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Turkey slams Germany over HDP rally
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In a message posted on Twitter, Turkey's EU Minister Ömer Çelik said Germany's permission “is not co...
Turkey blasts Greek court for granting asylum right to soldiers linked to coup attempt
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“This is the most shameful decision that can ever be given for a country,” EU Minister Ömer Çelik sa...
Turkish minister warns EU over post-Brexit UK role
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The EU will be worse off for lacking the strategic role of the U.K. following Brexit, Turkey's EU Mi...
Turkey's EU minister slams Germany over 'pro-PKK rally'
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Turkey's EU Minister Ömer Çelik on May 26 criticized German authorities for allowing a Turkish oppos...
Turkey's Erdogan Ramps Up Nationalist Rhetoric
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Turkey's EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik slammed Macron. “French magazine Le Point circulated a hate...
Turkey's Bozdag slams effort to discredit president
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Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik have also condemned Macron's st...
Turkey slams French figures demanding change in Quran
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Turkey's EU Affairs Minister Ömer Çelik on May 6 slammed a French manifesto proposing the removal of...
News.Az EU team to visit Turkey to discuss visa-waiver demand
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The EU delegation will be in capital Ankara on Thursday and Friday, and hold meetings with Ministry...
Turkey's EU minister Çelik meets German counterpart Roth
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Turkey's EU Minister Ömer Çelik met his German counterpart Michael Roth on May 8 at a working lunch,...
AKP's economy team will not run for Parliament
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EU Minister Ömer Çelik will also not run for Parliament, sparking comments that he may also have an...
İlhan Cihaner kimdir? İlhan Cihaner kaç yaşında, mesleği ne?
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... milletvekili seçildi. 1 Ekim 2012'de yayın hayatına başlayan günlük gazete soL'da “Çıngı” isimli...
Unfortunate CHP
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İlhan Cihaner, the chief prosecutor hunted during the Ergenekon thriller period was kicked aside. Al...
CHP'de İlhan Cihaner kavgası! İlhan Cihaner 24 Haziran seçimlerinde aday gösterilecek mi?
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Genel Merkez'le görüşen isimler, Cihaner'in Beşiktaş Belediyesi hakkında hazırladığı raporu gündeme...
The discontent over Turkish opposition candidates and intra-party democracy
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The discontent centres around key CHP members of parliament who were excluded from the list of candi...
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu İlhan Cihaner'in üstünü çizdi
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CHP'de kazan kaynıyor. Genel Başkan Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, 24 Haziran'da yapılacak seçimler öncesi part...
Within the main opposition, a private battle within the war
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First, let's just see who left and who stayed: Those who were dismissed included members of the CHP'...
İşte CHP'de listeye giremeyen isimler
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CHP'nin 19. Olağanüstü Tüzük Kurultayı'nda parti yönetimine muhalefet eden isimler büyük ölçüde çizi...
CHP milletvekili adayları: Mevcut vekillerin yarıya yakını liste dışı
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Telif hakkı DHA. Böke, Şubat ayında yapılan CHP kongresine İstanbul milletvekili İlhan Cihaner ile b...
55 yıllık hukukçunun isyanı
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Bazen tarihini hatırlamakta zorlansanız da hiç unutmadığınız olaylar vardır. Beyin unutmak ister ama...
CHP'nin milletvekili adayları belli oldu
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Aralarında Haluk Pekşen, Mustafa Balbay, Eren Erdem, Barış Yarkadaş, Zeynep Altıok, Şenal Sarıhan, M...