Compare Francesco Molinari and Alberto Giorgetti to find out who to vote.
Francesco Molinari |
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Alberto Giorgetti![]() |
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Unknown |
Position | Unknown |
Rome Italy
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Rome Italy
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Francesco Molinari's Wentworth triumph shows nice guys do finish first
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Quiet man Francesco Molinari crushed Rory McIlroy's hopes of a second BMW PGA Championship with a cl...
2018 Italian Open odds: Picks from model that was all over Francesco Molinari's run
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Some of the world's top golfers are heading to Gardagolf Country Club this week for the 2018 Italian...
Europe's Ryder Cup potential highlighted by wins for Justin Rose and Francesco Molinari
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The eight players currently occupying the automatic qualifying spots look as strong as Bjorn could r...
Molinari chips one in for birdie
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We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize...
Golf: Francesco Molinari wins BMW-PGA at Wentworth
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FRANCESCO Molinari shot a flawless final round at Wentworth to win his first Rolex Series title at t...
Francesco Molinari outduels Rory McIlroy to win the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth
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Rory McIlroy finishes second best in another final round shootout as Francesco Molinari wins the BMW...
Molinari feeling relaxed ahead of Italian Open
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Cape Town - Francesco Molinari insists he does not feel any extra pressure as he goes in search of b...
European Tour: Francesco Molinari pips Rory McIlroy to BMW PGA Championship
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Molinari ended up signing for a 68 and a 17 under par total with McIlroy two shots behind despite fi...
Bettinardi Putter Switch Pays Off for Francesco Molinari
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Italy's Francesco Molinari produced a spectacular weekend display at the BMW PGA Championship to sec...
Francesco Molinari shoots 1-over 73 in round two of the THE PLAYERS Championship
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In his second round at the THE PLAYERS Championship, Francesco Molinari hit 10 of 14 fairways and 7...
Italy's Political Crisis Is Rattling Europe. Here's What You Need to Know.
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League lawmaker Giancarlo Giorgetti told the Corriere della Sera newspaper that while some of their...
Alberto Bagnai (Lega) dice: "con me sarebbe stato peggio di ...
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Alberto Bagnai, l'economista della Lega che in un certo momento è stato in predicato di essere nomin...
Elezioni Ancona 2018, chi sono i candidati sindaco
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... Manzotti; Valeria Marchesi; Giuseppe Mascino; Egildo Messi; Iacopo Mezzopera; Emma Montesi; Guid...
Governo, la battuta del leghista Giorgetti dopo le consultazioni: “Più vicino l'accordo o il voto? L'accordo per il voto”
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Questa la battuta del capogruppo leghista alla Camera Giancarlo Giorgetti, dopo le consultazioni di...
TotoGoverno e giochi: all'Economia papabile il leghista Giancarlo Giorgetti
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Al Ministero all'economia, quello che tocca più direttamente la gestione dei giochi d'azzardo, andrà...
Conto alla rovescia per le Comunali 32 seggi, ecco tutti i candidati in lizza
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... Manzotti, Valeria Marchesi, Giuseppe Mascino, Egildo Messi, Iacopo Mezzopera, Emma Montesi, Guid...
Ai truffati delle banche ecco le lezioni di finanza
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Tutti d'accordo, da Simone Scarabel (M5S) ad Alberto Giorgetti (FI), ma l'analisi politica porta la...
Elezioni comunali 10 giugno 2018 Ancona: come si vota, i candidati e FAC SIMILE SCHEDA ELETTORALE
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... Manzotti; Valeria Marchesi; Giuseppe Mascino; Egildo Messi; Iacopo Mezzopera; Emma Montesi; Guid...
La lista Ancora X Ancona, a sostegno della Mancinelli, è completa. Sette nuovi nomi nella squadra
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E ancora Stefania Gabbianelli, orafa di 47 anni, si interessa dei problemi dell'ambiente, cui pone c...
Salvini dovrà gettare l'arma dell'Italexit per non perdere la sovranità
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Il capo Matteo Salvini e il braccio destro Giancarlo Giorgetti sostengono di non volere lasciare il...