Összehasonlítás Thomas Nord és Özcan Mutlu , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.
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Özcan Mutlu![]() |
Nord/LB to take further shipping hits
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German bank Nord/LB has warned of more shipping provisions this year as it continues to cut its mari...
In the next Italian election, nothing is guaranteed
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Deutsche Welle journalist Bernd Thomas Riegert's paraphrase of EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger's t...
Ligue 1 transfer targets: Nabil Fekir, Jean Michael Seri and Thomas Lemar
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Premier League clubs have already started their summer business and sides may look to France for pot...
Short Cuts
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It looks, for now, more than 11 weeks after the inconclusive general election, as though Italy is ab...
Jan Augustyniak führt Frankfurter Linke
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Jan Augustyniak ist neuer Vorsitzender des Kreisverbandes der Partei Die Linke. Der 36-Jährige wurde...
Bravo Investigating Assault Allegation Against 'Southern Charm' Star
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Bravo and production company Haymaker are investigating an allegation of sexual assault leveled agai...
"Alkohol ist das größere Problem"
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Frau Tietz, der Linke-Bundestagsabgeordnete Thomas Nord hat das Baumblütenfest als ,Brandenburgs grö...
„Brandenburgs größte Drogenparty“
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Auch der Linke-Bundestagsabgeordnete und ehemalige Landesparteichef Thomas Nord meldete sich zu Wort...
Rouen paints the town rainbow...but authorities object
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Thomas Leroy, president of one group, Gay'T Normande, said: “The idea was to create an event with a...
Thomas Thomasberg dropper Hobro IK og tager igen til Randers
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Jeg har være ekstremt glad for at være i Hobro IK både som træner og som menneske, men jeg har modta...
Wolves showing interest in Dutch international winger: 'Move could ...
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According to Sabah journalist Mehmet Ozcan, Wolverhampton Wanderers are interested in signing Eljero...
Pazar akşamı baba olan Özcan Deniz'in mutluluğuna gölge düştü
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ÖZCAN Deniz ve eşi Feyza Aktan, pazar akşamı ilk bebeklerini kucaklarına aldı. Maslak Acıbadem Hasta...
122 sanığa ağırlaştırılmış müebbet...
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... Mustafa Özkardeşler, Mutlu Açıkgöz, Müslim Çağırıcı, Nuri Yüksel, Osman Çayır, Osman Ongun, Osma...
Özcan Deniz bebeğinin fotoğrafını paylaştı En Son Haber
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Ünlü şarkıcı ve oyuncu Özcan Deniz, bebeği ile olan bir fotoğrafını kendi kişisel sayfasından anlaml...