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Andrej Danko vs Robert Kaliňák

Összehasonlítás Andrej Danko és Robert Kaliňák , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.

Andrej Danko

Andrej Danko

Robert Kaliňák

Robert Kaliňák
Andrej Danko
score Robert Kaliňák
Interior Minister; Slovakia
Pozsony Slovakia
Pozsony Slovakia
Slovak National Party
Politikai párt
Direction – Social Democracy
Danko Protests against Ukraine Staging Death of Russian Journalist
2018.05.31 - Forrás :95% - News
Bratislava, May 31 (TASR) – Parliamentary Chair Andrej Danko (SNS) has protested against the activit...

Tourism will get a boost
2018.05.31 - Forrás :75% - News
Its chair Andrej Danko agreed on May 30 with Finance Minister Peter Kažimír (Smer) on the reduction...

Should the political parties follow new rules?
2018.05.29 - Forrás :75% - News
It is important that elections are democratic and all parties follow the same conditions and rules,...

Sulik Rules Out Post-election Cooperation with SNS Led by Andrej Danko
2018.05.13 - Forrás :75% - News
Following the governing Smer-SD and far-right LSNS, SaS has ruled out cooperation with the Slovak Na...

Danko: Postup ukrajinskej tajnej služby pri fingovanej smrti novinára bol nehorázny a nedôstojný
2018.05.31 - Forrás :75% - News
Uviedol to dnes predseda Národnej rady SR a Slovenskej národnej strany (SNS) Andrej Danko s tým, že...

Poll: There is no politician whom the majority of people would trust
2018.05.14 - Forrás :85% - News
A poll conducted by the Focus agency in April has shown that people in Slovakia have the greatest tr...

Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with Speaker of Slovak Parliament
2018.05.25 - Forrás :80% - News
On May 25, the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of Armenia-Slovakia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazano...

Slovak president Kiska says will not seek re-election next year
2018.05.15 - Forrás :80% - News
He is still the most trusted Slovak politician, followed by Prime Minister Pellegrini with 35 percen...

Komentár Daga Daniša: Danko má pravdu. Matovič nemá stranu, ale schránku
2018.05.28 - Forrás :95% - News
„Strana“ pritom nemá takmer nijaký majetok, potrebný na politickú činnosť (budovy, kancelárie, konta...

DPH na ubytovanie klesne na 10 percent
2018.05.30 - Forrás :85% - News
Ubytovanie bude štát zdaňovať menej. Namiesto 20-percentnej dane z pridanej hodnoty by sadzba mala o...

Anger at Choice of Insider as Slovak Police Chief After Journalist's ...
2018.05.30 - Forrás :80% - News
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - A veteran officer became Slovakia's new police chief on Wednesday, a pick tha...

Slovakia has new police chief
2018.05.30 - Forrás :95% - News
... down amid mass public protests following the murders of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and...

Kaliňák approved special plane for Vietnamese delegation
2018.05.02 - Forrás :85% - News
Then-interior minister Robert Kaliňák approved the provision of a special Slovak cabinet plane, whic...

A struggle between authoritarians and liberals in the heart of Europe
2018.05.24 - Forrás :95% - News
The protests lead, after some political wrestling, to the resignation of the prime minister, Robert...

Five things that the murders of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová have changed
2018.05.09 - Forrás :75% - News
Even though both Trošková and Jasaň promptly declared they would leave their positions until the inv...

Slovakia May Have Assisted in Vietnam's Alleged Abduction of Oil Executive: Reports
2018.05.01 - Forrás :90% - News
German media recently reported that Vietnam's Minister of Public Security To Lam met with Slovakia's...

Matovic: Kalinak Scrapped Documents from 277 Tenders to Cover Tracks
2018.05.16 - Forrás :90% - News
Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) – MP Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) chose to shred documents related to 277 tend...

Slovakia demands Vietnam explain allegations of ex-oil executive's kidnapping
2018.05.04 - Forrás :80% - News
BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia demanded on Thursday that Vietnam explain media reports that Vietnam...

Respekt: Thick skin of Slovak ex-prime minister Fico
2018.05.02 - Forrás :80% - News
Former Interior Minister Robert Kalinak (also Smer-SD) resigned later. Although it seemed that the t...

Floridán van apartmanja az új szlovák rendőrfőkapitánynak
2018.05.31 - Forrás :95% - News
A Bízni Akarunk civil kezdeményezés tagjai rossz hírnek tartják Lučanský kinevezését, mert a belügy...