Összehasonlítás Susana Malcorra és Prakash Javadekar , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.
Susana Malcorra![]() |
VS |
Prakash Javadekar![]() |
UK and Argentina agree to offshore Falkland Islands ...
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- Gazdaság
The agreement follows high-level talks in Buenos Aires involving Argentina’s president Mauricio Macr...
UK, Argentina agree joint steps on Falklands in win for ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
The communique was agreed following a series of meetings in Buenos Aires between Macri, Foreign Mini...
Argentina wants more Chinese tourists to visit
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- Kormányzati szerep
... Santos highlighted that Argentinean Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra had met with Li Jinzao, cha...
Hopes fading for woman UN Secretary-General, Antonio ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
She is followed by former Slovenian President Danilo Turk and Argentinian Foreign Minister Susana Ma...
Argentina and UK agree to ‘remove obstacles’ to Falklands ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
Foreign minister Susana Malcorra says she wants to end era of confrontation over South Atlantic isla...
Ban Ki-moon declares climate change debate 'over,' calls ...
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- Környezet
... along with Susana Malcorra, Argentina’s foreign minister and Mr. Ban’s former chief of staff, ar...
Hopes Dimming for a Woman to Lead the United Nations - The ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
Susana Malcorra, the Argentine foreign minister and for nearly four years the chief of staff to the...
Bismarck Tribune Online - World and National News
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- Külügyek, Kormányzati szerep
In the latest poll, diplomats said former Slovenian President Danilo Turk came in sixth, Argentina's...
Susana Malcorra, Chef de Cabinet
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- Kormányzati szerep
Susana Malcorra, Chef de Cabinet
Portugal’s Guterres Front-runner in Race for Next UN Chief
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- Kormányzati szerep
Behind here were Argentina’s foreign minister Susana Malcorra in sixth and New Zealand’s former Prim...
The 2016 UN secretary-general race: A timeline of events ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
Susana Malcorra Miroslav Lajčák. The number of candidates for the U.N. secretary-general position ha...
Macri’s claims over Malvinas talks denied by Malcorra ...
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- Kormányzati szerep
Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra and UK Foreign Office Minister for Europe and the Americas Sir Alan...
Koya Highlights PICs Trade Needs
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It was chaired by Minister Susana Malcorra of Argentina. The Conference ended with a number of minis...
Breve charla de Faurie con el Papa
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El canciller Jorge Faurie asistió ayer a una misa del papa Francisco, a quien transmitió el saludo d...
"Contraten a Moreno por horas": la recomendación de un analista internacional
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El invitado recordó también que "el 27 de abril de 2017 Macri, Marquitos Peña y Susana Malcorra se p...
Peña en Cuba para consolidar las relaciones bilaterales
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La visita de Peña tiene como antecedente la realizada en marzo de 2016 por la entonces ministra de R...
Jorge Taiana: "Lo de Palestina es un intento del Gobierno para posicionarse como el buen alumno de USA"
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El ex canciller Jorge Taiana dialogó con Política Argentina y analizó todo lo que sucedió alrededor...
¿Estuvo Qatar detrás de la suspensión del amistoso entre Argentina e Israel?
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Volviendo a la relación entre el Gobierno argentino y Qatar hay que traer las palabras de la excanci...
Situación actual de Argentina sobre derechos en Islas Malvinas
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En este sentido, el Gobierno de Macri ha facilitado las exploraciones petroleras y expropiación de r...
Ex combatientes cantaron el Himno frente a la Embajada del Reino Unido
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Los ex combatientes también criticaron el comunicado firmado entre el ex vicecanciller (durante la g...
Veteranos de Malvinas rechazan los acuerdos con Reino Unido: “Se le sigue haciendo demasiado fácil la situación a ...
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-repudiamos el Comunicado Conjunto celebrado entre el Ministerio del Estado Británico Sir Alan Dunca...
UN report on Kashmir: Outgoing chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein lacks moral authority to speak on human rights
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"The treatment of the aid worker, who has been involved in humanitarian work for more than 30 years,...
Acuerdo con Qatar: desestiman la denuncia
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La Cámara de Casación confirmó la desestimación de una denuncia que acusaba al presidente Mauricio M...
Repudian un acuerdo con Reino Unido
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Además, repudiaron “el comunicado conjunto celebrado entre el ministro de Estado británico, Alan Duc...
Macri desplazó a Francisco Cabrera y Juan José Aranguren: los reemplazarán Dante Sica y Javier Iguacel
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... Susana Malcorra (Cancillería), Jorge Lemus (Salud), Esteban Bullrich (Educación), Ricardo Buryai...
Los números de que eyectaron a los ministros
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Entre ellos están Alfonso Prat Gay (exministro de Hacienda), Isela Costantini (Aerolíneas Argentinas...
Cambios en el Gabinete: las bajas que se fueron por la economía
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El Gabinete de Mauricio Macri sufrió importantes cambios en estos dos años y medio. El Gobierno desp...
Desestimaron la denuncia por el acuerdo con Qatar
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La resolución del tribunal ratificó así la decisión del juez Daniel Rafecas, quien en marzo de 2017...
Con ruido interno, el Mercosur exige a la UE definiciones por el TLC
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Si bien esta no fue una prioridad durante la gestión de Susana Malcorra en la Cancillería, el actual...
Interactivo: quiénes son los nueve ministros desplazados de la era Macri
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Hubo funcionarios que dejaron sus puestos en 2017 para buscar cargos en Congreso de la Nación, tales...
Uruguay apoyo el referendo revocatorio contra Nicolás Maduro
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La declaración está firmada por las ministras de Relaciones Exteriores y de Culto de Argentina, Susa...
Mover a Peña por el mundo, una buena decisión de Macri
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No fue el caso de Mauricio, menos en el área de las relaciones exteriores, donde reclutó a una desco...
El solapado acuerdo sobre Malvinas que repudian los ex combatientes
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El acuerdo en cuestión es el subscripto en septiembre de 2016 por ex vicecanciller de Susana Malcorr...
El viejo truco de la objeción de conciencia
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... fue enviado a principios de junio del año pasado al Congreso desde el Poder Ejecutivo, con las f...
Los diputados discuten la equidad salarial entre hombres y mujeres
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El compromiso número 4 del acuerdo con el FMI, referido al equilibrio de género en los directorios d...
Reino Unido levanta la restricción para venderle armas a la Argentina
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“Desde la elección del presidente (Mauricio) Macri, en diciembre de 2015, las relaciones entre el Re...
El canciller Jorge Faurie celebró que Gran Bretaña vuelva a venderle armas a Argentina
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Ya con su primera canciller, Susana Malcorra, el gobierno de Cambiemos se apoyó en el llamado “parag...
Ojeda pidió explicaciones a Peña por la exclusión de Tierra del Fuego en las negociaciones por Malvinas
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“¿Qué beneficios obtiene argentina si aceptamos las exigencias isleñas? Quiero además saber los moti...
Mauricio Macri llamó a López Obrador y lo invitó a la Argentina
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Mauricio Macri con Enrique Peña Nieto, presidente saliente de México, la ex cancilleres Susana Malco...
Amenazan con explosivos a un funcionario del Ministerio de Defensa
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Con la asunción de Mauricio Macri , asumió en el área de Asuntos Militares de la Defensa en la gesti...
Macri se encamina hacia un conflicto diplomático con el CELS
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... secretaria general de la Federación Asiática contra las Desapariciones Forzadas (AFAD) en 2014;...
UN Summer Academy Brings 2030 Development Agenda To Life
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... which includes former Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, current Deputy Secretary-General Am...
Chihuido y postergación, dos palabras inseparables
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“Viajamos a Rusia junto a la ex canciller (Susana) Malcorra y (el Gobernador) Omar Gutiérrez, buscan...
Proyectos millonarios y el futuro vínculo con China, en riesgo por el ajuste
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El presidente Mauricio Macri respeta la voz de Susana Malcorra como casi ninguna otra al momento de...
Giro oficial: Gobierno pidió rescindir dos contratos de energías renovables
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Más atrás, en 2016, la ex canciller Susana Malcorra salvó las relaciones con China, ante la voluntad...
Los chinos esperan que no se frenen las represas
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Pero la ex canciller Susana Malcorra lo convenció de que no era buena idea incumplirle al gobierno c...
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Lun 23/07/18.- A casi dos años de su publicación oficial en el sitio web del Gobierno Argentino, el...
El Mercosur negociará un tratado de libre comercio con Singapur
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La Cancillería inició un proceso de acercamiento desde la gestión de Susana Malcorra y la intensific...
“La Argentina ya estaba haciendo las reformas que recomienda el FMI”
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En ese plano, el funcionario, que reemplazó a la santafesina Susana Malcorra, señaló que “hay alguno...
El Gobierno teme que la elección en Brasil sume malas noticias
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"Si Brasil estornuda, Argentina tiene neumonía", es una suerte de refrán que repiten los economistas...
"Los argentinos queremos que sea todo mágico pero así no funciona el mundo"
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El reemplazante de Susana Malcorra insistió con sus críticas y enfatizó con que "los argentinos no t...
FF.AA. pauperizadas: ¿la solución para combatir el narcotráfico?
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Por esa causa también fueron denunciados Macri, la excanciller Susana Malcorra y el entonces embajad...
¿Ciudadanos con derechos o mercancías desechables?
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Lo hizo a través del Decreto 375/2015, que fue publicado en el Boletín Oficial con la firma del pres...
Jorge Faurié: "Los argentinos queremos que sea todo mágico, así no funciona el mundo"
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El reemplazante de Susana Malcorra insistió con sus críticas y enfatizó con que "los argentinos no t...
Rescatando a doña Rosa
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Basta con recordar las compras de Juliana Awada en un súper del Barrio Chino; a María Eugenia Vidal...
La cárcel, el negocio de la década y de vuelta a la prisión: la historia del detenido Gerardo Ferreyra
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Pero la canciller Susana Malcorra desaconsejó ese camino: era mejor seguir con Electroingeniería que...
Sergio Bergman : « Dieu vient en aide à ceux qui s'aident eux-mêmes »
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Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry, au centre, avec la ministre des Affaires étrangères de l'...
#CuadernoGate: el “Lava Jato” a la carta de Bonadio y Macri
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Según algunas versiones, Macri intentó dar marcha atrás con esos acuerdos, pero la -en ese momento c...
Macri es el Nunca Más al revés
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El Estado argentino solo asumió fugazmente la responsabilidad internacional hacia los organismos int...
Represas: la esposa de De Vido asesoró en las sombras a Electroingeniería
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A su llegada a la Casa Rosada, Macri evaluó darlo de baja, pero la entonces canciller, Susana Malcor...
Japón y Argentina: ¿vínculo o coincidencias coyunturales?
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... la Argentina de un relacionamiento más cercano con Japón responde al objetivo más general de pol...
Los 1000 días de Macri: del sueño de reelección a la hora más crítica
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Los cambios de ministros se profundizaron tras la salida de Prat-Gay y la asunción de Nicolás Dujovn...
Tensión y rumores en la quinta de Olivos
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El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores había llegado al cargo luego de la renuncia de Susana Malcorra,...
Alfonso Prat-Gay será el nuevo canciller
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La primera en ocupar ese cargo fue Susana Malcorra, designada por su experiencia como asesora del en...
Cuáles fueron los cambios de Gabinete de Macri en lo que va de su mandato
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2) Susana Malcorra. Era una de las tres mujeres del gabinete. Pero la canciller renunció en mayo de...
Claves para entender la gestión Macri: de las expectativas de reelección a un difuso día a día
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El ministro, que propició la salida del cepo al dólar y había logrado acordar con los holdouts, abri...
Todos los cambios en el "mejor equipo de los últimos 50 años"
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En medio de los fuertes rumores en torno a la eliminación de cerca de 10 ministerios, se encendieron...
Los por qué del "no" permanente de Ernesto Sanz
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Se mostró, sin embargo, distante de esos cargos. Puede decirse que apadrinó a algunos ministros como...
Qué pasó hasta acá con la inflación y el dólar en la era Macri
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... proceso electoral en Estados Unidos dejó como ganador a un excéntrico Donald Trump, quien no era...
Cambios en el gabinete: Prat-Gay está a un paso de ser el nuevo Canciller
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La primera en ocupar ese cargo fue Susana Malcorra, designada por su experiencia como asesora del en...
Los cambios en el Gabinete: el peor momento de Marcos Peña en el Gobierno
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Con la elección de Faurie como reemplazante de Susana Malcorra, Peña se había asegurado que fuera su...
El canciller está desnudo
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El desgobierno de Faurie se conoce desde que llegó a reemplazar a Susana Malcorra a mediados del año...
Barrionuevo encendió la polémica con Peña: "Es el López Rega de hoy"
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Un jefe de gabinete que echó a (Susana) Malcorra, (Martín) Lousteau, (Carlos) Melconian, (Alfonso) P...
La vertiginosa historia de los ex vicejefes de gabinete, del poder al ostracismo
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De hecho, fueron los vicejefes de gabinete quienes se cargaron a los ministros que osaron cuestionar...
Macri cumple 1.000 días como presidente en medio de una complicada situación económica
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... Lino Barañao; en Cultura, Pablo Avelluto; en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Sergio Bergman;...
La crisis de los 1000 días de Macri
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... Lino Barañao; en Cultura, Pablo Avelluto; en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Sergio Bergman;...
En medio de ajustes en el Estado y de una crisis con el dólar, Mauricio Macri cumple 1000 días como presidente ...
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... Lino Barañao; en Cultura, Pablo Avelluto; en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Sergio Bergman;...
Ban Ki-moon's Nephew Sentenced to 6 Months for FCPA Violations as Guterres Son UNdisclosed
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... from Inner City Press, Ban Ki-moon appeared an an auction downtown, fronting for gender equality...
Relaciones públicas internacionales
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Susana Malcorra recorrería el mundo ejerciendo un rol dual: el de restablecer las relaciones de la A...
On UN Credibility Press Q to Sachs and Guehenno Goes to PGA Who Cites Good Will As Guterres Censors
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... for support of the Budget Committee chairman for which Guterres went quiet on the killings by Ca...
Blejski cirkus: Vladimir Putkin, arabska ministrica za srečo ter Cerarjeva in Šarčeva neotesanost
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Letos je prišla bivša argentinska zunanja ministrica Susana Malcorra. Morda se še kdo spomni človeka...
Destacados diplomáticos disertaron en Río Grande a 2 años del acuerdo Foradori Duncan
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El ex embajador Tarcetti denunció incluso que el acuerdo Foradori Duncan “modifica las bases sobre l...
Najam Participates in Bled Strategic Forum
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... Aleksander Čeferin, the President of UEFA; Susana Malcorra, former Foreign Minister of Argentina...
Jorge Faurie habló sobre los rumores de cambio en la cancillería
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Según dijo, el objetivo de la cancillería está en "ampliar mercados para la producción argentina", y...
Estados Unidos y China en guerra: ¿Cómo puede verse afectada la Argentina?
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¿Por qué? Los cariocas son nuestro principal socio comercial, algo que tendría una repercusión posit...
El juego de las diferencias: los tres viajes de Mauricio Macri como Presidente a Nueva York
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Además de su perfil, Macri buscaba levantar el de su entonces canciller Susana Malcorra, que sonaba...
Uno por uno, a cuánto asciende el patrimonio de los ministros del gabinete de Mauricio Macri
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Faurie, por su parte, tiene dinero en Francia y Portugal producto de su paso por aquellos países ant...
Las encuestas ya dan ganador al candidato de Lula y el kirchnerismo espera un rebote "muy fuerte" en Argentina
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La relación del macrismo con el partido de Lula quedó muy dañada cuando la entonces canciller Susana...
Un llamado al multilateralismo
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En los albores de la gestión de Cambiemos, a inicios de 2016, la entonces canciller Susana Malcorra...
Lo que se dice y no se oye
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Aluvión del libro político: Se vienen, en Planeta, títulos de Felipe Solá, Susana Malcorra y Juan Gr...
Cada vez quedan menos "El mejor equipo de los últimos 50 años"
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Y la lista sigue con Daniel Chaín, Néstor Abel Pérez Baliño, Eduardo Munin, Carlos Regazzoni, Esteba...
Embajadas y consulados: Argentina tiene 50 inmuebles valuados en $1.000 millones y gasta lo mismo en 214 alquileres
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Argentina gasta $919 millones por año en el alquiler de 214 propiedades, casi el mismo monto que el...
24 horas para no olvidar Malvinas: una nueva edición de la maratón que homenajea a los caídos
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Esta vez, una de las que más resaltó fue la del rechazo al acuerdo “Foradori-Duncan”, un acuerdo que...
Ajuste diplomático
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La respuesta del canciller que asumió a su cargo en mayo de 2017, tras la renuncia de Susana Malcorr...
El ajuste no perdona ni a las embajadas
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La respuesta del canciller que asumió a su cargo en mayo de 2017, tras la renuncia de Susana Malcorr...
Guiño de Haddad a Macri: "Somos amigos personales"
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La relación del macrismo con el partido de Lula quedó muy dañada cuando la entonces canciller Susana...
"La Argentina aún es un país prometedor para el mundo"
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La labor de Susana Malcorra primero y de Jorge Faurie ahora, son testimonios de una acción diplomáti...
Macri prefiere que Bolsonaro gane las elecciones en Brasil
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La relación del macrismo con el partido de Lula quedó muy dañada cuando la entonces canciller Susana...
El Gobierno no quiere apurarse con Bolsonaro y sacó un tibio comunicado sobre las elecciones brasileñas
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Con el proyecto para llevar a Susana Malcorra al liderazgo de las Naciones Unidas trunco y agotado,...
“Mira hacia el futuro y no al pasado”
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Tras el impeachment –en el que Bolsonaro votó a favor reivindicado al militar que torturó a Rousseff...
Se inauguró la oficina de ONU Mujeres en Argentina
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La presentación es la concreción de la firma de un acuerdo que se había realizado en agosto de 2016,...
Excanciller Malcorra presenta “Pasión por el resultado” en Rosario
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La excanciller del gobierno de Mauricio Macri, Susana Malcorra, prensentará su primer libro, “Pasión...
Las 10 medidas con las que el Gobierno dio marcha atrás
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Rápidamente desde Londres desmintieron esta versión y la canciller argentina Susana Malcorra tuvo qu...
Buena sintonía: Bolsonaro saludó a Macri, quien terminó con "Dilma Kirchner"
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El gobierno argentino no se pronunció sobre los candidatos brasileños y prefirió esperar para que no...
“La mesa del G20 es la más importante del mundo y la Argentina es parte de ella”
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Villagra Delgado, que fue vicecanciller de Susana Malcorra en la primera etapa de la gestión de Macr...
Condecora España a Lozoya, director del MIB
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... general del Sistema de Informaciones de la República Portuguesa; Lone Dencker Wisborg, exembajad...
Un pasado que pretende volver
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El gobierno de Mauricio Macri, con Susana Malcorra como estratega, se jactó de iniciar una nueva era...
Qué afectó la dinámica de trabajo en el Gobierno, según Susana Malcorra
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Después de mucho tiempo sin apariciones televisivas, la excanciller argentina Susana Malcorra visitó...
Susana Malcorra criticó a Mauricio Macri: "El Gobierno no es una ...
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La excanciller consideró que el sistema de trabajo que impuso el Presidente complicó la coordinación...
"El uso de la prisión preventiva debe ser manejado con mucho cuidado"
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"El uso de la prisión preventiva debe ser manejado con mucho cuidado", aseguró Susana Malcorra al re...
Susana Malcorra: "Llamo a las mujeres que exijan su espacio no pidiendo permiso"
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Susana Malcorra, la excanciller de Argentina y autora del libro "Pasión por el resultado: el lideraz...
Malcorra: “Argentina siempre representó una intriga en el mundo”
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La ex canciller y ex diplomática de Naciones Unidas, Susana Malcorra, presenta su nuevo libro con hi...
Ban Ki-moon Resurfaces in NY Managed by ROK Which Banned Yemen Refugees As Press Banned
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... from Inner City Press, Ban Ki-moon appeared an an auction downtown, fronting for gender equality...
"Me preocupa menos el contexto internacional que las decisiones tomadas hacia adentro"
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La excanciller argentina Susana Malcorra volvió hoy a evaluar la gestión del presidente Mauricio Mac...
Susana Malcorra: "El Gobierno no ha hecho lo suficiente para ...
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La ex canciller habló con Infobae sobre su nuevo libro, el avance de la ultra derecha en el mundo y...
Susana Malcorra cree que ser mujer le cerró la puerta a liderar la ONU
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Buenos Aires, 21 oct (EFE).- La excanciller argentina Susana Malcorra consideró, en declaraciones a...
Interna al calor de la crisis
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Hace unos días la ex canciller Susana Malcorra comentaba que el Gobierno tuvo una visión muy empresa...
El ahogo es el camino
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Susana Malcorra, ex Canciller argentina, ex miembro del mejor equipo de los 50 años advirtió ahora q...
Malcorra: El Gobierno no ha hecho lo suficiente para superar la grieta
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"La gieta puede ayudar a ganar una elección. Pero es siempre negativa y nos transforma hacia afuera...
Susana Malcorra respaldó a Dilma Rousseff y dijo estar "preocupada" por Bolsonaro
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Susana Malcorra consideró que el "impeachment a Dilma Rousseff fue fuerte, muy duro e impacta mucho...
Malcorra: El Gobierno no ha hecho lo suficiente para superar la grieta
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“La gieta puede ayudar a ganar una elección. Pero es siempre negativa y nos transforma hacia afuera...
Susana Malcorra en Telenoche, luego de presentar su libro en Rosario
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La ex canciller argentina pasó por su ciudad para el lanzamiento de su autobiografía “Pasión por el...
Susana Malcorra: “No está en mis planes ser candidata en la ciudad o en la Provincia”
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La ex Canciller, Susana Malcorra, pasó por los estudios de Radio Mitre Rosario, en el programa El Pu...
Faurie gestiona la primera visita de un líder británico a Buenos Aires
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Faurie hablará justo después del secretario de Estado británico responsable de Europa y América, Ala...
Malcorra presenta su libro sobre el liderazgo femenino
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La ex canciller Susana Malcorra visitó los estudios de Viva la Radio, antes de la presentación de su...
La ex canciller Malcorra dijo que la pobreza es uno de los temas pendientes del Gobierno
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Córdoba- La ex ministra de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Susana Malcorra manifestó hoy en la ciudad...
'We could TAKE Falklands back after Brexit' Argentinian foreign minister makes SHOCK claim
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Susana Malcorra, Mr Faurie's predecessor as foreign minister, was clear that Argentina sees Brexit a...
Susana Malcorra: "Yo hubiera preferido no tener que ir al FMI"
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La ex canciller argentina Susana Malcorra se posicionó sobre la decisión del gobierno del presidente...
Malcorra: "Algunas declaraciones de Bolsonaro sobre el Mercosur ...
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A tres días del balotaje que definirá el futuro de Brasil, la excanciller argentina Susana Malcorra...
Falklands relations: Argentine congress summons Faurie to explain
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The first time the 2016 communiqué was questioned in congress was in late 2016, when Susana Malcorra...
Susana Malcorra: Bolsonaro representa una involución
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Susana Malcorra analiza la irrupción de Bolsonaro: “Su simbología y mensaje representan disvalores d...
Susana Malcorra: “Como cosmovisión no te sirve la grieta”
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Susana Malcorra es firme pero amable. Dones intrínsecos para la vida diplomática, pero también en ge...
Malcorra: "La pobreza es una asignatura pendiente muy fuerte del Presidente"
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Mucha gente me dijo tenés mucho para contar, deberías escribir un libro", responde la ex canciller S...
Malcorra dijo estar "preocupada" por los mensajes de Bolsonaro
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Si bien según la ex Canciller argentina, Susana Malcorra, "hay una separación entre lo que se dice e...
Malcorra preocupada por los mensajes de Bolsonaro sobre el Mercosur
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La ex canciller argentina, Susana Malcorra, afirmó estar "preocupada" por cómo se traducirán en polí...
Susana Malcorra: "Es preocupante que se use la prisión preventiva de manera permanente"
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La excanciller Susana Malcorra aseguró hoy que "es preocupante" y "peligroso" el uso permanente de l...
South America is Facing Unrelenting Crisis and Uncertainty
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The former Argentinian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Susana Malcorra, said “If Brazil sneezes, we [Ar...
Malcorra dijo estar "preocupada" por impacto de políticas de Bolsonaro en el Mercosur
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La excanciller argentina, Susana Malcorra, afirmó este domingo estar "preocupada" por cómo se traduc...
Emirates Diplomatic Academy Launches Abu Dhabi Diplomacy Conference
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... Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation; His Excellency...
Diplomacy Conference on Nov.14
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A distinguished line-up of confirmed speakers includes Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of Sta...
Globalization dominates WEF meeting in Dubai
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The opening panel, titled “Globalization 4.0,” included Bishop, Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Laj...
Susana Malcorra: “La ONU se debe una mujer como secretaria general”
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Con énfasis especial en el liderazgo femenino”, le dice a La Voz Susana Malcorra, la ingeniera rosar...
gulftoday.ae | World Economic Forum panel discusses impact of ...
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Dubai: The impact of globalisation in the face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was the topic und...
'Successful diplomacy is built on trust'
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... Engineer Awaidha Murshed Al Marar, Chairman of the Department of Energy; Dr Mugheer Khamis Al Kh...
Cracks Widen in Phony Corruption Cases Against Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández
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5 in “iProfesional,” former Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra also warned about “abuse” of pre-trial...
Abu Dhabi Diplomacy Conference showers wisdom
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Susana Malcorra, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic, spoke about the 'The...
Macri's got a lot to lose from the G20 summit
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With then-foreign minister Susana Malcorra vying to become secretary-general of the United Nations,...
Women are making strides in diplomacy, but progress is painfully slow
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“Clearly, the systems work in favour of men,” said Susana Malcorra, former minister of foreign affai...
Possível retrocesso do Mercosul sob Bolsonaro preocupa, diz ex-chanceler argentina
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Susana Malcorra, 64, diz estar “muito preocupada com os rumos do Mercosul”. Em entrevista à Folha, p...
"Los mercados miran con atención una posible vuelta de Cristina Kirchner"
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La otrora canciller argentina Susana Malcorra se refirió hoy a la venidera Cumbre de Líderes del G-2...
La habilidad del Presidente para coordinar la cumbre del G20
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Mientras estaba terminando de redactar la presente columna, se publicó una nota de la excanciller Su...
¿Qué dijo Susana Malcorra sobre el G20 y los ataques terroristas?
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La ex canciller consideró hoy, en el marco de una entrevista radial, que “no somos inmunes a un ataq...
Susana Malcorra contó la sorpresa en el Mundo porque Argentina no pudo organizar un partido de fútbol
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La ex canciller Susana Malcorra afirmó que vivió con "bochorno y dolor" el escándalo por la suspensi...
Excanciller argentina: guerra comercial entre EEUU y China condicionará éxito del foro G20
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... de EEUU, Donald Trump, y su homólogo chino Xi Jinping en torno a sus divergencias comerciales en...
Susana Malcorra, sobre el G20: “El terrorismo está presente en el mundo”
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“Lo que está pasando, y sobre todo con vistas a tener a todos estos líderes en Buenos Aires, pone el...
Out now: a 40-page G20 special edition of the BA Times
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former Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra. - International Crisis Group's Ivan Briscoe. - Former Bueno...
Susana Malcorra: "Seremos parte de las grandes políticas que fijará el mundo"
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Susana Malcorra: "Seremos parte de las grandes políticas que fijará el mundo". "Hoy la situación com...
Por el G20, sale hoy una edición especial del BATimes
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La edición especial contará además con una columna de la excanciller Susana Malcorra y las usuales e...
Macri's OECD seduction to continue at G20 summit
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Since June 2016, then-foreign minister Susana Malcorra and ex-economy minister Alfonso Prat-Gay form...
La ex Canciller Malcorra criticó la poca representación femenina en el G20: “Es desastrosa”
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Susana Malcorra, ex Canciller del gobierno de Mauricio Macri, analizó en Esta Semana el impacto de l...
Susana Malcorra: “El G20 no va a traer una lluvia de inversiones”
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La ex canciller Susana Malcorra señaló este domingo que la cumbre del G20 no significará para el paí...
Susana Malcorra celebró que "Argentina sea parte de la formación de la agenda internacional"
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La ex canciller Susana Malcorra sostuvo hoy que la realización del G20 logró "que la Argentina sea p...
Malcorra: 'G20 per se not going to bring international investment'
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Argentina's former Foreign Affairs minister has cautioned against the idea the country could receive...
Susana Malcorra: "El G20 per se no va a traer una lluvia de inversiones"
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La ex canciller Susana Malcorra habló después de la exitosa realización de la cumbre del G20 en el p...
“Es desastrosa la representación femenina en el G20”
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Así lo sostuvo la ex cancilller argentina, Susana Malcorra, en relación al encuentro de líderes mund...
Para Malcorra, el G20 fue "sumamante positivo" para Argentina
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"En términos generales, la cumbre del G20 fue sumamente positiva". Así valoró la cumbre de líderes d...
La sinceridad brutal de Malcorra: "El G20 no va a traer una lluvia de inversiones"
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Así lo aseguró la ex canciller macrista Susana Malcorra. "El G20 per se no va a traer una lluvia de...
Tres semanas cruciales para Mauricio Macri
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Aquel baño de realismo contó con el adicional de la ex canciller, Susana Malcorra. Conocedora de cóm...
Union Ministry of Human Resource Development plans to ...
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- Választások, Kormányzati szerep
... chairmen and directors of IIMs will meet at IIM Shillong on September 20 to discuss the matter,...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar Congratulates Students Successful In CBSE Class 10 Exam
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New Delhi: Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar congratulated the students wh...
Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar gives nod to IIT,IIM incubation centres for Srinagar : Molvi Imran Raza Ansari
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Minister for Higher Education, Technical Education and Information Technology, Molvi Imran Raza Ansa...
Education not a subject for 2019 elections: Prakash Javadekar
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Education was not a subject for politics and would not be poll plank for the 2019 elections, HRD Min...
No ban on day-dreaming: Prakash Javadekar on Rahul Gandhi's prime ministerial aspirations
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MUMBAI: Union minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday took a dig at Congress president Rahul Gandhi's...
Irregularity In IIM Rohtak? Lawmakers Write To Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi: Two lawmakers or MPs have written letters to Human Resource Development Minister Prakash...
Unholy alliance of corrupt won't work: Prakash Javadekar
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HRD minister Prakash Javadekar says the Congress-JD(S) alliance cannot be a model as its only ideolo...
Prakash Javadekar trashes Kumaraswamy's Rs 100-crore charge as 'imaginary'
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BENGALURU: Union minister Prakash Javadekar today rubbished JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy's charge th...
Whatever BJP's done in Karnataka is in accordance with rule book: Prakash Javadekar
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday slammed Congress and Janata...
"No Ban On Day-Dreaming": Prakash Javadekar On Rahul Gandhi's PM Aspirations
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"The then prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, had once said that if he sends Rs. 100 to the people, only R...
Janardhan Reddy campaigning in personal capacity: Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister and the BJP's Karnataka incharge, Prakash Javadekar, rules out any chance of a BJP-JD...
Successes in QS Universities ranking result of 'relentless' work by Indian institutes: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday said that successes registered by Indian Institutions in QS...
Clarify stand on OBC Bill, BJP to Rahul
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Addressing the presser along with Mr. Yadav, Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash J...
Chidambaram's charges baseless, irresponsible: BJP
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Giving a point-by-point rejoinder to Chidambaram, Union minister Prakash Javadekar accused him of "i...
Modi government gives retired teachers a reason to smile
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The Modi government on Monday took a decision to revise the pension of retired faculty and other non...
PhD mandatory for recruitment of university teachers from 2021-22: Prakash Javadekar
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Announcing the new regulations of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Javadekar said Academic Pe...
'The government is spending nearly 4% of GDP on education' The ...
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The HRD Minister on regulating the education system, the updated NCERT textbooks, the CBSE leaks, an...
PhD A Must To Be Assistant Professor Starting 2021: Prakash Javadekar
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Announcing the new regulations of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Mr Javadekar said Academic...
Prakash Javadekar condemns 'cowardly' attack on Shujaat Bukhari, assures such crimes will be reduced
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New Delhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday assured that the attacks like that of Shujaa...
Shujaat Bukhari killing a dastardly act: Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar has condemned the killing of senior journalist Shujaat Bukhari,...
'Sampark for Samarthan': Prakash Javadekar meets industrialist Adi Godrej
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Mumbai (Maharashtra), Jun 16 (ANI): Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar...
Operation Digital Board to go online this July: Javadekar
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Operation Digital Board, aimed at providing better digital education in all schools, will be launche...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar asks IITs to tone down their entrance exam for aspiring engineers
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In an attempt to fill all the seats in India's most prestigious institution, the HRD ministry on Sat...
Students To Be Taught About Healthy Lifestyle: Prakash Javadekar
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Pune: The government will soon include various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the school curricul...
Students to be taught about healthy lifestyle: Prakash Javadekar ...
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The government will soon include various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the school curriculum, Un...
Students to be taught about healthy lifestyle: Javadekar Times of ...
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Education News: The government will soon include various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the schoo...
National Education Policy by end of 2018: Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar
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... Development Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Monday that the much awaited National Education P...
Prakash Javadekar: Taking significant steps to fill varsity vacancies
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Monday said that the government is ta...
Healthy Lifestyle to be Included in Curriculum: Prakash Javadekar
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The Government is soon going to include various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in the school curricu...
More autonomy for institutions, focus on research & innovation among key steps of HRD Ministry: Javadekar
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... education institutions, enhanced focus on innovation and research, and changes in no-detention p...
More autonomy for institutions, focus on research & innovation among key steps of HRD Ministry, says Prakash ...
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... and changes in no-detention policy were among the major initiatives taken by the HRD Ministry du...
CTET examination to be held in multiple languages this year, says HRD minister Prakash Javadekar
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The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) examination will be held in multiple languages this year...
Treasure of Knowledge 'National Digital Library' opens for all: Javadekar
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New Delhi, June 19 (UNI) Breaking walls National Digital Library is open for all from today, said Hu...
DU VC Yogesh Tyagi pulled up by Prakash Javadekar for tardiness in teacher recruitment
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar is reportedly unhappy with Delhi University Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Ty...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar launches National Digital Library in New Delhi
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Union Human Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday launched the National Digital Library,...
CTET Examination To Be Conducted In 20 Languages: Prakash Javadekar
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar has directed Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to conduct C...
BJP Will Come Back to Power With More Seats in 2019: Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi, June 20: Union Humar Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar discussed what the D...
'Government school teachers can directly send nominations for National Award,' says Prakash Javadekar
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Teachers of government schools from across the country can now directly send their entries for Natio...
HRD Minster Prakash Javadekar assures students will not have to ...
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The minister said this year the number of cities was increased to 150 from 107 in the previous years...
Soon, 'Turnitin' software will curb plagiarism in Ph.D theses: Prakash Javadekar
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Mumbai: The Union government has decided to take help of 'Turnitin' software to clamp down on the pr...
Prakash Javadekar expresses concerns over deteriorating environment, lauds PM Modi's initiatives to curb it at NewsX ...
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Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar took a number of questions on environment while speaking at the...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar says govt will include 'whole story' of Emergency in school textbooks
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar Tuesday said the government will include...
Emergency a 'black period', will figure in textbooks: HRD minister
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NEW DELHI: Dubbing the Emergency as a "black period" and an assault on democracy of the country, Uni...
HRD ministry will include truth of Emergency period in textbooks: Prakash Javadekar
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Emergency was a blot on democracy in the country and the HRD ministry would work to include the trut...
Prakash Javadekar labels Ghanshyam Tiwari as a man gone astray
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Human Resource Development Minister (HRD) Prakash Javadekar has described Ghanshyam Tiwari a disappo...
Government proposes draft Act to replace UGC with Higher Education Commission
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The Union Ministry of Human Resource Development on June 27, 2018 proposed a draft bill to repeal th...
Textbooks to have chapter on Emergency
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday announced that a chapter on Emergen...
HRD Ministry to replace UGC with Higher Education Commission of India
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The Centre is set to replace the apex higher education regulator body University Grants Commission (...
MHRD to include truth of Emergency period in textbooks: Prakash Javadekar on 'black day' observance in Jaipur
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Union Minister for MHRD Prakash Javadekar came to Jaipur and held a press meet to talk to the media...
Minister responsible for higher education rejects Darwin's theory, again
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Hence it is essential that traditional knowledge must be incorporated into our curriculum," the IPS-...
Javadekar lauds Cabinet decision to boost educational infrastructure
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday termed the Cabinet nod to m...
Centre approves Rs 1 lakh crore for research, infrastructure in colleges
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The Union Cabinet on Wednesday allowed the Higher Education Funding Agency to mobilise Rs 1 lakh cro...
Promoting better healthcare in India: Deakin University partners with AIIMS and JIPMER
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NEW DELHI: Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar witnessed the signing of partnerships between Austra...
Cong did not honour farmers' long pending demand, Modi govt did: Javadekar
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New Delhi, July 5 (UNI) Taking a dig at Congress, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said the party in...
Scrapping UGC: HRD extends feedback deadline to July 20
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Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday announced at a press conference about the deadline...
Prakash Javadekar justifies queries to Aligarh Muslim University on quotas
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Days after the Uttar Pradesh SC/ST Commission served a notice on the Aligarh Muslim University for n...
Scrapping UGC: HRD extends deadline for receiving feedback till July 20
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Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar announced at a press conference on Thursday that the deadline h...
NEET, JEE to be held twice a year, says Javadekar
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The JEE and NEET examinations will now take place twice a year, announced the HRD Minister Prakash J...
BJP Pandavas fighting TRS Kauravas: Prakash Javadekar
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SURYAPET: Stating that the BJP succeded in ending Congress' family rule at the Centre, Union Ministe...
New NET, NEET, JEE (Mains) Schedule Out as National Testing Agency Takes Over; Students Free to Pick Dates
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New Delhi: Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar on Saturday announced that the newly constituted Nat...
Prakash Javadekar takes a veiled dig at TDP
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Javadekar also said he was confident that his party would come to power in Telangana in the 2019 ele...
Lunch with BS: Javadekar on innovation and higher education in India
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The story of the rise of Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar (67) is inc...
Javadekar takes veiled dig at TDP
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Union Minister Prakash Javadekar today took a veiled dig at the TDP, which left the NDA alliance, sa...
Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar to inaugurate 17th World Sanskrit Conference in Vancouver
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar will inaugurate the 17th World Sanskrit Confer...
Medical, tech tests twice a year
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New Delhi: The national medical and engineering entrance tests will now be conducted online twice a...
Prakash Javadekar: JEE (main), NEET to be conducted twice a year
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Announcing the major changes in the examination system, union HRD minister, Prakash Javadekar, said...
Two IITs, JIO Institute Among 6 'Institutes Of Eminence' Announced By HRD
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar, today, released list of six institutes, 3 in public and 3 in private...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar to inaugurate 17th World Sanskrit ...
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar will inaugurate the 17th World Sanskrit Confer...
Javadekar tweet on Institute of Eminence tag to MAHE sets off ...
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Education News: A tweet by union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar to bracket Manipal Academy of Higher...
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Reliance chairman and president of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Mukesh Ambani, Gujarat Chie...
JEE, NEET twice a year: Who will actually benefit from the decision?
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Finally, we have an agency to take care of the competitive examinations of the country, leaving CBSE...
Manipur University crisis: CM N Biren Singh to meet HRD minister Prakash Javadekar today
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IMPHAL: Manipur chief minister N Biren Singh has stated that he will rush to New Delhi on Friday to...
New NEET format will further privatise education: Union HRD Prakash Javadekar
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CHENNAI: Union Minister of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Prakash Javadekar last Saturday announc...
Prakash Javadekar says Congress 'communal' after party cancels Ramayana event in Kerala
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A day after the Kerala unit of the Congress party cancelled its earlier plan to hold Ramayana after...
CM N Biren Singh meets Javadekar to discuss Manipur varsity crisis
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IMPHAL: Chief minister N Biren Singh on Sunday met Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar and held dis...
Prakash Javadekar Attacks Congress Over Muslim Charge
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Prakash Javadekar Attacks Congress Over Muslim Charge. 2018 | ENGLISH | POLITICS | GENERAL AUDIENCE....
Javadekar to inaugurate conference of Heads of Ayush National Institutes
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Inaugural session of the conference will be graced by Minister of Human Resource Development Prakash...
Prakash Javadekar Urges States To Fast-Track Implementation Of Education Schemes In Aspirational Districts
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Addressing State Education Ministers and Secretaries in a video-conference from Delhi, the Union Min...
Congress has double standards on women's Bill: Prakash Javadekar
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Asking the Congress whether it had taken letters of support from parties that had opposed the legisl...
BJP delegation from Manipur has urged Union minister Prakash Javadekar
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A BJP delegation from Manipur has urged Union minister Prakash Javadekar to review the composition o...
Prakash Javadekar reviews progress of Education sector in 'Aspirational Districts'
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... identified in the Education sector under “Aspirational Districts Programme”, the Advisor to Gove...
Hopeful of saving reservation for SC/ST: Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: The government has put on hold recruitment for teaching positions in universities and col...
States to give affidavit on translated NEET papers: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: The Centre would be taking affidavits from state governments on accuracy of translated NE...
Steps in place to check recurrence of CBSE paper leak: Prakash Javadekar in Rajya Sabha
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NEW DELHI: The CBSE has taken steps to check recurrence of paper leaks after disaffiliating schools...
Govt working towards making exams foolproof and stress-free: Javadekar in RS
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New Delhi, July 19 (UNI) A high-powered committee was looking into incidents of leakage of question...
Students can fail Classes 5, 8 as Lok Sabha passes bill to improve learning outcome
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar moved the 'The Right of Children to Free and C...
Lok Sabha passes Bill to end no-detention policy in schools; Prakash Javadekar calls for rebuilding education system
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Moving the Bill, Javadekar said that the amendment was necessary to improve the "learning outcomes"...
Government committed to quota in faculty positions : Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said the Modi government was committed to reservati...
IITs to jointly scout for faculty, says Prakash Javadekar
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Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha on what the government is doing to overcome shortage of fa...
No more distant venues for NEET, assures Javadekar
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said students would not have to tr...
Cut down school curriculum by half for value, experiential education ...
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Gurugram (Haryana), Jul 22 (ANI): Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar at...
Why Prakash Javadekar Told Saugata Roy "Will Take Tuitions From You"
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"I will take tuition from you," HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar today told TMC leader and Professor S...
Congress exposed after no-confidence motion, Rahul Gandhi hug: Prakash Javadekar
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The Congress was "exposed" during the no-confidence motion and Rahul Gandhi hugging Prime Minister N...
Parliament Monsoon Session Day 3 LIVE UPDATES: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar mocks Rahul Gandhi's 'wink' in ...
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Parliament Monsoon Session Day 3 LIVE UPDATES: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar mocks Rahul Gandhi's '...
Impact of PM Ujjwala Yojana is expanding: Prakash Javadekar
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Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar has said the impact of Pradhan Mantr...
Integrated BEd courses from next year, says HRD minister Prakash Javadekar
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Even as the Lok Sabha on Monday passed an amendment bill on teachers education, Union HRD minister P...
Government keen to end Manipur University agitation at the earliest: Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: The Centre is keen to resolve the ongoing agitation at the Manipur University as early as...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar proposes two commissions in place of UGC
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The HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said that the ministry is in the process of finalisation of the d...
Institution of Eminence tag not given to Jio Institute: Prakash Javadekar
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HRD minister Prakash Javadekar said a committee of experts had made the selections after a thorough...
Prakash Javadekar orders clean-up, tells UGC, V-Cs to weed out all predatory journals
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In a meeting Wednesday, Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar is learnt to have asked his officers to...
Prakash Javadekar clarifies the Institute of Eminence Tag to Jio Institute
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The Jio Institute was on the elite list of six institutes announced by Union human resources ministe...
Centre must fulfill promises to Telangana: DYCM Kadiyam Srihari to Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Srihari met Human Resources Minister Prakash Javadekar in Delhi on Thursday and conveyed the same. S...
Prakash Javadekar flags poor research, innovation as challenges ...
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Prakash Javadekar asked vice-chancellors and directors to ramp up their research output and control...
Only 'Letter of Intent' issued to Jio Institute, says Union Minister ...
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Besides Jio Institute, two other institutions -- Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences, Pilani an...
JEE, NEET to be held in computer-based mode, not online: Prakash Javadekar
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The JEE, NEET will be held computer-based and not online, Union Human Resource Development Minister...
Only 'Letter of Intent' issued to Jio Institute, says Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi: Amid continuing criticism over institution of eminence tag for Jio Institute, Union Minis...
AIADMK opposes centralised entrance tests for MBBS, English courses
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said a total of 24 lakh students take the JEE and NEET entrance exams...
Jio Institute was only issued LoI: Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi: Amid raging controversy over the Centre granting 'institution of eminence' tag for indust...
Javadekar Praises Amar Singh, Says he Exposed Cong's Double Standards
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New Delhi, July 30: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Monday praised Amar Singh of exposing the Co...
Centre sacks Shiv Sena MP Adhalrao as DISHA chief, Prakash Javadekar replaces him
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He was replaced by BJP leader and Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar....
Congress and TMC don't want to let House run: Prakash Javadekar after Rajya Sabha adjourned
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday accused the Congress and the TMC of a 'planned str...
Just over 18000 candidates qualified for 2018 IIT-JEE (Advance): Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: Only 18,138 candidates could qualify the IIT-JEE (Advanced) exams this year after which t...
Prakash Javadekar thanked for KV in Siddipet
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Hyderabad: Telangana Rashtra Samiti's Lok Sabha member from Medak constituency, Kotha Prabhakar Redd...
Prakash Javadekar
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(Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd.), Kendriya Vidyalayas, Prakash Javadekar. The Governor Arunachal Pradesh Br...
122 new research projects selected : Prakash Javadekar
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday said that 122 new research projects...
Prakash Javadekar inaugurates transit campus of Central University
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Uniindia: Anantapur, Aug 5 (UNI) Union Minister for Human Resources Development Prakash Javadekar in...
Prakash Javadekar inaugurates transit campus of Central University
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Anantapur, Aug 5 (UNI) Union Minister for Human Resources Development Prakash Javadekar inaugurated...
Neiphiu Rio meeting with Prakash Javadekar
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Imphal, August 08 2018: Chief Minister Nagaland Neiphiu Rio along with Temjen Imna Along, Minister f...
UGC to provide free online plagiarism tool to varsities
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But HRD minister Prakash Javadekar, during the VCs' meeting in New Delhi, announced that the softwar...
Neet UG 2019: Status quo? Twice-a-year, online NEET unlikely in ...
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Education News: Neet 2019: The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test - UG (NEETUG) may not be condu...
Prakash Javadekar denies BJP-BJD alliance for Rajya Sabha deputy chairman poll, says regional party not part of NDA
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Bhubaneswar: Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday made it cle...
'BJP will win in Odisha' The Hindu
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Senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar exuded confidence on Monday that his party will win both the 201...
Javadekar in Brahmapur on 2-day visit
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Union Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar reached Brahmapour on a two-day visit o...
HRD minister takes stock of BJP poll preparedness
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BERHAMPUR: Senior BJP leader and Union human resource development minister Prakash Javadekar on Mond...
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Union Minister Prakash Javadekar having lunch at the house of a Dalit, Babi Sethi, in Berhampur. Aug...
Prakash Javadekar rules out BJP going soft on Biju Janata Dal
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BERHMAPUR: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar ruled out today the BJP going soft on the Biju Janata Da...
Babus used for political gains: Minister Prakash Javadekar- The ...
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Javadekar, who was on a three-day visit to Ganjam district to take stock of the organisation works o...
Javadekar to attend Patna University event
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PATNA: Union human resource development (HRD) minister Prakash Javadekar would attend the valedictor...
Prakash Javadekar pays tribute to Atalji
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IIT-PAL designed to help students prepare for JEE(Advanced)
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“The decision is taken to help the students who have to surrender to the coaching institutes for cra...
IITs, Prakash Javadekar veto HRD ministry's proposal to scrap JEE ...
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The human resource development ministry's proposal to scrap JEE-Advanced — the joint entrance examin...
HRD Ministry scraps plan to hold NEET Online twice a year check dates and schedule
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The change was one of the major ones announced. In July, HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar had announce...
Prakash Javadekar condoles passing away of veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar
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New Delhi, Aug 23 (UNI) Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar condoled the passing a...
Prakash Javadekar urges for donation to flood-hit Kerala
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New Delhi: Union Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) Prakash Javadekar on Thursday urged th...
Noble gesture! Prakash Javadekar donates one month's salary to Kerala flood victims
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar has donated one month's salary to the Ke...
Javadekar calls upon students to focus on research and innovations
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Patna, Aug 25 (UNI) Union Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar today called upon s...
Prakash Javadekar announces 'No Change in Exam Pattern for JEE Advanced'
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The 52nd meeting of the Council of IITs, chaired by MHRD Union Minister Prakash Javadekar was held o...
Serve motherland, Prakash Javadekar tells PU students
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Speaking highly of the significant contributions of PU in the national freedom struggle and post-ind...
Javadekar repents that India lacks innovation, says we must shift focus to research
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar, at a valedictory function of Patna University centenary celebr...
CM calls on Prakash Javadekar
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Puducherry, Aug 27 (UNI) Chief Minister V Narayanasamy along with Tourism Minister Malladi Krishna R...
Narayanasamy requests restoration of funding for development of ...
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Chief Minister V Narayanasamy today requested the Centre to restore cent percent funding for develop...
Prakash Javadekar announces launch of third 'Smart Hackathon'
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar today announced the launch of the third edition of 'Smart Hacka...
Vajpayee considered all languages as equal: Javadekar
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Chennai, Aug 28 (UNI) Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday said former P...
Prakash Javadekar announces launch of third 'Smart Hackathon'
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Prakash Javadekar announces launch of third 'Smart Hackathon'. In the first two editions, the HRD mi...
Prakash Javadekar launches the 3rd edition of World's Biggest Open Innovation Model 'Smart India Hackathon- 2019'
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The third edition of World's Biggest Open Innovation Model - Smart India Hackathon 2019 was launched...
It was a great Rafale compromise on national security by Congress in 2007: Prakash Javadekar
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Not great Rafale robbery but it was a great Rafale compromise on national security by Congress in 20...
JNU Faculty Write to Prakash Javadekar Demanding Removal of VC M Jagadesh Kumar, Set Teacher's Day Deadline
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New Delhi, Aug 30: The faculty of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) have written to the Minister for...
Hackathon 2019 to offer tech solutions to pvt firms too
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NEW DELHI: This year's Smart India Hackathon which will see over one lakh students from around 3,000...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar launches Innovation Cell & ARIIA
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@PrakashJavdekar Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar has launched the Innova...
Javadekar to inaugurate postal bank
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PUNE: Human resources development minister Prakash Javadekar will inaugurate the Pune branch of the...
3rd Smart India Hackathon Open to Private Organisations: Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi: Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday said that for the first time, the third...
Rafale dogfight: Prakash Javadekar vs Abhishek Manu Singhvi
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Paris-based film production house Rogue International, which is at the centre of Rafale controversy...
Delhi confidential: Money-Back Policy
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It has been almost two months since the Prakash Javadekar-led HRD Ministry announced the names of th...
Prakash Javadekar launches India Post Payment Bank's Pune branch
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Pune: Using only his Aadhaar card and cellphone number, Union human resource development minister Pr...
Section of teachers meet HRD minister Prakash Javadekar against JNUTA
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A section of teachers from the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Monday met HRD minister Prakash Jav...
UGC lowers cut off for PhD enrolment
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Talking to Education Times on the sidelines of launch of Innovation Cell and Atal Ranking of Institu...
Teachers' Day: Prakash Javadekar lays out projects to take school education forward
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New Delhi, Sep 05 (ANI): Union Minister of Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar on the occas...
No fee regulation law to control schools, no vote: Parents warn Centre
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Parents from across India, including a delegation from Maharashtra, will meet Minister of Human Reso...
Got over 1 lakh suggestions on reducing NCERT syllabus, says Prakash Javadekar
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On Teachers' Day, Union human resource development minister Prakash Javadekar spoke to Neelam Pandey...
Prakash Javadekar launches book and curriculum on Gandhiji's Nai Talim
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday launched a book titled 'Experiential Learning -- G...
Javadekar launches book and curriculum on Gandhiji's Nai Talim
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New Delhi, Sep 5 : Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday launched a book titled 'Experie...
Gandhiji's Nai Talim book launched by Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on September 5 launched book and curriculum on Gandhiji's Nai T...
International Literacy Day 2018: MHRD organsises panel discussion tomorrow with Prakash Javadekar
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The Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) has organised a panel discussion tomorrow, i.e...
Jai Ram Thakur meets Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur met Prakash Javadekar, Union HRD Minister at New Delhi on Thursday eve...
Achieve quality to get freedom, Javadekar tells institutes
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To get freedom and autonomy, higher education institutions should work towards improving the quality...
Higher Education Minister GT Devegowda skips meet with HRD minister, raises eyebrows
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BENGALURU: Higher Education Minister G T Devegowda skipped an important meeting with Union HRD Minis...
Opposition is frustrated, has no leader, policy or strategy: Prakash Javadekar
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The BJP has committed to build a 'New India' by 2022, Union minister Prakash Javadekar said on Sunda...
IITs, IIMs, to help government in accreditation work: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar on Saturday said the governme...
Prakash Javadekar Inaugurates 4thWorld Summit on Accreditation(WOSA-2018)
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Union Minister for HRD Prakash Javadekar Inaugurates 4th World Summit on Accreditation (WOSA-2018) a...
Children have key role to eradicate illiteracy from India : Prakash Javadekar
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Union Minister of Human Resource Development Shri Praksah Javadekar was the Chief Guest on this occa...
Resolution of 'New India' will be fulfilled by 2022: Prakash Javadekar
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New Delhi, Sep 09 (ANI): Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar on Sunday s...
Prakash Javadekar Says Opposition Has No "Neta, Neeti, Ranneeti" At BJP Meet
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New Delhi: It's the second day of National Executive, and BJP has sharpened its attack on the opposi...
Opposition Has No "Neta, Neeti, Ranneeti": Prakash Javadekar At BJP Meet | Read
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On day two of the National Executive, BJP sharpened its attack on the opposition saying, it does not...
IITs, IIMs to help govt in accreditation work along with NAAC and NBA, says Prakash Javadekar
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The Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar has recently announced that the Indi...
Javadekar releases PM Modi's 'Exam Warriors' book in Telugu version
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Hyderabad, Sep 11 (UNI) Union Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar released Prime...
Inculcate culture of innovation, says Prakash Javadekar at NIT Warangal
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WARANGAL: Stating that India has to inject a culture of innovation, Union Human Resource Development...
Thrust on innovation, imbibing work culture: Javadekar
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Warangal: Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that a new trend of '...
Experts in Pune welcome compact CBSE syllabus for Classes 1 to 12
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In an attempt to reduce academic pressure on school students, Prakash Javadekar, human resource deve...
Don't beg for funds, ask alumni to contribute: Prakash Javadekar to schools
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Instead of “coming to the government with a begging bowl”, schools should ask their alumni for finan...
Prakash Javadekar asks schools not to depend on government, collect funds from alumni
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Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar has asked the schools to take financial...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar launches Swachhta Hi Seva across KVs
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Union Minister for Human Resource Development Shri Prakash Javadekar participated in the 'Swachhta h...
Prakash Javadekar's controversial statement on school seeking help
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Prakash Javadekar's controversial statement on school seeking help. A controversy erupted after Unio...
Don't depend on Government, ask alumni to contribute: Javadekar to schools
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Pune: Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar has advised the schools to ask...
Prakash Javadekar seeks to withdraw 'inappropriate' words 'begging bowl' from speech over schools seeking help from ...
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New Delhi: Union minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday said he wants to withdraw two "inappropriate"...
Prakash Javadekar clarifies his 'ask alumni not government' remark
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Union Minister Prakash Javadekar Sunday issued a clarification on a statement he made at a school fu...
Prakash Javadekar Inaugurates Over 3400 Centres For Aspirants to Take Practice for Competitive Exams
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New Delhi: Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday inaugurated a network of 3,404 Test Practi...
568 kg laddoo unveiled on PM Narendra Modi's 68th birthday
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Union minister Prakash Javadekar and his cabinet colleague Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi unveiled a 568-kg lad...
Changing India determined to achieve cleanliness: Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: Films like "Toilet Ek Prem Katha" and "Padman" symbolise a changing India that is determi...
Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2018: Changing India determined to achieve cleanliness, says Prakash Javadekar at ...
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Films like "Toilet Ek Prem Katha" and "Padman" symbolise a changing India that is determined to achi...
Swachhta abhiyan is bringing in changes; phenomenal rise in schools participation: Javadekar
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New Delhi, Sep 18 (UNI) Swachhta movement is gradually gaining momentum across the country with scho...
Prakash Javadekar presents Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2017-18
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The Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar conferred the Swachh Vidyalaya...
Patriotism not politics behind asking varsities to observe surgical strikes' anniversary: Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: HRD minister Prakash Javadekar said on Friday that a University Grants Commission's commu...
Surgical strike day: There should be no politicisation, Prakash Javadekar slams opposition
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On 29th Sept (anniversary of surgical strike), we have asked colleges, those who want to, can arrang...
UGC circular: No compulsion on institutions to celebrate 'Surgical Strike Day', says HRD Minister
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New Delhi, Sep 21 (ANI): Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar on Friday r...
'Jan Gan Man Ki Baat' Episode 308: Prakash Javadekar and Lawlessness in Haryana
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'Jan Gan Man Ki Baat' Episode 308: Prakash Javadekar and Lawlessness in Haryana. Vinod Dua discusses...
Surgical Strike Day not compulsory: Javadekar
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Union Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) Prakash Javadekar said on Friday that the celebra...
Won't observe surgical strike day: Bengal education minister Partha Chaterjee
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Coming under criticism over the UGC circular, Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar Friday said that...
PMJAY health scheme has surpassed the world record: Javadekar
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Launching the scheme in Thane district on Sunday, Mr Javadekar said that since last 70 years, no one...
Rahul Gandhi Has "No Facts, Evidence" Over Rafale Deal: Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister and senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar termed Rahul Gandhi as a "directionless leade...
Rafale Deal: Rahul Gandhi has no facts, evidence against govt, says Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister and senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar termed Rahul Gandhi as a "directionless leade...
Prakash Javadekar to inaugurate two-day Higher Education and Human Resource Conclave in Rajasthan
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Prakash Javadekar, Minister for Human Resource Development will inaugurate the Conclave on Monday at...
Budgetary allocation for interest-free education loans to be hiked: Prakash Javadekar
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The Union government will increase its annual allocation for interest-free loans to students and dig...
Annual budget for interest-free education loans would increase to Rs 2200 crore in next three years, announces ...
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Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar while addressing the 2nd Higher Edu...
Rafale deal: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar hits back at Rahul's 'chor' jibe
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Amid a political slugfest over the Rafale fighter jet deal, Union minister Prakash Javadekar Tuesday...
Prakash Javadekar explains Jio Institute of eminence controversy
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A big controversy erupted in July this year after the central government chose Jio Institute of the...
Not rewritten a single history chapter in 4 years: Javadekar
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This is what Union Minister for Human Resource and Development (HRD) Prakash Javadekar today said at...
Prakash Javadekar announces hike in budgetary allocation for interest-free education loans
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Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar has announced that the government pl...
Prakash Javadekar Attacks Rahul Gandhi Over Rafale Jet Deal
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Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Thursday that Congress president Rahul Gandhi will end up l...
Congress cannot work without middlemen, says Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Mumbai: Hitting out at the Congress over its allegations against the Narendra Modi government on the...
Javadekar to attend NIT convocation
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SHILLONG: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar will visit Shillong on October 6 to attend the 5th annual c...
Prakash Javadekar presents Swachhata Ranking Awards 2018 for ...
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The Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar conferred Swachhata Rankin...
Haryana's MDU declared cleanest govt university by HRD Ministry
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Haryana's Maharshi Dayanand University has been declared the cleanest government varsity by the HRD...
Replace 'British-inspired' convocation attire with Indian dresses: Prakash Javadekar to varsities
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As a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar appealed universities acros...
Prakash Javadekar to launch NIT Trichy's 5-year Strategic plan on Oct 5
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Chennai, Oct 3 (UNI) Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar would unveil the NIT, Tiruchirappalli's St...
Prakash Javadekar, Dharmendra Pradhan & JP Nadda get poll roles
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New Delhi: BJP chief Amit Shah has appointed Union ministers JP Nadda, Prakash Javadekar and Dharmen...
Union Minister Prakash Javadekar to launch NITT's strategic plan
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NEW DELHI: Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar will unveil NIT, Tiruchirappal...
HRD Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar to Launch NITT's Strategic Plan
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“The Hardware Hackathon would provide a firm foundation to the students to solve real-time problems...
NIT Trichy gets Rs 190crore facility which 'even IITs don't have'
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TRICHY: Human resource development minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday inaugurated Siemens Centre o...
Youths will bring success for BJP: Prakash Javadekar
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Addressing the selected 200 yuva morcha members from the 200 assembly constituencies in the state, J...
Gujarat migrants: Prakash Javadekar hits back at Alpesh Thakor, asks Congress to expel him
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Ahmedabad: Union Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday hit back at Co...
Prakash Javadekar : No retention of originals by colleges
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New Delhi : In a major relief to the students, Union Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Ja...
Congress president lying at election rallies: Prakash Javadekar
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Javadekar, while highlighting the achievements of the BJP government in the state and centre, claime...
We're winning elections in all the three states, says Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister of Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar, is the Bharatiya Janata Party's new...
Need platform to spread awareness on govt schemes at grass roots: Javadekar
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Union Minister Prakash Javadekar Saturday said there is a need for a dedicated platform where awaren...
Javadekar slams Tharoor over Ram temple remark; 'cut-off from reality'
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Slamming Congress leader Shashi Tharoor for his remark that 'true Hindus would not want a Ram Temple...
No differences, all support Vasundhara Raje in Rajasthan: Prakash Javadekar
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Dismissing reports of differences among BJP leaders in Rajasthan as a "communication gap" that has b...
''No Differences, All Support Vasundhara Raje In Rajasthan'' Says Prakash Javadekar
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Dismissing reports of differences among BJP leaders in Rajasthan as a "communication gap" that has b...
Maharashtra govt planning professional degree courses: Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javdekar on Monday said that the government is planning professional bach...
AMU row: J&K governor seeks Prakash Javadekar's intervention to ensure security of Kashmiri students
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Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik on Tuesday sought the intervention of Union Minister for...
Prakash Javadekar on #MeToo: Women should be treated with dignity and equality in every condition
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As a part of the programme, a review meeting was held in the presence of Javadekar, Collector, and a...
Cong leaders become Hindu only during elections: Prakash Javadekar on Tharoor
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Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar on Monday criticised Congress Membe...
Metro to realign route near Aga Khan Palace
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On the #MeToo movement, Javadekar said laws were in place for grievance redressal, including interna...
In Rajasthan, Prakash Javadekar lets Vasundhara Raje know who's the boss
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JAIPUR: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar, recently appointed as BJP's election in-charge of Rajastha...
AMU Issue: JK Governor speaks to Prakash Javadekar, Prof Tariq Mansoor
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Srinagar, Oct 16 (KNS): Governor Satya Pal Malik this morning spoke to Union Minister for Human Reso...
Chancellors complain of no role, HRD reads rule book
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While some chancellors have written to the human resource development (HRD) ministry expressing disa...
Congress Has Lost the Plot Before 2019, Says Prakash Javadekar
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Months before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, five states will witness a semi-final of sorts with the...
#MeToo: Prakash Javadekar says women should be treated well everywhere, not just at workplaces
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said women should be treated well everywhere and no...
CBSE affiliation norms simplified for speed, transparency: Prakash Javadekar
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NEW DELHI: Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday announced that th...
CBSE affiliation bylaws revamped to ensure speed and transparency: Prakash Javadekar
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Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar today said, the CBSE affiliation bylaws has b...
BJP united in Rajasthan unlike Congress : Election in-charge Prakash Javadekar
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In a recent interview to HT, Union HRD minister Prakash Javadekar who is the Bharatiya Janata Party'...
Don't Intend To Restrict "Freedom Of Speech" In Universities: Prakash Javadekar
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The Minister of Human Resource Development today said that his government have neither put any restr...
Rajasthan Election Interview: BJP's Prakash Javadekar Says "Communication Gap" With Voters Fixed, Party Confident ...
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NEW DELHI—Union cabinet minister and Bharatiya Janata Party's election in-charge for Rajasthan, Prak...
Congress eliminated poor instead of poverty: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Training guns on the Congress, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Saturday that the party elim...
Unnoticed underbelly of private colleges
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Human resource development minister Prakash Javadekar had recently said several privately managed hi...
BJP to run state assembly polls on agenda of development: Prakash Javadekar
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The BJP will contest the Rajasthan assembly polls on the agenda of development, Union minister Praka...
BJP Will Fight In Rajasthan On Development Agenda: Prakash Javadekar
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The BJP will contest the Rajasthan assembly polls on the agenda of development, Union minister Praka...
BJP to contest Rajasthan assembly polls on agenda of development: Prakash Javadekar
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File Pic: PTI The BJP will contest the Rajasthan assembly polls on the agenda of development, Union...
Government plans Sanskrit push ahead of Lok Sabha elections
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Minister Prakash Javadekar is learnt to have approved the plan, ET has learnt. India has 41 central...
Research Work Under IMPRESS, SPARC Schemes To Begin In January 2019: HRD Minister
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday launched web portals of two schemes -- IMPRESS and...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar says that NDA government has promoted research in educational institutions
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Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar says that NDA government has promoted research...
Indian citizens more mature than Rahul Gandhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Addressing a press conference here, BJP leader and Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said, "Indian ci...
Prakash Javadekar launches portals to invite research proposals
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said that there is also a need to give importance to research in soci...
No Letter From IIT Madras Over IoE Status, Says Prakash Javadekar
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And they (IIT-Madras) have already clarified that they have issued no letter," said Union Human Reso...
Prakash Javadekar launches the web portal of the SPARC
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The Minister of Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar launched the web portal of the Scheme...
Prakash Javadekar speaks to Uttrakhand chief minister Trivendra Rawat over NIT row
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DEHRADUN: Union minister Prakash Javadekar spoke to Uttarakhand chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat...
HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar to embark on 2-day divisional tour in Rajasthan
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After party's national president Amit Shah, now it is the state election in-charge and union Human R...
Rajiv Gandhi Had Dubbed Opposition Scorpion In 1984: Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister Prakash Javadekar Sunday said Congress leader Shashi Tharoor's remark on Prime Minist...
Rajasthan polls: BJP's Central Election Committee to approve first list of candidates by November 1
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The CEC will have senior leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, party chief Amit Shah, state ele...
Sardar Patel devoted his energy for India's unity, says HRD minister Prakash Javadekar
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Sardar Patel devoted his energy for India's unity, says HRD minister Prakash Javadekar. Prime Minist...
Students to learn more languages daily: Javadekar
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New Delhi, Nov 1 (UNI) From next academic year, students will learn five to ten sentences on a daily...
Prakash Javadekar lauds Kendriya Vidyalayas for instilling mutual respect in students
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar today lauded the Kendriya Vidyalayas for instilling mutual resp...
KVS is a role model for School Education in India : Prakash Javadekar
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Union Minister of HRD Prakash Javadekar visited 'KVS Rashtriya Ekta Shivir-EK Bharat Shreshth Bharat...
Rajasthan BJP's temple run kick starts poll campaign
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State election in-charge and Union minister Prakash Javadekar launched the campaign from the famous...
Ram temple not a poll issue for BJP: Prakash Javadekar
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Senior BJP leader and union minister Prakash Javadekar Saturday said the Ram temple was never a poll...
Good news for elders! Centre to launch a scheme to encourage kids to teach elders, says Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar said on November 4 that the Centre is working on a scheme under...
Rajasthan polls: Javadekar has lunch in slum
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State election in-charge and Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday visited a few houses in the...
BJP will return to power in Rajasthan: Javadekar
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As the countdown to ticket distribution begins, Union cabinet minister and Bharatiya Janata Party's...
Congress is party of hypocrites, says Prakash Javadekar on Tipu jayanthi
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Union minister and BJP leader Prakash Javadekar said here, "While Congress president Rahul Gandhi ta...
Beneficiaries are our new voter base, says Prakash Javadekar
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Shepherding the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) election campaign in Rajasthan, where anti-incumbency...
Rush for professionals triggers cronyism cry Telegraph India
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Decision has sparked fears that reservation policies could be flouted and the freedom of these insti...
Law ministry favours OBC expansion in faculty posts
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The matter is now pending before HRD minister Prakash Javadekar for a political decision. The issue...
Thousands pay homage to Ananth Kumar in Bengaluru
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... who paid floral tributes to Kumar were Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, Union Human Resource De...
Thousands bid tearful farewell to Union Minister HN Ananth Kumar
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Earlier, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, Union Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Human Re...
BJP Hits Back At Opposition, Says Congress Can't Look Beyond A Family
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It was the constituent assembly headed by Baba Sahab Ambedkar and having many other eminent people w...
IIM autonomy: HRD (Irani) resisted but PMO pushed, helped by HRD ...
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The Indian Express under the Right to Information Act show that much before the law was passed by Pa...
BJP will return to power in Rajasthan, MP & Chhattisgarh: HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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... it will be able to repulse the opposition's challenge. Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar, who...
HRD Ministry Launches Innovation Cell For Higher Education Institutions
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... an aim to brainstorm new ideas about promoting innovation in all higher education institutions (...
Rajasthan elections: Beneficiaries of schemes our ambassadors, says Prakash Javadekar
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With the nominations for the Rajasthan Assembly elections over, Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar...
Prakash Javadekar launches 'Institution's Innovation Council (IIC)'Program of MHRD's Innovation Cell through video ...
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar through video conferencing launched the 'Institution's Innovati...
HRD Minister Javadekar launches Institution's Innovation Council
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HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar today launched the Institution's Innovation Council through video con...
Adding Zeros to Zero Cannot Produce a Hero: Prakash Javadekar is Certain Anti-BJP Front Will Be a Failure
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Javadekar said the governor is capable of taking a decision in consultation with the President. He c...
Vasundhara Raje is our leader, says HRD minister Prakash Javadekar
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Human resource development minister and BJP Rajasthan incharge Prakash Javadekar has quashed reports...
Bhasha Sangam to familiarize students with 22 Indian languages, tweets Prakash Javadekar
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Prakash Javadekar, HRD minister has recently uploaded a video on his Twitter account, about 'Bhasha...
IITs, Prakash Javadekar veto HRD ministry's proposal to scrap JEE-Advanced
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.story-content span,.story-content p,.story-content div{color:#000!important;font-family:'open sans'...
From 1.5kg to 5kg, HRD Ministry Spells Out Weight Limit for School Bags Across India
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New Delhi: The Department of School Education and Literacy under the HRD ministry has issued a circu...
Congress compromised country's security dy doing 'religion-based' politics: Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister Prakash Javadekar on Monday accused the Congress of compromising the country's securi...
Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2018: Strong Modi govt smashed network of terrorists, says Prakash Javadekar
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Union Human Resource Development Minister and BJP state election in-charge Prakash Javadekar on Mond...
Rajasthan Assembly polls: Arun Jaitley, Prakash Javadekar release BJP manifesto
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Union Ministers Arun Jaitley and Prakash Javadekar released the BJP manifesto for Rajasthan Assembly...
Rajasthan polls 2018: BJP releases its manifesto 'Rajasthan Gaurav Sankalp 2018', says achieved 95% promises
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Jaipur, Rajasthan: BJP on Tuesday released its poll manifesto 'Rajasthan Gaurav Sankalp 2018' for th...
Chunav Manch: UPA rule witnessed 54 bomb blasts, now terrorists are being killed daily in Jammu and Kashmir, says ...
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Describing the Congress as a party of 'one family', Union Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday ex...
This Rajasthan election is different, politics has changed since 2014: Prakash Javadekar
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Union minister and senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said that the Rajasthan assembly...
"Not Laughter Challenge Programme": Prakash Javadekar Scolds Navjot Sidhu
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Union minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday criticized Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu for show...
Showed 56-inch ka seena and removed warring CBI top officers: Javadekar at Panchayat Aaj Tak
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Union minister Prakash Javadekar on Thursday said that mid-night decision to send CBI director Alok...
For Congress, temple visits are election-related tours: Prakash Javadekar
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Following the controversy surrounding Congress president Rahul Gandhi's gotra (clan), senior BJP lea...
Zee News in exclusive conversation with Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar speaks exclusively to Zee News and said that BJP will definitel...
Prakash Javadekar Predicts 'Political Dhamaka' in Karnataka, Fans Buzz of Bid to Topple Govt
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Bengaluru: Union minister Prakash Javadekar's prediction of a 'political dhamaka' in Karnataka has r...
Zee News Exclusive: In conversation with Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar
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This segment of Zee News brings to you latest updates. Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar speaks e...
Javadekar to attend varsity convocation
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Panaji: Union human resource development (HRD) minister Prakash Javadekar will be in Goa this month...
Poor identify with Modi, beneficiaries are BJP's messengers in Rajasthan: Javadekar
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There has been a communication gap in conveying the government's welfare measures in Rajasthan and t...