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Les Aspin vs Albio Sires

Compare Les Aspin and Albio Sires to find out who to vote.

Les Aspin

Les Aspin

Albio Sires

Albio Sires
Les Aspin
Albio Sires
Former President's Intelligence Advisory Board
New Jersey; 8th
Washington United States
Washington United States
Scanning the M&A landscape: inside Northrop's Orbital acquisition
2018.05.30 - Source :75% - News
There has been no European 'Last Supper' – as the meeting of major US defence firms convened by the...

With New Assignment, John Rutherford's Better Positioned to Help Jacksonville
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Since the First Coast Democrat was far closer to the Reagan administration on defense issues, House...

This Week in History: Billiards gains popularity in Utica
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Secretary of Defense Les Aspin has recommended closing 31 major bases and scaling back 134 others. T...

Writer: Best course would be to leave Kemper shoreline alone
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Les Aspin is shown in the News examining photos of storm damage. He said Kenosha may have to wait as...

Trump Must Support Sen. Cruz on Space-Based Missile Defense
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As it turned out, President Bush was not re-elected and President Clinton's Defense Secretary and fo...

Like Reagan, Trump All About 'Peace Through Strength'
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... who had served in General Abramson's SDI watch, was my deputy SDI director and, as director of t...

Stack vs. DeGise: By the numbers
2018.06.04 - Source :95% - News
The results of West New York will be known on Tuesday night. Stack is backing an off-the-line slate...

Democrats, Republicans picking congressional candidates
2018.06.03 - Source :85% - News
... 7th District, Democrat Bill Pascrell Jr. in the 9th District and Democrat Donald Payne Jr. in th...

Sires, Vega put the past behind to stave off Stack, Roque alliance in West New York
2018.06.01 - Source :90% - News
The feud between U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8) and former West New York Mayor Sal Vega is almost mytho...

Elected officials blast Norfolk Southern for illegal practices, quality of life concerns
2018.06.01 - Source :85% - News
U.S. Rep. Albio Sires joined Councilman Luis Quintana, North Ward Councilman Anibal Ramos Jr. and st...

Democratic Lawmakers Say No Democrats Were Invited to Jerusalem Embassy Ceremony
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
Eliot Engel, Ted Deutch, Brad Sherman and Brad Schneider, as well as Albio Sires and Tom Suozzi. The...

Muslims find community in Ramadan | Faith Matters
2018.06.03 - Source :90% - News
Albio Sires as an Independent in the November election. Egyptian-born, Mahmoud graduated from Willia...

Booker, Menendez, Sires call for public hearing on Hoboken's Union Dry Dock
2018.05.29 - Source :90% - News
In a tweet, Mayor Ravi Bhalla said thanked Booker, Menendez and Sires for their efforts in the matte...

Polish president visits NJ statue at center of trans-Atlantic row
2018.05.16 - Source :95% - News
Albio Sires, D-West New York, announced today that he introduced a resolution in the House of Repres...

Through mailers, Stack, Sires plead their cases in West New York Dem committee fight
2018.05.27 - Source :95% - News
The HCDO candidates, being bolstered by Assemblywoman Angelica Jimenez (D-32), as well as Commission...

Health group to honor lawmakers
2018.05.31 - Source :85% - News
Three members of Congress will be honored tonight for their help in keeping federal funding for New...