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Joachim Gauck Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Joachim Gauck

Joachim Gauck

Posição :
24 jan 1940
Partido político:
New Foru...
Links externos:
Rol do governo

Joachim Gauck

Posição :
24 jan 1940
Partido político:
New Foru...
Links externos:

Biography & Reputation

Joachim Gauck's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Joachim. Check anyway Gauck news. The Users opinion about Joachim is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Joachim did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 24 jan 1940 and active in Germany, Beira as presidente.
Joachim Gauck has in total 353 news splited in 329 News, 20 Postivo, 4 negativo, 0 Realizações, 0 Acusações and 0 Convicções. The most active category is News. Joachim Gauck is mostly active in News and Rol do governo.


2018.11.16 - Fonte: 95% - News
Der einstige Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck formulierte zum Volkstrauertag: „Wir trauern um die Opfer der Kriege und Bürgerkriege unserer Tage, um die Opfer von Terrorismus und politischer Verfolgung, um die Bundeswehrsoldaten und anderen ...

2018.11.15 - Fonte: 90% - News
Er wollte mit Ex-Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck (78) eigentlich über das Pfarrersein in der ehemaligen DDR und der Bundesrepublik sprechen, sagte der ehemalige Pfarrer Gerhard Hechler (74). Das war, bevor er Gauck in Worms den Gustav-Adolf-Preis ...

2018.11.15 - Fonte: 80% - News
Bregenz/London/Brüssel (APA) - Ein „starkes Europa“ haben am Mittwochvormittag in Bregenz die Redner bei einem „Bürgerdialog zur Zukunft der EU“ als Lösung vieler (Zukunfts-)Probleme angeführt. Entscheidend sei dabei, „die großen Fragen europäisch .....

2018.11.15 - Fonte: 95% - News
Subsequent investigations revealed that he had collaborated with two other accomplices, Maximilian T. and Matthias F., to carry out attacks on high-ranking politicians, among them former president Joachim Gauck, Justice Minister Heiko Maas and Left ....

2018.11.15 - Fonte: 75% - News
It is noted that the group discussed the murder of the head of the Left faction in the Bundestag, Dietmar Bartsch, foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas, the leader of the Green party Claudia Roth and former President Joachim gauck. It is also ...

2018.11.14 - Fonte: 85% - News
In particular, it referred to the Minister for foreign Affairs, member of the ruling Social democratic party of Germany Heiko Maas (Heiko Maas) and former German President Joachim gauck (Joachim Gauck). New dimension to the sensational case about the...

2018.11.12 - Fonte: 90% - News
Covert network of some 200 neo-Nazi and far-right soldiers and veterans planned to abduct and execute Green Party leader Claudia Roth, Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and former president Joachim Gauck, as well as leaders of asylum group, ...

2018.11.11 - Fonte: 85% - News
In the lists of alleged victims made the foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas, former President of the Republic Joachim gauck and the head of the Green party Claudia Roth. The listed persons wanted to kill, using the riots in the streets. Military...

2018.11.11 - Fonte: 95% - News
The British Daily Mail claims that the list also included German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, former President Joachim Gauck and one of the Greens leaders, Claudia Roth. The publication calls the conspirators "neo-Nazis" In addition, the military ...

More Info

Riqueza & Salário

We don't have the wealth for Joachim yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Joachim's past. We don't have the saraly for Joachim Gauck yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Joachim Gauck has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Joachim Gauck is New Forum/Alliance 90 and Independent from Germany. Joachim is active as Presidente.
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