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Li Keqiang Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Li Keqiang

Li Keqiang

Posição :
Former IPA
01 jul 1955
Partido político:
Links externos:
Rol do governo
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Li Keqiang

Posição :
Former IPA
01 jul 1955
Partido político:
Links externos:

Biography & Reputation

Li Keqiang's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Li. Check anyway Keqiang news. The Users opinion about Li is positive so most people think you can vote her. Read anyway what and if Li did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
She is born on 01 jul 1955 and active in China, Pequim as former ipa.
Li Keqiang has in total 370 news splited in 364 News, 5 Postivo, 0 negativo, 1 Realizações, 0 Acusações and 0 Convicções. The most active category is News. Li Keqiang is mostly active in News and Rol do governo.


China hat sich nicht dem Neo-Liberalismus unterworfen
2016.09.21 - Fonte: 75% - Rol do governo, Economia
Präsident Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang und die große Mehrheit der hohen Politiker genauso, aber auf der Regierungs-, nicht de Business-Ebene.

Obama warns North Korea of consequences of nuclear test
2016.09.21 - Fonte: 85% - Relações externas
Previously, Obama and the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang had a Meeting in New York North Korea's fifth nuclear test ...

Li Keqiang sees poverty reduction as a primary task for sust...
2016.09.21 - Fonte: 80% - Rol do governo
Prime Minister Li Keqiang has chaired on Monday in the UN headquarters in New York, the Forum of sustainable development by 2030.

Premiere in Havanna
2016.09.16 - Fonte: 90% - Rol do governo
Li Keqiang will am kommenden Sonntag zu einer bis zum 28. September dauernden Auslandsreise aufbrechen, auf der er neben Kuba ...

Chinas Regierungschef Li reist in Kürze nach Kuba
2016.09.14 - Fonte: 75% - Relações externas
Chinas Regierungschef Li Keqiang reist in Kürze ins kommunistische Kuba. Geplant seien Gespräche, wie die "bilateralen Beziehungen und die traditionelle Freundschaft weiter vertieft werden können", sagte Vize-Außenminister Wang Chao am Mittwoch in...

Manöver im Südchinesischen Meer: Hanoi und Peking wollen Fri...
2016.09.14 - Fonte: 95% - Defensa
Dem chinesischen Premier Li Keqiang zufolge müssen China und Vietnam kooperieren, um Frieden und Stabilität im Südchinesischen ...

Samthandschuhe bei Streitthema Südchinesisches Meer an ASEAN...
2016.09.07 - Fonte: 90% - Relações externas
Premierminister Li Keqiang habe sich die Stellungnahmen der anderen aber nur mit stoischem Blick angehört, berichtete der philippinische Kommunikationsminister Martin Andanar am Mittwoch in der laotischen Hauptstadt Vientiane.Li sagte, das Thema könn...

Last speech at UN General debate, the final by the East Rive...
2016.08.28 - Fonte: 80% - Rol do governo
as mentioned on Monday to Meet with Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

China confirms Li Keqiang as premier
2013.03.14 - Fonte: 90% - Rol do governo, Economia
China's leaders name Li Keqiang premier, placing him at the helm of the world's second-largest economy.

More Info

Riqueza & Salário

We don't have the wealth for Li yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Li's past. We don't have the saraly for Li Keqiang yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Li Keqiang has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. Her trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust her speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Li Keqiang is Communist Party from China. Li is active as Former IPA.
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