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Angela Merkel vs Agnes Alpers

Összehasonlítás Angela Merkel és Agnes Alpers , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.

Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel

Agnes Alpers

Agnes Alpers
Angela Merkel
score Agnes Alpers
Berlin Germany
Berlin Germany
Christian Democratic Union
Politikai párt
Die Linke
News, Kormányzati szerep, Polgári jogok, Választások, Külügyek, Bevándorlás, Egészségügy, Oktatás, Vallás, Igazságszolgáltatási rendszer, Gazdaság
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Merkel
2010.09.20 - Forrás :95% - Polgári jogok
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Merkel

President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction
2014.02.25 - Forrás :85% - Külügyek
President Peres awards Germanys Merkel Medal of Distinction

Merkel Dott.ssa Angela
2016.08.12 - Forrás :75% - Polgári jogok
Ritter Großkreuz des Verdienstordens der Italienischen Republik Kanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschl...

Russell among 15 Presidential Medal of Freedom honorees
2010.11.20 - Forrás :75% - Polgári jogok
President Barack Obama will present the awards to the 15 honorees early next year, the White House a...

Honorary Doctorates
2008.10.15 - Forrás :90% - Polgári jogok
Honorary Doctorates

Doktorat honoris causa für Merkel
2012.05.12 - Forrás :85% - Oktatás
Doktorat honoris causa für Merkel - Technischen Universität Wroclaw

Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University
2010.10.14 - Forrás :95% - Oktatás
Angela Merkel received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Babes-Bolyai University

German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI university Cluj
2010.10.14 - Forrás :85% - Oktatás
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the babeș-BOLYAI uni...

Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize
2008.05.05 - Forrás :95% - Polgári jogok
Angela Merkel awarded the Charlemagne Prize

Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel
2008.01.20 - Forrás :95% - Polgári jogok
Bnai Brith Europe grants Award of Merit to Dr. Angela Merkel

The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel
2011.08.25 - Forrás :90% - Egészségügy
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #1 Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010
2010.10.01 - Forrás :75% - Egészségügy
Angela Merkel – 50 People Who Matter 2010

Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award
2011.07.20 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Chancellor Angela Merkel Receives Global Leadership Award

LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel
2011.07.07 - Forrás :85% - Polgári jogok
LBI Presents Leo Baeck Medal to Chancellor Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
2011.09.25 - Forrás :80% - Polgári jogok
Angela Merkel Receives Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding

Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award
2010.09.07 - Forrás :85% - Polgári jogok
Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award

Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning
2011.09.15 - Forrás :90% - Polgári jogok
Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning

Klitschko, Merkel discuss prospects for signing EU-Ukraine association agreement
2012.12.04 - Forrás :95% - Külügyek
Germany wants to see Ukraine in the European family and hopes that the Ukrainian government will ful...

Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down - Bloomberg View
2016.09.20 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel Isn't Backing Down. Leonid Bershidsky is a Bloomberg View columnist. He was the foundi...

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel braces for populist ...
2016.09.18 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
BERLIN (AFP) - Berlin residents voted in state elections on Sunday (Sept 18) in which German Chancel...

A Trans-Atlantic Show of Friendship: Obama Praises His Friend Chancellor Merkel
2010.07.27 - Forrás :85% - Külügyek, Kormányzati szerep
During German Chancellor Angela Merkel's White House visit on Friday, one thing topped the agenda: a...

Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep, Polgári jogok
Angela Merkel’s refugee policy must succeed — for Europe’s sake. The German chancellor may be changi...

After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :85% - Bevándorlás
After Disastrous Berlin Election, Angela Merkel Admits "Mistakes Were Made" With Refugees: George So...

Allah's Willing Executioners: Angela Merkel’s Party Has ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
The Christian Democratic Union, the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have had their worst e...

Business: Washington Post Business Page, Business News
2016.09.20 - Forrás :85% - Választások, Külügyek
(Bloomberg) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her parliamentary caucus that a damaging coaliti...

Angela Merkel's party suffers slump in Berlin election ...
2016.09.18 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
Berlin is likely to get the first leftwing triple-coalition government in its history, after Angela...

German opposition hits 11-year high in polls
2011.10.10 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Chancellor Angela Merkel is the head of government for Germany. Research and learn about Germany on...

Angela Merkel Sort of Apologized for Her Refugee Policy ...
2016.09.20 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Hence a speech that sounded conciliatory, but which ultimately gave nothing away in terms of policy....

Angela Merkel’s party suffers major loss in Berlin ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats party has suffered its worst-ever result in lo...

German elections: Angela Merkel’s party suffers 25-year ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
The Social Democrats and chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party have emerged from Ber...

Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
2016.09.18 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...

Angela Merkel faces another electoral blow in Berlin due ...
2016.09.18 - Forrás :85% - Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel. (Source: Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives look set to suffer...

Angela Merkel's European influence wanes as domestic woes ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
It is hard to think of what more Angela Merkel could have done over the past weeks to nudge fellow E...

Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :75% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
Defeat for Angela Merkel as far-right sees big gains Berlin turns to far-right after immigration pol...

Press: Berlin Election About Defeat for Merkel - And More ...
2016.09.20 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
Many newspapers see Chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservatives as the big losers in Sunday's Ber...

PM, Merkel disagree openly on settlements
2011.02.02 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
Citing ‘PaliLeaks,’ Netanyahu says PA stirred crisis over Jerusalem neighborhood it had conceded to...

TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel
2016.09.20 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
TIME Person of the Year 2015: Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel admits she regrets open-door migrant policy ...
2016.09.20 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel. Commenting on a recent poll showing 82 percent of voters wanted a change in her migra...

Voters shun Merkel as migrant policy goes awry
2016.09.19 - Forrás :90% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party was hit by a second electoral blow in two weeks in the B...

Angela Merkel Accepts Responsibility for Party’s Losses in ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting of her Christian Democrats in Berlin on Monday, a day after th...

Angela Merkel pronunciation: how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English
2016.09.22 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
Pronunciation guide: learn how to pronounce Angela Merkel in German, English with native pronunciati...

Das diskrete Gluck
2014.02.26 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
Standesamt Berlin-Mitte, 30. Dezember 1998: In aller Heimlichkeit heiraten die CDU-Generalsekretärin...

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ohne fertige Antworten in Templin
2016.09.20 - Forrás :85% - Kormányzati szerep
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ohne fertige Antworten in Templin

Angela Merkel's party slumps as far-right surges in Berlin ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :85% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel's CDU knocked out of ruling Berlin coalition; Big gains for anti-immigrant party AfD ;...

Angela Merkel: We were unprepared for refugee influx in ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :85% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Monday that there would be no repeat of last year's "chaotic" borde...

Angela Merkel sets off for China to forge new economic ties
2014.07.13 - Forrás :75% - Külügyek, Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel will be travelling to China with an entourage of German business leaders seeking great...

Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th
2011.09.15 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
Photo Gallery: Merkel Wishes Israel Happy 60th

Angela Merkel’s Approval Rating Plummets After Terror Attacks
2016.08.04 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
Chancellor Merkel plummeted in the polls following terror attacks in Germany, with two-thirds of Ger...

Angela Merkel’s party suffers humiliating losses in ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :85% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
ANGELA Merkel’s party has suffered a raft of humiliating losses in Germany’s regional elections as v...

Angela Merkel Not Slowing Immigration ... -
2016.09.19 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
Sunday was not a happy day for the Chancellor of Germany’s political party. Angela Merkel’s Christia...

Berlin election: Merkel links migrant crisis to CDU defeat ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :80% - Kormányzati szerep
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has accepted responsibility for her Christian Democratic party's "bi...

German Chancellor Merkel's party suffers losses in Berlin ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :75% - Bevándorlás, Kormányzati szerep
(Vatican Radio) The party of Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered historic losses in Berlin state e...

GERMANY'S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW 'Regrets ...
2016.09.20 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
GERMANY’S SCREWED: Look At What Angela Merkel NOW ‘Regrets’ – Send This To HILLARY Voters

Angela Merkel, After Defeat in Berlin: “We Have ...
2016.09.21 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
The following remarks by German Chancellor Angela Merkel were referred to here yesterday. Mrs. Merke...

Drogenwahn auf der Dauerbaustelle
2009.03.30 - Forrás :85% - Kormányzati szerep
Angela Merkel als Trümmerfrau: Vor 35 Jahren starteten Studenten in Leipzig ein spektakuläres Baupro...

Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in Berlin | Radio ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :95% - Kormányzati szerep
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats party has suffered a historic defeat in state...

Angela Merkel's party suffers big losses in state election ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás :75% - Kormányzati szerep
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party has suffered big losses in Berlin state elections, exit...

Why Netanyahu Is No Angela Merkel -
2016.09.14 - Forrás :90% - Kormányzati szerep
I AM not the envious type, but I envy the Germans. I envy them for Angela Merkel. Merkel did somethi...