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Não, Dr. Carlos César, o PS não é aceite à direita Jornal de Negócios
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Não, Dr. Carlos César, o PS não é aceite à direita. PS sai deste Congresso com a convicção de que é...
Rangers midfielder Carlos Pena hailed by Mexican boxing legend Julio Cesar Chavez for checking into rehab clinic for ...
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RANGERS outcast Carlos Pena has been praised by Mexican boxing legend Julio Cesar Chavez for having...
Carlos César: PS é o único capaz de negociar à esquerda e à direita Jornal de Negócios
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Carlos César seguiu as pisadas do secretário-geral socialista colocando o PS como partido charneira...
A análise de Pedro Santana Lopes e Carlos César
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No habitual espaço semanal de comentário na Edição da Noite da SIC Notícias, Pedro Santana Lopes e C...
Carlos César quer maior escrutínio político para garantir "transparência"
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The iPhone X started being supplied to anyone interested! Take as many as you wish!iPhone X. Lei da...
PS/Congresso: Carlos César formaliza recandidatura a presidente do partido
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Fonte oficial socialista adiantou que a recandidatura de Carlos César tem como primeiros subscritore...
Congresso do PS: Segundo dia arranca com reeleição de Carlos César
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O segundo dia do Congresso do PS reabre este sábado com a eleição do presidente do PS, a que se reca...
Carlos César reeleito presidente do PS
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Carlos César reeleito presidente do PS. RTP 26 Mai, 2018, 14:20 / atualizado em 26 Mai, 2018, 14:20...
Ao Minuto A um ano das eleições socialistas distribuem elogios e pedem mais votos Jornal de Negócios
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Pedro Nuno Santos, Mourinho Félix ou Carlos César, embora com formulações ligeiramente diferentes, a...
Carlos César remete matéria de impostos sobre combustíves para OE 2019
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Carlos César desvaloriza as críticas de Rui Rio sobre a carga fiscal sobre os combustíveis e remete...
Sears to close another 72 stores as sales plunge
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NEW YORK (AP) — Sears will close another 72 stores as sales plunge and losses grow. The beleaguered...
San Antonio establishments have served more than $200 million in alcohol in 2018
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Bartenders at San Antonio restaurants, bars and venues have already poured more than $200 million wo...
Dollar Tree 1Q profit falls on costs, inclement weather
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NEW YORK (AP) — Dollar Tree reported a drop in first-quarter profit as it faced higher freight costs...
How to Create Upsells that Boost Your Sales
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Upsells are an important part of your autoresponder communication system that, if done correctly, wi...
San Antonio home sales continue a hot streak
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The local market is on track to set another sales record this year after a record 30,715 homes were...
Here's Why You Should Be Supporting San Antonio Restaurants This Summer
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... could mean a sales drop of up to 20 percent for some restaurants, according to Upserve, a restau...
KB Home Opens Madera in Northeast San Antonio
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The KB Home Sales Center and model park at Madera, located at 4651 Trevor Way in San Antonio, are op...
San Antonio home sales hot heading into summer
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Sales are through the roof before heading into the summer. In April, 2,848 homes were sold in the Sa...
Strong economy makes for brisk small business sales in San Antonio, US
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The market for small business sales in San Antonio appears to have cooled for the first quarter of 2...
3 Things You Can Buy for Less on Memorial Day
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“Memorial Day sales really kick off the summer season,” says Kelli Hollinger, the director of the Ce...