation of...

Earth's climate-change liposuction: Sucking carbon from the air
2018.09.24 - Fonte :95% - News
Columbia University · Energy Futures Initiative, the think tank led by Ernest Moniz, President Obama...

Tritch envisions future with clean-energy jobs
2018.09.24 - Fonte :90% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz recently testified in the Senate and stated: “Our nation is emb...

Earth's Climate-Change Liposuction: Sucking Carbon From the Air
2018.09.25 - Fonte :75% - News
Columbia University · Energy Futures Initiative, the think tank led by Ernest Moniz, President Obama...

New Report Finds Nuclear Weapons and Related Systems Increasingly Vulnerable to Cyberattack, Analyzes Scenarios ...
2018.09.26 - Fonte :95% - News
"The world's most lethal weapons are vulnerable to stealthy attacks from stealthy enemies—attacks th...

Zarif, Kerry come together for new nuclear talks in Swiss city of Montreux
2018.09.27 - Fonte :85% - News
... Ali Akbar Salehi, Zarif's deputies Abbas Araqchi and Majid Takht-e Ravanchi, special assistant t...

Report examines nuclear weapons, cyberattack vulnerability
2018.09.28 - Fonte :85% - News
“The world's most lethal weapons are vulnerable to stealthy attacks from stealthy enemies—attacks th...

Former Obama photographer Pete Souza on his Mass. roots, David Ortiz, and throwing 'Shade' at the current president
2018.09.27 - Fonte :85% - News
And in 2013, Fall River native Ernest Moniz joined Obama's cabinet as Energy Secretary. All three me...

SEPA president & CEO appointed as energy think tank co-chair by global law firm
2018.09.30 - Fonte :85% - News
Hamm will co-chair the Energy Pillar along with Former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, Anne Pramag...

Trust is essential in getting North Korea to denuclearise, says former US secretary of energy
2018.10.03 - Fonte :80% - News
SINGAPORE - To get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, trust between all sides needs to be b...

Michael Lewis on His New Book About Trump's Wholesale Destruction of the Government
2018.10.02 - Fonte :95% - News
Trump's Day One drew closer, and only after Ernest Moniz, the outgoing Energy Secretary, personally...

Thomas Friedman examines impact of global “accelerations”
2018.10.02 - Fonte :90% - News
Recent Compton lectures have been delivered by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, former U.S. Energy Secretary (and f...

'Trust is essential' for Pyongyang to give up nuclear weapons
2018.10.03 - Fonte :90% - News
To get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, trust between all sides needs to be built step by...

5 Reasons to be Optimistic About Hawaii's Clean Energy Future
2018.10.04 - Fonte :80% - News
Ernest Moniz, who served as the U.S. secretary of energy from 2013 to 2017, says the state has a tre...

Michael Lewis Wonders Who's Really Running the Government
2018.10.08 - Fonte :95% - News
Early on, he introduces us to John MacWilliams — a classic Lewis character — a former investment ban...

Saudi's $500bn NEOM project reveals international advisory board
2018.10.09 - Fonte :90% - News
... Ernest Moniz – CEO and president of the Energy Futures Initiative; Marc Reibert – founder of rob...

North Korea's denuclearization will take over 10 years: former US energy secretary
2018.10.09 - Fonte :80% - News
"It would be more a decadal timeframe than an annual timeframe," Ernest J. Moniz, a former U.S. ener...

Apple, Google execs named to Saudi Neom advisory board amid ...
2018.10.09 - Fonte :90% - News
More than a dozen high profile tech executives, including famous venture capital investors Marc Andr...

Trump Nominee Draws Scrutiny for Ties to Ukrainian Energy Interests
2018.10.10 - Fonte :80% - News
In August 2015, the Ukrainian energy minister at the time, Volodymyr V. Demchyshyn, wrote a letter t...

Moniz quits Saudi's $500bn megaproject over journalist disappearance
2018.10.10 - Fonte :75% - News
Former US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is quitting a Saudi mega-project over the monarchy's possibl...

2018.10.11 - Fonte :85% - News
Ernest Moniz, who was President Obama's DOE secretary, is suspending his involvement in a high-tech...

Apprehension meets EPA reorg
2018.10.11 - Fonte :95% - News
The concern over Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, also led former Energy Secretary Ernest Mon...

A Google linked exec and a former US politician have dropped out of a Saudi project after journalist's disappearance
2018.10.10 - Fonte :85% - News
13) Ernest Moniz, founder of Energy Futures Initiative. 14) Marc Raibert, a former Carnegie Mellon U...

Top tech investors will help Saudi Arabia build its mega city of the future
2018.10.10 - Fonte :80% - News
Additional members may be appointed, it added. Boston Dynamics CEO Marc Raibert, former U.S. energy...

Axios PM
2018.10.10 - Fonte :85% - News
Scoop: Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is suspending his involvement advising Saudi Arabia unti...

The Energy 202: Trump blames Democrat Bill Nelson for 'no help' on toxic algae — right before he voted to help
2018.10.11 - Fonte :75% - News
Moniz puts Saudis at arm's length: Following the disappearance of Washington Post columnist Jamal Kh...

Media companies, executives drop out of Saudi event over missing journalist
2018.10.11 - Fonte :80% - News
Khashoggi's disappearance has led officials and business leaders to drop out of another one of Saudi...

World Bank chief exits planned Saudi investment conference
2018.10.12 - Fonte :75% - News
On Wednesday, former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said that he had suspended his role on the b...

BREAKINGVIEWS-Saudi adviser panel may unwind faster than Trump's
2018.10.11 - Fonte :85% - News
Former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz has suspended his role on the advisory panel until more is...

Richard Branson pulls back from Saudi projects
2018.10.12 - Fonte :95% - News
Ernest Moniz, a former US energy secretary, said Wednesday he was suspending his participation on th...

Mnuchin to Attend Top Saudi Event, Media Exit Over Missing Journalist
2018.10.12 - Fonte :95% - News
On Wednesday, former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said he had suspended his role on the board...

Individuals and businesses are distancing themselves from Saudi Arabia following the disappearance of journalist ...
2018.10.15 - Fonte :90% - News
Former US energy secretary Ernest Moniz suspended his membership on an advisory board for a $500 bil...

Saudi Arabia's construction projects valued at $284bn in 2017
2018.10.15 - Fonte :75% - News
The $500bn (SAR1.9tn) Neom city was said to have attracted global industry giants to its advisory bo...

UAE's Lulu Group plans to invest in Saudi Arabia's $500bn Neom
2018.10.15 - Fonte :95% - News
The project features global industry giants in its advisory board, including Lord Norman Forster, fo...

How Washington unleashed fossil-fuel exports and sold out on climate
2018.10.16 - Fonte :75% - News
Leading the charge within government was then-Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, a nuclear physicist wit...

Top European bank CEOs pull out of Saudi investment conference
2018.10.16 - Fonte :95% - News
Dan Doctoroff, CEO of Alphabet (GOOGL) subsidiary Sidewalk Labs; Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sam Alt...

Saudi Arabia pulls out of deal with Virgin Hyperloop One
2018.10.16 - Fonte :75% - News
Saudi Arabia has scratched a planned deal with Virgin Hyperloop One after Richard Branson, a major i...

Norman Foster to advise Saudi Arabia on new 'mega-city'
2018.10.19 - Fonte :95% - News
Some of the board members have already begun distancing themselves from NEOM, including Ernest Moniz...

Saudi Arabia wants to build a $500 billion megacity that's 33 times as large as New York City. Now it's on shaky ...
2018.10.19 - Fonte :75% - News
Ernest Moniz, the former US energy secretary, said in a statement to Business Insider: "Given curren...

How the Khashoggi case and its fallout is affecting global business
2018.10.20 - Fonte :95% - News
... if proved true, would clearly change the ability of any of us in the West to do business with th...

Norman Foster pulls away from Saudi mega-city board over Khashoggi crisis
2018.10.22 - Fonte :95% - News
Foster joins a string of high profile figures who have quit the Neom advisory board over the Khashog...

Saudi Arabia sets up special economic zone to attract investors after Khashoggi backlash
2018.10.22 - Fonte :75% - News
Dan Doctoroff, chief executive of Alphabet subsidiary Sidewalk Labs, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sam...

US-Canada trade conference in Boston
2018.10.22 - Fonte :80% - News
Former U.S. Energy Secretary Dr. Ernest Moniz is the keynote speaker and will be among experts cover...

Poll: Americans oppose Trump's withdrawal from a US-Russia arms control deal
2018.10.25 - Fonte :80% - News
The nuclear arms control community by and large supports remaining in the treaty, fearing that withd...

Khashoggi: Why you must not touch a journalist
2018.10.25 - Fonte :95% - News
Ernest Moniz, former energy secretary under President Obama, is suspending his involvement advising...

Khashoggi Crisis May Test Saudi PIF's Expansion Ambitions
2018.10.25 - Fonte :95% - News
NEOM's advisory board also lost members including Y Combinator's Sam Altman and former U.S. energy s...

US government abandons plan to add marine capacity for oil shocks: DOE official
2018.10.29 - Fonte :90% - News
In 2016, then-US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said that access to marine capacity was a "major chal...

Rackleff vs. Dunn: A voter's guide to the Congressional District 2 race
2018.10.28 - Fonte :80% - News
The Breakdown: Congressional District 2 takes in nearly half of Leon County's 211,000 registered vot...

AVANGRID's Torgerson Highlights New England Clean Energy Projects
2018.11.02 - Fonte :85% - News
At the conference, Torgerson provided an introduction for the keynote speaker, former U.S. Secretary...

Another architect freezes role on Saudi Arabian 'mega-city' scheme
2018.11.05 - Fonte :75% - News
Other members of the NEOM advisory board have also distanced themselves from the project, including...

Saudi Arabia $500 billion megacity is in jeopardy after a Saudi journalist's death — here are the other multi ...
2018.11.05 - Fonte :75% - News
In late October, prominent figures like Y Combinator's Sam Altman and former US energy secretary Ern...

Saudi Arabia's $500 billion megacity is in jeopardy after a Saudi journalist's death — here are the other multi ...
2018.11.05 - Fonte :75% - News
In late October, prominent figures like Y Combinator's Sam Altman and former US energy secretary Ern...

Former US Energy Sec. Moniz on Oil Prices, Iran, Climate
2018.11.09 - Fonte :90% - News
Former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz discusses oil markets, sanctions on Iran, U.S. energy poli...

Two Shuswap businesses get federal research funds
2018.11.11 - Fonte :75% - News
“Local food security and a minimized carbon footprint is essential to resilient sustainability,” say...

Activists say courts haven't heard last of 'necessity defense'
2018.11.12 - Fonte :80% - News
–Former DOE Secretary Ernest Moniz. Use “CLIMATE” for 25% discount.***. COAL: President Trump promis...

Solar projects on farmland spur tensions in rural areas
2018.11.13 - Fonte :95% - News
–Former DOE Secretary Ernest Moniz. Use “CLIMATE” for 25% discount.***. BIOGAS: North Carolina poult...

EPA considers new regulation to reduce air pollution
2018.11.14 - Fonte :85% - News
TRANSPORTATION: The Trump administration considers tougher nitrogen oxide emissions standards for he...

Expert says Canadian oil companies must roll with the punches
2018.11.14 - Fonte :80% - News
“The timing of this project I think could not have been better,” he said. The Progress Energy Intern...

Can wind compete without tax credits?
2018.11.15 - Fonte :95% - News
WIND: Wind energy proponents say the industry is “ready to compete in a subsidy-free world” but some...

Feds rarely seek fines for pipeline fires, explosions
2018.11.16 - Fonte :95% - News
PIPELINES: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam replaces two air pollution control board members after they r...

Energy Secretary Rick Perry flies wife around the world with Texas campaign cash
2018.11.16 - Fonte :75% - News
Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz took his wife on two foreign work trips, including one to Brazi...

Study links air pollution to early death
2018.11.19 - Fonte :85% - News
“Our energy future cannot look like the past,” Ernest Moniz, former energy secretary under President...

Fracking Water Treatment Equipment Market Latest Trends, Demand And Analysis 2020
2018.11.19 - Fonte :95% - News
The global demand for oil and gas increases with the increase in world population especially with th...

Nuclear Threat Initiative rethinks how to reduce global bioweapons threat
2018.11.20 - Fonte :85% - News
“It is imperative to recognize both the important benefits and the risks associated with advances in...

Why Saudi Arabia Will Acquire Nuclear Weapons | The National ...
2018.11.26 - Fonte :75% - News
The Trump administration's handling of nuclear negotiations with Saudi Arabia promises to lay bare s...

A Saudi Bomb
2018.11.27 - Fonte :90% - News
This contrasts with Perry's predecessor who played a key role in negotiation of the highly detailed...

Mass electrification is possible
2018.11.29 - Fonte :90% - News
Ernest Moniz, who was America's energy secretary in the Obama administration, says he has never seen...

GM Canada: A 100-year history of benefitting from taxpayer dollars
2018.11.29 - Fonte :75% - News
Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford is set to meet with his counterparts Ernest Moniz and Pedro...

Africa50 lauches report on investing in natural gas in Africans
2018.12.01 - Fonte :90% - News
Speaking at the ceremony, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy and EFI founder, Secretary Ernest J. Moniz...

Africa50, EFI launch report on Africa natural gas
2018.12.03 - Fonte :90% - News
Speaking at the ceremony, a former US Secretary of Energy and EFI founder, Secretary Ernest J. Moniz...

Canada is a tinderbox for populism. The 2019 election could spark it.
2018.12.03 - Fonte :75% - News
Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford is set to meet with his counterparts Ernest Moniz and Pedro...

Fusion Energy Leader TAE Technologies Welcomes Marco Arese to Board of Directors
2018.12.04 - Fonte :90% - News
This year Michl Binderbauer was elevated to the position of CEO; and Jeff Immelt, former CEO of GE,...