Simonetta Sommaruga Biography & News
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Simonetta Sommaruga
Posição :
Antigo préside...
14 mai 1960
Partido político:
Social D...
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Sommaruga yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Simonetta. She is born on 14 mai 1960 and active in Switzerland, Berna as antigo présidente. Simonetta Sommaruga has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Postivo, 0 negativo, 0 Realizações, 0 Acusações and 0 Convicções. The most active category is News. Simonetta Sommaruga is mostly active in News.Novidades
2018.05.31 - Fonte: 90% - News
Die Bedenken, man könnte in der Schweiz etwas tun, das der EU nicht passt und so das Assoziierungsabkommen von Schengen gefährden –diese Bedenken ...
2018.05.30 - Fonte: 80% - News
Heute wurden die brennenden Fragen nicht abschliessend geklärt: Nach rund zweieinhalb Stunden wurde die Debatte unterbrochen. Weitergeführt wird sie am Mittwoch in einer Woche. Justizministerin Simonetta Sommaruga äusserte sich noch nicht.
2018.05.30 - Fonte: 75% - News
Die Waffenlobby kämpft heute gegen den Vorschlag der Nationalratskommission, das Waffenrecht zu verschärfen.
2018.05.29 - Fonte: 80% - News
The answer is to be found no doubt in minister Simonetta Sommaruga's response during the parliamentary debate: “The casinos got their way here.” The lobbying from the casinos was just too powerful and intense. Internet blocks set a precedent ...
2018.05.29 - Fonte: 75% - News
So said Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga on April 28, in response to a questionexternal link from a reader of freesheet 20Minuten, who had said surely there would be even more money for Swiss institutions and social security schemes (some of the ...
2018.05.27 - Fonte: 90% - News
Between September 2010 and January 2012, four women – Simonetta Sommaruga, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf and Leuthard – sat in the Swiss cabinet for the first and only time. This was hailed as a symbolic moment for women's rights ...
2018.05.26 - Fonte: 90% - News
La cheffe du Département fédéral de justice et police (DFJP) aborde une session parlementaire cruciale sur trois dossiers qui lui tiennent à cœur: l'égalité salariale, la représentation des femmes à la tête des entreprises et la lutte contre la ...
2018.05.26 - Fonte: 85% - News
Frau Sommaruga, wird das Elefantengehege im Zoo wirklich geschlossen, wenn das Stimmvolk das Geldspielgesetz am 10. Juni ablehnt? Simonetta Sommaruga: Sicher nicht gleich am nächsten Tag. Aber Tatsache ist, dass ausländische Internet-Casinos ...
2018.05.25 - Fonte: 95% - News
“The government is clear that changing name or gender should no longer pose an obstacle to transpeople,” Justice minister Simonetta Sommaruga said. The civil register should be adapted to reflect reality and not the other way round, she added.