Gabriel Oprea Biography & News
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Role of Government
Gabriel Oprea
Biography & Reputation
Gabriel Oprea's Ducmeter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Gabriel positive things done and find out if Oprea is worth leading. The Users of Ductum thinks Gabriel is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Oprea. He is born on 1961 and active in Romania, Bucharest as former prime minister. Gabriel Oprea has in total 209 news splited in 187 News, 9 Positive, 11 Negative, 0 Realizations, 2 Accuses and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. Gabriel Oprea is mostly active in News and Role of Government.News
2018.07.23 - Source: 75% - News
She has been involved in important cases such as those involving former Internal Affairs ministers Gabriel Oprea and Petre Toba. Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said earlier today that the reason why he thinks prosecutors have not submitted their nam...
2018.06.30 - Source: 95% - News
Former Romanian deputy prime minister Gabriel Oprea, who has been out of public life in the last two years due to criminal investigations, wanted to make a strong comeback in politics this week. But he managed the opposite, by posting a photo in whic...
2018.05.29 - Source: 90% - News
Victor Ponta susține că Gabriela Firea nu spune adevărul atunci când neagă prezența ei la botezul nepoatei lui Gabriel Oprea, un eveniment prezentat inițial de mass-media ca fiind o întâlnire de taină pentru racolarea de parlamentari la noul partid.
2018.05.28 - Source: 90% - News
Ponta a spus că s-a mai sfătuit cu Ioan Rus (fost ministru de Interne, fost vicepreședinte PSD), căruia i-a făcut o vizită în Cluj, dar și cu Gabriel Oprea (fost ministru de Interne, fost vicepremier, fost premier interimar), cu care s-a întâlnit ...
2018.05.24 - Source: 95% - News
Fostul premier Victor Ponta ar fi bătut palma cu Gabriel Oprea pentru ca acesta din urmă să pună la dispoziția Pro-România infrastructura UNPR. Un pas important în parafarea înțelegerii ar fi avut loc un botez. Ponta ar fi particpat recent la botezul...
2018.05.24 - Source: 80% - News
Gabriel Oprea a avut o ascensiune politică veritabilă înainte de a deveni liderul UNPR: fost general, ministru al Apărării Naţionale şi ministru de Interne. Cariera i-a fost curmată atât de acuzaţia de plagiat, cât şi de erori fără tăgadă. În octombr...
2018.05.17 - Source: 90% - News
Eșecul misiunii încredințate de Gabriel Oprea, „în interesul național”, lui Codrin Ștefănescu după „racolarea” acestuia pentru „ruperea”, de racolare a cât mai multor „trădatori” din PSD și formarea unui nou partid, nu l-a dezarmat pe fostul viceprem...
2018.05.06 - Source: 85% - News
Statul, adică fiecare contribuabil, ar putea plăti daunele în dosarul morţii poliţistului Bogdan Gigină, în locul fostului ministru de interne Gabriel Oprea! Trei instituţii sunt responsabile din punct de vedere civil, arată rechizitoriul prin care ....
2018.05.03 - Source: 95% - News
The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA)'s prosecutors have decided the prosecution of Gabriel Oprea, at the date of the deed Deputy Prime minister for National Security and Internal Affairs minister, for manslaughter in the criminal file ...
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Wealth & Salary
The wealth for Gabriel is at the moment unknown. Try to find a Biography to get more info about Gabriel's wealth and complete it here. Gabriel Oprea salary is not exactly listed yet here. Maybe you find in a CV the salaray of Gabriel Oprea.Prison, Corruption & Trust
Gabriel Oprea has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.Political Party
The political party of Gabriel Oprea is Independent from Romania. Gabriel is active as Former Prime Minister.Related People
During a speech to the party faithful in Lyon on 10 December 2010, she said that the weekly illegal...
In 2004, Alain Juppé was tried for the felony of abuse of public funds, when he was head of the RPR...
31.10.2016 - Procurorii din cadrul DNA au dispus efectuarea urmăririi penale față de suspectul