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Andrey Vorobyov vs Sergey Lavrov

Compare Andrey Vorobyov e Sergey Lavrov para saber em quem votar.

Andrey Vorobyov

Andrey Vorobyov

Sergey Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov
Andrey Vorobyov
score Sergey Lavrov
Moscou Russian Federation
Moscou Russian Federation
Partido político
United Russia
Putin's Secret Services
2018.05.31 - Fonte :80% - News
Tkachev even suggests that Andrey Vorobyov, governor of the Moscow region and former chair of the ru...

Kremlin approves possible re-election of Sobyanin, Vorobyev and heads of two more regions
2018.05.28 - Fonte :85% - News
According to RBC sources close to the Kremlin, the candidacy of Head of the Moscow region Andrey Vor...

Gazprom unveils plan for huge new gas plant
2018.05.03 - Fonte :95% - News
According to Gazprom's Andrey Vorobyov, the company had to boost its spending on the Sila Sibiri exp...

School ceiling worth $484.300 collapsed
2018.05.21 - Fonte :90% - News
The ceiling collapsed during the classes in school number 2 in the city of Stupino, Moscow region. A...

Sanitation truck fired upon near Yadrovo landfill. Driver wounded
2018.05.13 - Fonte :95% - News
Residents of the city organized a spontaneous rally and demanded that the authorities close the land...

Residents of Volokolamsk lodge complaint against Yadrovo landfill for $88.700
2018.05.03 - Fonte :90% - News
More than 50 people sought medical attention with complaints of nausea and headaches. Governor of th...

Мы будем строить сильное, чистое и здоровое Подмосковье Андрей Воробьёв «Ступинская панорама»
2018.05.31 - Fonte :85% - News
Губернатор Московской области Андрей Воробьев в эфире телеканала «360» назвал основные направления р...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meets Kim Jong-un
2018.05.31 - Fonte :95% - News
On a visit to Pyongyang on Thursday - where he met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Foreign Minis...

Russia enters North Korean diplomatic fray as Lavrov calls for phased lifting of sanctions on visit
2018.05.31 - Fonte :85% - News
“As for sanctions, it is absolutely obvious that, as we start discussions on how to resolve the nucl...

Moscow denies involvement in murder of anti-Kremlin journalist
2018.05.30 - Fonte :85% - News
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described the murder of anti-Kremlin journalist Arkady Babche...

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Pyongyang: Report
2018.05.31 - Fonte :75% - News
SEOUL: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Pyongyang Thursday (May 31), North Korea's...

Russia: No Iranian forces on Israeli border
2018.05.28 - Fonte :95% - News
Iran's allies are mulling limitations on Revolutionary Guard activity in Syrian territory, and may h...

Sergey Lavrov: Ukraine gas transit route cannot be 'politically imposed'
2018.05.10 - Fonte :85% - News
A Russian decision to continue gas transit to the European Union via Ukraine after the construction...

Russia Must Defend the Internet From 'Same Sex Values' and Pedophiles: Minister
2018.05.31 - Fonte :80% - News
Russia must defend itself online from terrorists, child abusers and the imposition of “same-sex valu...

Putin, Shoigu and Lavrov top Russians' trust rating in poll
2018.05.31 - Fonte :95% - News
The results of the research released on Thursday read that 46.9 percent of Russians currently trust...

Top North Korean heads to US, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov to visit Pyongyang
2018.05.30 - Fonte :95% - News
Trump wrote. Moscow said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would travel to North Korea on Thurs...

Russian foreign minister meets with North Korean counterpart
2018.05.31 - Fonte :90% - News
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with his North Korean count...