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Gramoz Ruçi vs jason Azzopardi

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Gramoz Ruçi

Gramoz Ruçi

jason Azzopardi

jason Azzopardi
Gramoz Ruçi
score jason Azzopardi
Tirana Albania
Denver Malta
Socialist Party
Partido político
Black Sea group calls for unity for regional peace
2018.05.16 - Fonte :95% - News
We need to encourage dialogue,” Gramoz Ruci, PABSEC president and speaker of the parliament of the R...

25th anniversary summit of PABSEC Parliament Speakers held in Istanbul
2018.05.17 - Fonte :95% - News
PABSEC Secretary General Asaf Hajiyev, Chairman of the BSEC Parliamentary Assembly, Speaker of the P...

EU negotiations: German MP to visit Albania tomorrow
2018.05.02 - Fonte :95% - News
Hahn is expected to hold official meetings in Tirana with the Albanian president, Ilir Meta, PM Edi...

Gramoz Ruçi replica allo scetticismo olandese: la droga e la prostituzione non sono state inventate dagli albanesi
2018.05.10 - Fonte :90% - News
Il Presidente del Parlamento Albanese, Gramoz Ruçi, ha rilasciato dichiarazioni ai giornalisti ieri...

Albania: accordo con Osce per migliorare funzionamento del parlamento
2018.05.29 - Fonte :95% - News
"L'obiettivo dell'intesa è quello di sostenere il parlamento a migliorare le proprie funzioni legisl...

KEİPA 25. Yıldönümü: Meclis Başkanları Zirvesi İSTANBUL
2018.05.16 - Fonte :80% - News
KEİPA 25. Yıldönümü: Meclis Başkanları Zirvesi'nden detaylar - KEİPA ve Arnavutluk Cumhuriyeti Parla...

Tăriceanu: România va pleda în continuare pentru un rol mai puternic al UE în regiunea Mării Negre
2018.05.16 - Fonte :80% - News
Şeful Senatului, a avut întrevederi bilaterale cu dl Gramoz Ruçi, preşedintele Parlamentului Republi...

Maltese Parliament debates MEPs' rule of law mission report
2018.05.31 - Fonte :85% - News
The debate was prompted by a private member's motion filed by Opposition MP Jason Azzopardi last Mar...

Robert Abela challenges Jason Azzopardi to repeat allegations before magistrate
2018.05.03 - Fonte :75% - News
Labour MP Robert Abela challenged his Nationalist counterpart Jason Azzopardi to repeat allegations...

Jason Azzopardi does not respect 'rule of law' – Labour Party
2018.05.04 - Fonte :85% - News
In a statement, the PL said that after he made serious allegations using his privilege as an MP in P...

Jason Azzopardi challenges President to publicly call for investigation of hate speech in PL groups
2018.05.15 - Fonte :95% - News
Shadow speaker for the environment Jason Azzopardi has called for the President Marie Louise Coleiro...

[WATCH] Adrian Delia certain Jason Azzopardi did not make light use of parliamentary privilege
2018.05.09 - Fonte :75% - News
Nationalist Party leader Adrian Delia is 'certain' that Jason Azzopardi thought hard about the alleg...

Updated Caruana Galizia murder: 'Criminal bomb attack intended to kill' Europol expert
2018.05.22 - Fonte :90% - News
A lawyer for one of the men accused of murdering Daphne Caruana Galizia has asked the court to prote...

Pilatus creditors being paid via Central Bank Jason Azzopardi
2018.05.16 - Fonte :75% - News
Updated at 8.30pm: adds CBM's statement. The creditors of Pilatus Bank are being paid their dues by...

Update 2 | Pilatus owner created construction company in Malta for social housing purposes
2018.05.31 - Fonte :90% - News
Updated at 12.25pm with Adrian Delia and Roderick Galdes - the debate is over. Pilatus Bank owner Al...

'Bollocks': PN MP slams minister's fuel station policy reasoning
2018.05.14 - Fonte :85% - News
But that did not wash with Dr Azzopardi. The PN environment spokesman and lawyer delved into Maltese...

PA board approves controversial Luqa station, seven of 11 members vote in favour
2018.05.31 - Fonte :80% - News
Another member of the public said that Jason Azzopardi had said in Parliament that revisions in poli...