Compare Harry Van Bommel e Carola Schouten para saber em quem votar.
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Carola Schouten![]() |
Top Lawyer Requests Prosecution of SP MP Van Bommel
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- Sistema de justiça
Top Lawyer Requests Prosecution of SP MP Van Bommel
Netanyahu is a war criminal, says former Dutch PM
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Harry van Bommel of the Socialist Party tweeted that Netanyahu had cited the existence of Belgian en...
De Palestijnse leugen
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De Palestijnse zaak is een leugen, gefabriceerd om useful idiots als Harry van Bommel en andere West...
Als SP'er mag je niks
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Sharon Gesthuizen wilde de partij verder democratiseren maar verloor de strijd om het voorzitterscha...
Russian Election Interference: Europe's Counter to Fake News and Cyber Attacks
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Russia's aggressive campaign targeting the 2016 U.S. election revealed not only the extent to which...
Carola Schouten, boerin Agnes en boer Jos te gast bij Pauw
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Carola Schouten, boerin Agnes en boer Jos te gast bij Pauw. Melkvee 31 mei 2018 om 13:17 uur. De van...
India, Netherlands to firm up cooperation in farm sector
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Dutch deputy prime minister and farm minister Carola Schouten today called on India's agriculture mi...
Radha Mohan Singh meets Carola Schouten, Deputy Prime Minister of Netherlands
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Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Radha Mohan Singh today met Ms. Carola Schouten,...
Schouten heeft hoop voor pulsvisserij
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Minister Carola Schouten (Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit) heeft er vertrouwen in dat zij een E...
Biologische melkveehouders: minister Schouten negeert ons Lc
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De biologische melkveehouderij is kwaad op landbouwminister Carola Schouten en dreigt met een gang n...
Netherlands Beet farmers to seek EU exemption from neonicotinoid ban
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Dutch farmers want to be exempt from the EU's ban on three pesticides which harm bees and have calle...
Business Corner
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India, Holland to strengthen Agri partnership. Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Radha Mo...
Hyderabad-based Icrisat, KeyGene sign pact that will benefit farmers in Asia and Africa
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The signing took place at a high profile trade mission hosted by the High Commission of The Netherla...
ICRISAT, KeyGene ink research partnership
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The signing took place at a high profile trade mission hosted by the High Commission of The Netherla...
Minister Carola Schouten komt op 6 juni naar Stichtse Vecht!
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In Boom en Bosch te Breukelen wordt op woensdag 6 juni aanstaande de vijfde Egbert Schuurmanlezing u...