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PACE: State of emergency negatively impacting electoral environment in Turkey
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The delegation, which is led by Olena Sotnyk (Ukraine, ALDE) and consists of Nicole Duranton (France...
PACE delegation to visit Turkey over pre-electoral assessment
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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), led by the Ukrainian delegation of PACE...
Türkischer Wahlkampf in der Türkei, und in Deutschland
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Eine sieben Mitglieder umfassende PACE-Delegation des Europarats unter der Leitung von Olena Sotnyk...
ΚΣΣΕ:33μελής αποστολή παρατηρητών για τις εκλογές στην Τουρκία
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Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση, μια αντιπροσωπεία της Συνέλευσης επισκέφτηκε ήδη την Άγκυρα, υπό την...
Η ΚΣΣΕ αποστέλλει παρατηρητές για τις εκλογές στην Τουρκία
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Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση, μια αντιπροσωπεία της Συνέλευσης επισκέφτηκε ήδη την Άγκυρα, υπό την...
Avrupa Konseyi'nden Türkiye'ye önemli ziyaret
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Ukraynalı parlamenter Olena Sotnyk başkanlığındaki 7 kişilik AKPM parlamenter heyeti, 29-30 Mayıs ta...
Robert Mueller Bombshell: Ukraine Politician Who Worked With Michael Cohen On 'Peace Plan' Will Testify Friday
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Andrey Artemenko found himself at the center of a political firestorm in his own country when he col...
Rantt Rundown: Perjury, Wiretaps, And Why Trump Jr. Should Be Concerned
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On January 27, Michael Cohen, and Felix Sater met with Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Artemenko in New Yo...
Rantt Rundown: Cohen, Trump, Ukraine, And Pay-To-Play Diplomacy
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On January 27, 2017, Cohen, and Sater met with Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Artemenko at a dinner in Ne...
A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump's 70th Unpresidented Week As POTUS
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On January 27, 2017, Cohen, and Sater met with Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Artemenko at a dinner in Ne...