Compare Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono e Bambang Brodjonegoro para saber em quem votar.
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Terminally-ill Pakistani on death row in Indonesia passes away
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Former president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, had commissioned an inquiry in 2010 which f...
Kekompakan Keluarga Mantan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
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Jakarta Keluarga mantan presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono terlihat kompak menggunakan batik. cikeas....
SBY Pakai Kaus #JanganDiam, Fahri Hamzah dan Hidayat Nur Wahid Langsung Berikan Komentarnya
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COM - Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) meluncurkan tagar baru di media sos...
Battle for inclusive democracy continues after 20 years of reformasi
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The battle paid off in 2004, when Indonesia had its first democratic national election with Susilo B...
Schapelle Corby honours one year since prison release with picture of incoming passenger card
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After a failed appeal, Corby petitioned the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for cle...
US Mounts Major Global Money-Laundering Campaign
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KPK targets are said to ionclude Boediono, the former central bank governor and vice-presidential ru...
Bandara Kertajati Rampung, Jokowi: Terimakasih Pak SBY Sudah Mencanangkan Sejak Lebih Satu Dekade
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Presiden ke-6 Susilo B...
Soal Serangan Teroris, SBY: Saya Tak Latah Berkata Ini Pengalihan Isu Seperti Tuduhan Politisi Asbun
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Mantan Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) memberikan tanggapan mengenai aks...
Presiden ke-6 SBY dan Keluarga Melayat ke Rumah Hatta Radjasa
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Presiden Indonesia ke-enam Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) beserta keluarga...
SBY Pakai Baju #JanganDiam Warganet Sibuk Menerka, Ada yang Sebut Ajakan Bernyanyi
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Foto Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat mengenakan kaos bertuliskan tagar #jangandiam saat...
Govt invites businesses to explore potential in poor areas
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... the number of people living below the bread line was 26.58 million in September last year, or 10...
2018 won't see repeat of 2015 haze crisis: Indonesian Minister
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SINGAPORE - Singapore looks set to see a third straight year with no haze, due in part to Indonesia'...
Talks begin on how South East Asia can achieve green growth
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Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning Dr Bambang Brodjonegoro said that maintaining '...
Blue Book 2018: EU-Indonesia Development Cooperation
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EU and Indonesia highlight cooperation on Climate Change and Environment. Today (24/5), the Minister...
Openness in global trade is 'very critical' to worldwide growth: Indonesian minister
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As the U.S. and China sit down for a round of talks to discuss recent trade disputes between the two...
Indonesia drafts low-cost financing scheme for green energy
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Bappenas head and National Development Planning Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said in Jakarta on Tue...
What's Next: May 18, 2018
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... climate change and how to encourage green growth, among other topics. Key speakers include Minis...
Retailers project 20% sales boost during Asian Games
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“About 80 percent of the spending will come from the spectators of the games, 4.67 percent from athl...
Indonesia committed to green development
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During the 5th Singapore Dialogue on Sustainable World Resources on Friday, the National Development...
Komodo Airport to be Developed as International Airport
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Other than Hiramsyah, attending the meeting were National Development Planning (Bappenas) Minister B...