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Jo Swinson vs Diana Johnson

Összehasonlítás Jo Swinson és Diana Johnson , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.

Jo Swinson

Jo Swinson

Diana Johnson

Diana Johnson
Jo Swinson
score Diana Johnson
Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary
Former Parliamentary Under-Secretary
London United Kingdom
Columbus United Kingdom
Liberal Democrat
Politikai párt
Abortion debate: Jacob Rees-Mogg and Jo Swinson
2018.05.22 - Forrás :75% - News
Ahead of the Republic of Ireland referendum vote on its abortion laws, Daily Politics presenter Jo C...

Lib Dems' Jo Swinson urges more independence for body that blocked Bercow probe
2018.05.28 - Forrás :75% - News
A committee which blocked a probe into allegations that Commons Speaker John Bercow bullied members...

MPs call on May to decriminalise abortion in Northern Ireland
2018.06.03 - Forrás :75% - News
MPs including Labour's Stella Creasy and the Lib Dem deputy leader, Jo Swinson, hope to amend the do...

Commons standards committee should have greater independence, says Jo Swinson
2018.05.29 - Forrás :90% - News
THE Commons committee which blocked a probe into allegations that Speaker John Bercow had bullied me...

Vince Cable plans to remain as Lib Dem leader 'until he is 95'
2018.06.02 - Forrás :95% - News
Friends of Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable reject calls for him to make way for a successor. Par...

From last year's shock election came opportunity. What a terrible waste
2018.06.03 - Forrás :80% - News
Labour firmly on the left, the Tories exhausted and listless, Brexit faltering: Vince Cable's party...

UK Tory MP defends views on abortion, gay marriage
2018.05.25 - Forrás :75% - News
On 'Daily Politics', Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson described some of Rees-Mogg's opinions on aborti...

MPs step up pressure for Northern Ireland abortion reform
2018.06.02 - Forrás :95% - News
The cross-party letter to MPs has been drawn up by Stella Creasy and Diana Johnson from Labour, Jo S...

47th annual Young at Heart Festival kicks off
2018.05.25 - Forrás :90% - News
It's going to be hot, but we're going to have misting stations here," said Diana Johnson, the Chairm...

Old Lyme trail to be renamed in memory of Diana Atwood Johnson
2018.05.31 - Forrás :95% - News
A ceremony to rename the Red Trail in the Champlain North Open Space property as the Diana Atwood Jo...

Hull MP wants to ban Tony the Tiger and the Honey Monster from cereal boxes
2018.05.30 - Forrás :90% - News
A Hull MP is backing calls to ban the likes of Tony the Tiger and the Honey Monster from sugary cere...

Hull train journeys are SLOWER than before timetable changes
2018.06.01 - Forrás :75% - News
Hull North MP Diana Johnson said: "Despite the objectives of the Northern Powerhouse including bette...

Town & Country Plant & Shrub Sale Rescheduled
2018.05.25 - Forrás :80% - News
Member grown plants will be bigger and better than ever with the additional two weeks growth, accord...

Lyme Academy receives $1.1 million gift
2018.05.15 - Forrás :80% - News
Old Lyme — A $1.1 million gift from the estate of Diana Atwood Johnson to the Lyme Academy College o...

Tom Richmond: As North grinds to a halt, Macavity Grayling vanishes again
2018.05.25 - Forrás :80% - News
If you remember, Mr Grayling chose not to attend last November's Commons exchanges, called by Hull N...

Stateline braves high temperatures
2018.05.29 - Forrás :85% - News
"Metro Enforcement is passing out cooling towels. We also have misting stations through the festival...

Hull girl's heartbreaking letter begging for her local park and padding pool to reopen
2018.05.25 - Forrás :75% - News
Caitlin, who lives at home with her mum, Chrissie Ireland, 32, her dad, Christopher Horton, 39, and...