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José Montilla vs Petar Stoyanov

Compare José Montilla and Petar Stoyanov to find out who to vote.

José Montilla

José Montilla

Petar Stoyanov

Petar Stoyanov
José Montilla
Petar Stoyanov
Former President
Former President
Sort Spain
Sofia Bulgaria
Socialists' Party of Catalonia
News, Role of Government, Elections
News, Elections
The Nation, 29 November 2010
2010.11.28 - Source :90% - Role of Government
Montilla waiver also to lead the opposition in Catalonia. The president of the government in functio...

News of the appointment of Montilla as senator
2016.09.22 - Source :95% - Elections
montilla ya senator Barcelona. (Redacción y agencies).- The ex president of the Generalitat of Catal...

Aporte de Curazao a la emancipación
2018.05.30 - Source :85% - News
... involucrados en este movimiento incluyendo a los españoles Juan Bautista Picornell, Manuel Corte...

DN conquista Torneo Nacional de Karate Femenino
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
El presidente de la FEDOKARATE, profesor José Luis Ramírez, felicitó a todas las provincias que part...

Presidente Medina entrega escuela y estancia infantil en Neiba
2018.05.29 - Source :75% - News
Acompañaron al mandatario en la mesa principal, el Ministro Administrativo José Ramón Peralta, Berli...

Bulgarian EPP MEP Surprisingly Quits European Parliament
2012.11.15 - Source :75% - Elections
Emil Stoyanov, who was elected MEP on the civil quota of the ruling GERB party, has unexpected quit...

Seven Bulgarian Students Received a Harvard Award
2018.05.29 - Source :90% - News
Monika Mitova - 11th grade, Academician Lyudmil Stoyanov, Blagoevgrad. Interested in journalism and...

Οι 11 ελληνικές επιχειρήσεις στον τελικό των European Business Awards 2017/18
2018.05.21 - Source :80% - News
Υπουργός Οικονομικών της Κύπρου, Jose Aznar, τ. Πρωθυπουργός της Ισπανίας, Karel De Gucht, τ. Ευρωπα...

Петър Стоянов сред гостите на традиционния прием на президента
2018.05.24 - Source :95% - News
Събитието се провежда ежегодно по случай 24 май в Националния исторически музей. Публикувана: 24 май...