Andrej Babiš Biography & News
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Rol do governo
Direitos civis
Andrej Babiš
Posição :
02 set 1954
Partido político:
Biography & Reputation
Andrej Babiš's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Andrej positive things done and find out if Babiš is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Andrej is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from Babiš. He is born on 02 set 1954 and active in Czech Republic, Muntinlupa as ministro. Andrej Babiš has in total 397 news splited in 394 News, 2 Postivo, 1 negativo, 0 Realizações, 0 Acusações and 0 Convicções. The most active category is News. Andrej Babiš is mostly active in News and Rol do governo.Novidades
2018.12.06 - Fonte: 85% - News
Prime Minister Andrej Babiš who is on a two-day official visit to Morocco, told reporters at the Czech-Moroccan Business Forum, that Morocco had the potential to be the Czech Republic's biggest trading partner in Africa. Babiš suggested that Morocco...
2018.12.05 - Fonte: 90% - News
Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, founder and chairman of the centre-right populist ANO party, remains the most trusted leader of a political party now represented in parliament, according to a new poll by the CVVM agency. According to the poll, the ANO ....
2018.12.05 - Fonte: 85% - News
BRUSSELS, December 04, 2018 - The European Commission needs to move quickly to protect millions of euros in EU funds from the conflicts of interest of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, says Transparency International. Following a complaint submitted...
2018.12.05 - Fonte: 95% - News
Prime Minister Andrej Babiš began a two-day official visit to Morocco on Tuesday, accompanied by Industry and Trade Minister Marta Nováková, industrial bigwigs and officials from the Foreign Ministry. Babiš who spent five years living in Morocco in t...
2018.12.03 - Fonte: 80% - News
Andrej Babiš and his ministers are promising to introduce a so-called “national investment plan”, which will summarize countrywide infrastructure improvement needs as well as the schedule when they will be carried out. While detailed numbers are yet...
2018.12.03 - Fonte: 95% - News
Premiér Andrej Babiš (ANO) odmítl, že by Česko muselo vracet peníze Evropské unii kvůli čerpání dotací Agrofertem. Řekl to v souvislosti s uniklou zprávou právníků Evropské komise (EK), kteří podezírají českého premiéra z možného porušení unijních .....
2018.12.03 - Fonte: 75% - News
Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis (ANO) has reportedly been accused of a conflict of interest over EU subsidies received by his company Agrofert Holding, according to leaked documents, The Guardian reported on November 30. In September, the ...
2018.12.02 - Fonte: 95% - News
Premiér Andrej Babiš (ANO) má prý další skvělý plán. Za deset miliard. Prý je to plán zcela reálný. „Usaďte se,“ žádá Babiš ve svém již tradičním provolání k Čechům, Moravanům a Slezanům a své plány podrobně popisuje. Má na mysli obří investici s ...
2018.12.01 - Fonte: 95% - News
Premiér Andrej Babiš je podle právníků Evropské komise ve střetu zájmů kvůli čerpání z fondů Evropské unie. Hrozí zřejmě i vracení dotací z peněz daňových poplatníků. Babiš už označil analýzu EU za lži a odmítá, že může být kvůli Agrofertu ve střetu...