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Günther Oettinger vs Corina Crețu

Compare Günther Oettinger e Corina Crețu para saber em quem votar.

Günther Oettinger

Günther Oettinger

Corina Crețu

Corina Crețu
Günther Oettinger
score Corina Crețu
Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Berlim Germany
Bucareste Romania
Christian Democratic Union , European People's Party
Partido político
Partido Social Democrata
News, Rol do governo, Educação, Economia, Energia
News, Rol do governo, Sistema de justiça, Labor
Nominee for European Digital Job Explains Positions in Hearing
2014.09.28 - Fonte :75% - Rol do governo
Günther Oettinger, the nominee to be the European Union’s next digital economy commissioner, emphasi...

Nach umstrittener Trauerrede zu Filbinger: Merkel rügt Oettinger.
2007.04.12 - Fonte :95% - Rol do governo - die erste Adresse für Nachrichten und Information: An 365 Tagen im Jahr rund um die...

German EU insiders urge fiscal discipline ahead of 'Club ...
2016.09.09 - Fonte :95% - Rol do governo
Guenther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, speaks during the welcome...

Russia, Ukraine Close In on Deal to Resolve Gas Dispute
2014.09.26 - Fonte :80% - Energia
Ukraine and Russia moved closer to a deal under which Kiev would pay Moscow $3.1 billion amid a disp...

FNE TV: Silvia Costa Chair EU Parliament Culture and ...
2016.09.08 - Fonte :80% - Rol do governo
Click HERE to see Commissioner Gunther Oettinger thank MEP Costa for her parliamentary work and the...

Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Commission...
2014.09.10 - Fonte :75% - Rol do governo
Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Euro...

Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission
2014.10.03 - Fonte :95% - Rol do governo
Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission

Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing
2014.10.02 - Fonte :80% - Sistema de justiça
Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing

EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate
2014.09.02 - Fonte :75% - Labor
EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate

Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina
2006.09.29 - Fonte :75% - Rol do governo
Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina