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At the end of the day, John Bel Edwards is still a Democrat
At the end of the day, John Bel Edwards is still a Democrat
John Kennedy's announcement this week that he will not run for governor next year was good news for Democratic incumbent Gov. John Bel Edwards for several reasons. It eliminates the Republican's best-known remaining challenger, makes it harder for ...
Michael Bloomberg to deliver MIT's 2019 Commencement address
Michael Bloomberg to deliver MIT's 2019 Commencement address
Michael Bloomberg, the successful entrepreneur and three-term mayor of New York City who has become one of the nation's most prominent philanthropists and fearless voices on gun violence, climate change, public health, and other issues, will deliver ...
Student Anger Over Higher Tuition Fees Rocks Albania
Student Anger Over Higher Tuition Fees Rocks Albania
Prime Minister Edi Rama at first dismissed protesters as grade failers, adding that tax money could not cover the cost of cutting the students' fees. However, on Wednesday, he appeared to take a step back, claiming that the Minister of Education had in ...
MSD Honor Roll – First Marking Period '18-'19
Aiden Kowalski, Elizabeth Ksenich, Ellie Lammy, Skylar Lane, Darnell Legros, Juan Lopez Aj, Jimmy Lopez-Lucas, Kiami Marshall, Eliana Martinez, Alan Matias-Morales, Brody Messick, Emily Painter, Alexander Pena, Na'Veya Penn, Suseli Perez-Perez ...
Movie review: 'Becoming Astrid' an engrossing tale of Pippi Longstocking author
Centering on the protagonist's late teens and early 20s -- when she was still known by her maiden name, Ericsson -- the engrossing film by Danish director Pernille Fischer Christensen tells the story of Astrid's affair with a married employer, the ...
Bloomberg by Bloomberg, Updated by Michael R. Bloomberg to be Published by Wiley and Available Everywhere ...
Bloomberg by Bloomberg, Updated by Michael R. Bloomberg to be Published by Wiley and Available Everywhere ...
The highly anticipated second edition of Bloomberg by Bloomberg sees the first major update of Michael Bloomberg's autobiography since it was first published in 1997. Told in his own words and candid style, Bloomberg by Bloomberg offers an intimate ...and more »
Gov. Rick Snyder reviewing candidates to replace Judge L. Suzanne Geddis
District Court Judge L. Suzanne Geddis, who takes over in January as a circuit court judge, confirmed that she worked with Gov. Rick Snyder's office to time her resignation so the Republican governor could appoint her replacement. Synder's office said ...
Argentina PRO secures Buenos Aires gambling restructure
Argentina PRO secures Buenos Aires gambling restructure
On Tuesday, district leaders voted in favour of BA Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal's 2019 proposals, introducing a new 2% tax charge on player winnings from land-based casino, arcade and bingo operators. Governor Vidal secures a 'major victory', with the ...and more »
Editorial: Stand Down, Rand
Kentucky senator Rand Paul is a grandstanding obstructionist whose chief joy seems to be blocking the few bills on which there is wide agreement. That includes at least two bills intended to benefit the state of Israel. One, introduced by Florida's ...and more »
Orbán exempts pro-govʼt media conglomerate from oversight
Orbán exempts pro-govʼt media conglomerate from oversight
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has signed a decree exempting the recently formed pro-government media conglomerate from scrutiny by media or competition authorities. The decree attempts to justify the controversial merger of over 450 pro-government media ...

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During a speech to the party faithful in Lyon on 10 December 2010, she said that the weekly illegal...
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