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Mayor Mike Rawlings Has One Last Big Thing He Wants To Do
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Mayor Mike Rawlings is laughing. Or choking. Both, it seems. I suggested to him that the one big thi...
Rawlings, on Santa Fe Shooting: 'Spare Us Your Thoughts and Prayers'
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Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings was in Houston Friday morning when, about 40 miles away in Santa Fe, anot...
New Year, New Recognition, New Album — 2018 Is Looking Good for Dorrough
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Veteran Dallas hip-hop artist Dorrough is off to a strong start in the second quarter of 2018. On Ma...
Mayor Rawlings gives southern Dallas growth mission a B+ overall
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Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings gave his expansive initiative to jump start investment, development and j...
How one line in the new pension law helped Dallas settle decades-old police-and-fire pay lawsuits
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But the risks were great. Mayor Mike Rawlings had called the lawsuits and the pension's troubles par...
Dallas police, firefighters agree to $173M settlement
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Mayor Mike Rawlings called the latest settlement “a prudent move for taxpayers” both financially and...
Mayor Rawlings Wants to Move City Elections to November
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Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings wants to see municipal elections moved to November. That's because betwee...
Dallas Mayor Unveils GrowSouth Annual Report
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For decades there has been a huge disparity between the northern and southern sectors of Dallas. May...
Inside Texas Politics: 05/06/18
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NEWSMAKER. Inside Texas Politics began with Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings and the National Rifle Associ...
Dallas Mayor Gives 'Grow South' Effort B+
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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings' economic development initiative targeting a specif...
STF rejeita denúncia contra Eduardo Paes e Pedro Paulo por crime ...
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BRASÍLIA — Por quatro votos a um, a Primeira Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) rejeitou denúnc...
Dono da OAS tem aval para fechar delação que atinge Eduardo ...
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BRASÍLIA - Após o sinal verde da procuradora-geral, Raquel Dodge, o ex-presidente da OAS Léo Pinheir...
Delator relata pressão de Moreira Franco e Eduardo Paes para fundo do FGTS financiar obras do Porto Maravilha
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Eduardo Paes - "O Porto Maravilha é uma conquista do Rio de Janeiro e, dentro da legalidade, o meu g...
A prefeitos do Rio, Eduardo Paes fala sobre importância de 'voltar'
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O ex-prefeito do Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes (DEM) deu mais 1 sinal de que estaria disposto a retoma...
Vallisney tira sigilo de delação de R$ 39 mi que cita Moreira Franco e Eduardo Paes
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A delação cita suposta pressão do ministro de Minas e Energia, Moreira Franco (MDB) e do ex-prefeito...
Ministro do TSE devolve direitos políticos de Eduardo Paes e Pedro Paulo
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O ministro Jorge Mussi, do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), restabeleceu os direitos políticos do...
SOS Araçatiba Community in Guaratiba Faces Imminent Evictions
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And while the City told residents to halt all new construction, then-mayor Eduardo Paes promised tha...
Justiça nega pedido de bloqueio dos bens de Eduardo Paes
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RIO — A juíza da 4ª Vara de Fazenda Pública do Rio, Maria Paula Gouvea Galhardo, negou ontem um pedi...
DEM planeja anunciar Paes candidato ao governo do Rio em junho
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RIO —Filiado ao DEM desde o mês passado, o ex-prefeito do Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes está intensifi...
Aliado de Eduardo Paes (DEM) defende que vice na chapa ao governo do Rio seja do PDT
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Rio - Até então cotado para ser o nome do DEM ao Senado, o deputado estadual André Corrêa acaba de a...