Aleqa Hammond Biography & News
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Aleqa Hammond
Biography & Reputation
Aleqa Hammond's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Aleqa. Check anyway Hammond news. The Users opinion about Aleqa is positive so most people think you can vote her/him. Read anyway what and if Aleqa did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide. He/She is born on 23 set 1965 and active in Denmark, Nuuk as former prime minister. Aleqa Hammond has in total 40 news splited in 38 News, 2 Postivo, 0 negativo, 0 Realizações, 0 Acusações and 0 Convicções. The most active category is News. Aleqa Hammond is mostly active in News and Relações externas.Novidades
2018.05.12 - Fonte: 95% - News
Han opnåede 698 personlige stemmer og er formand for partiet Nunatta Qitornai, mens Aleqa Hammond er nummer to på listen i samme parti. Han vil bruge tiden på at være minister for råstoffer, arbejdsmarked, forfatningsspørgsmål og selvstændighed i den...
2016.09.19 - Fonte: 90% - Relações externas, Rol do governo
I was tempted use this week’s column to say a few words about a Greenland’s Aleqa Hammond, her lack of judgement and her lack of respect for an office that she ...
2013.04.12 - Fonte: 95% - Relações externas, Sistema de justiça
Greenland politics is literally on the move after the 12 March elections. Boxes, lever arch files and personal belongings are strewn around corridors of the devolved government in the centre of Nuuk, while newly elected members move into their new of...