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Darius Vâlcov vs Codruţ Şereş

Összehasonlítás Darius Vâlcov és Codruţ Şereş , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.

Darius Vâlcov

Darius Vâlcov

Codruţ Şereş

Codruţ Şereş
Darius Vâlcov
score Codruţ Şereş
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Szlatina Romania
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News, Kormányzati szerep
Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer, Kormányzati szerep, Munkaügy, Gazdaság, News
Victor Ponta: Minister of Finance, he submitted his resignation
2015.03.15 - Forrás :85% - Kormányzati szerep
Prime minister Victor Ponta said Sunday on Romania TV that the minister of Finance, Darius Valcov, h...

PC comes out of the government, the minister of Economy resigns
2006.12.03 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
PC comes out of the government, the minister of Economy resigns

File Espionage in ministries: the Traitor had been paying maintenance of the spy
2006.11.26 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
File Espionage in ministries: the Traitor had been paying maintenance of the spy

Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, brought to justice in the folder privatisations
2009.03.30 - Forrás :95% - Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer
Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, brought to justice in the folder privatisations

The former minister Codrut Seres was sentenced to 6 years in prison in the case in which is accused of treason
2013.12.03 - Forrás :90% - Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer
The former minister Codrut Seres was sentenced to 6 years in prison in the case in which is accused...

Former ministers Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, incarcerated at the Rahova Penitentiary after they have been sentenced to...
2015.01.27 - Forrás :85% - Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer
Former ministers Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy, incarcerated at the Rahova Penitentiary after they hav...

The former Economy minister, Codrut Seres, sentenced to 4 years in state prison
2016.02.29 - Forrás :90% - Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer
The former Economy minister, Codrut Seres, sentenced to 4 years in state prison