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Ductum redone: now live.

Lisa Chambers vs Anne Rabbitte

Compare Lisa Chambers e Anne Rabbitte para saber em quem votar.

Lisa Chambers

Lisa Chambers

Anne Rabbitte

Anne Rabbitte
Lisa Chambers
score Anne Rabbitte
Opposition Spokesperson for; Defence
Dublin Ireland
Dublin Ireland
Fianna Fáil
Partido político
Fianna Fáil
Granddaughter of woman stabbed 54 times on Robinhood Road in 1969 still searching for answers
2018.05.13 - Fonte :80% - News
She will never know how much we have suffered after what happened on that awful night,'” Chambers re...

Kim Jong Un is not an underdog, and North Korea isn't acting alone
2018.05.29 - Fonte :95% - News
... is where the truly hard diplomatic effort should be expended. The notion of a North Korean denuc...

Mayo results: Restrained celebrations greet Repeal outcome
2018.05.26 - Fonte :80% - News
Total valid poll at 56574, with 32287 in favour of repeal and 24287 backing retention.and more »

Obituaries: Friday, May 25, 2018
2018.05.25 - Fonte :90% - News
His is survived by his mother, Terri Chambers; father, Tony Shelton; sisters, Paris Shelton and Toni...

Government may cover cost of care for women seeking terminations
2018.05.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Maternity scheme may be expanded to help women who need an abortion.and more »

Chambers, Dimitri (LaFayette)
2018.05.23 - Fonte :80% - News
His is survived by his mother, Terri Chambers; father, Tony Shelton; sisters, Paris Shelton and Toni...

Seismic shift as 'conservative' Mayo votes Yes
2018.05.29 - Fonte :95% - News
YES WE CAN Pictured celebrating the resuit of the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment at the C...

Fianna Fáil rejects 'max fac' Brexit customs plan
2018.05.16 - Fonte :85% - News
Speaking on The Irish Times Inside Politics podcast, Fianna Fáil TD Lisa Chambers said agreeing to t...

45 arrests made in Laramie County over Cinco de Mayo weekend
2018.05.08 - Fonte :95% - News
Kylor Dillon, 29 – Public Intoxication Bertram Dent, 44 – Failure appear. Jenny Clark, 45 – DUI Inca...

Here's why the Canton School Board rescinded its interim superintendent appointment
2018.05.24 - Fonte :75% - News
Board attorney Lisa Ross said trustees believed Chambers met the requirements of a 2017 law mandatin...

Anti-abortion TD criticises fellow No campaigners
2018.05.18 - Fonte :75% - News
A Fianna Fáil TD opposing the repeal of the Eighth Amendment has criticised the No side for failing...

Government may cover cost of terminations
2018.05.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Fianna Fáil TDs including Anne Rabbitte and Robert Troy said they had no objection to Mr Martin enfo...

Government may cover cost of care for women seeking terminations
2018.05.30 - Fonte :90% - News
Fianna Fáil TDs including Anne Rabbitte and Robert Troy said they had no objection to Mr Martin enfo...

126 Irish births illegally and incorrectly registered
2018.05.29 - Fonte :90% - News
Fianna Fail spokeswoman on children and youth affairs Anne Rabbitte said: “Today's revelations are e...

Galway East result: Yes 60.19% and No 39.81%
2018.05.26 - Fonte :90% - News
All three of Galway East's TDs, Ciarán Cannon (Fine Gael), Anne Rabbitte (Fianna Fáil) and Sean Cann...

Reaction: 'The country has listened. Women have spoken'
2018.05.26 - Fonte :95% - News
Anne Rabbitte, Fianna Fail's Children and Youth Affairs spokeswoman, who advocated retaining the Eig...

Many anti-repeal TDs now set to back abortion legislation
2018.05.27 - Fonte :80% - News
Anne Rabbitte (Galway East) said, “I will be supporting legislation wholeheartedly and I always said...

Retain Eighth campaign seeks to shift key message as vote looms
2018.05.23 - Fonte :80% - News
... Love Both is aware of that argument, but others advocating a No vote are not so sure. The other...

Photo shows extent of Fianna Fáil party backing for No vote
2018.05.03 - Fonte :90% - News
More than half the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party has united to call for a No vote in the forthcomi...

Varadkar rejects 'hard cases' suggestions from No campaign
2018.05.23 - Fonte :85% - News
... who are opposed to abortion, have suggested a different amendment to the Constitution could allo...