Compare Rebecca Harms e Albert Weiler para saber em quem votar.
Rebecca Harms![]() |
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Albert Weiler![]() |
European Parliament member declared persona non grata by Russia
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- Relações externas, Rol do governo
Moscow (dpa) - A prominent European lawmaker said Thursday that she was turned back at a Moscow airp...
European MP Rebecca Harms was denied entrance to Moscow
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- Relações externas, Rol do governo
European MP Rebecca Harms was denied entrance to Moscow
Germany′s waste problem: Recycling isn′t enough | Germany ...
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The EU wants to outlaw single-use plastic items. But Germany's Environmental Minister Svenja Schulze...
Croatian President May Attend 2018 FIFA World Cup If Schedule Permits
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In April, German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rebecca Harms published an open letter, sup...
Deutschlands falsche Liebe zum Recycling
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Die Grünen-Politikerin Rebecca Harms sieht das kritisch: "Wichtiger als das Sammeln und Recyceln ist...
Members of European Parliament Congratulate Georgia
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To celebrate Georgia's Independence Day, we pass on to the Georgian people the messages of congratul...
Saksa ajakirjandus püüab Venemaad mitte pahandada
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Roheline europoliitik ja Venemaa ekspert Rebecca Harms nõuab eeloleva jalgpalli-MMi boikotti ja peab...
(OettiGate 3) Nemški komisar Oettinger se je tokrat opravičil Italijanom
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O tem sta madžarski evroposlanec iz vrst Zelenih Benedek Javor in nemška evroposlanka iz vrst zeleni...
Klage mit Ansage
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Die Grünen begrüßten den Schritt. »Es kann nicht sein, dass die Bundesregierung europäische Vorgaben...
Успехи Германии в утилизации отходов: миф или реальность?
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По данным Института немецкой экономики (IW), Германия среди стран Евросоюза является лидером по пере...
Gjonaj, Monte Discuss Weiler Expansion
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Councilman Mark Gjonaj met with the administration and medical representatives from the Montefiore a...
Watch it: Reese Albert, Andrew Karp on FSU's walk-off win
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The Seminoles clinched a huge series win over No. 4 NC State with Friday's win. Curt Weiler, Tallaha...
Watch it: Reese Albert, Cal Raleigh on FSU's win over JU
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Watch it: Reese Albert, Cal Raleigh on FSU's win over JU. CLOSE. The two combined for four of FSU's...
Fördervereine und Kabarettisten glänzten
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Albert Weiler, der als Beigeordneter der Stadt den Neubau der drei Grundschulen intensiv begleitet h...
Königschießen an Pfingsten
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Ein besonderer Gruß galt dem Stadtbürgermeister Uli Klöckner, dem Beigeordneten Albert Weiler sowie...
Lancaster County Marriage Licenses Posted: May 10, 2018
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Dominick John Derosa, of 61 Baron Drive, and Anna Ivette Albert, same address. Derosa's parents are...
Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Headache Disorders: Expert Roundtable
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... Clinical Pain Advisor interviewed 3 experts: one of the authors of the consensus recommendations...
Landkreis Waldshut: Deutscher Mühlentag in der Museumsmühle im Weiler: Freier ...
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Sonderführungen für Gruppen und Schulklassen können jederzeit über Ernst Albert in Bonndorf-Wellendi...
Weil am Rhein Klaus Gempp jetzt Ehrenkommandant
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Welch großer Wertschätzung sich Klaus Gempp, der langjährige Weiler Feuerwehrkommandant und Stadtbra...