Összehasonlítás Ali Ahmeti és Nikola Gruevski , hogy megtudd kire a szavazz.
Ali Ahmeti![]() |
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Nikola Gruevski![]() |
Pope Francis declares Mother Teresa Saint, confirms his intention to visit Macedonia.
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The ceremony in Rome wasn't attended by the leaders of BDI and PDSH, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci. BD...
Early election to be held on 11 December
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- Választások
... all parties agreed that all the conditions for a fair, democratic and free election had been met...
Ali Ahmeti: Rebel Turned Politician
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- Választások
Born in 1959 in Zajac, the former chief of the Albanian guerilla force that staged a six-month insur...
Montenegro Albanians Unite in Elections, Seeking Power ...
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- Választások
The two main Macedonian Albanian political parties, the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, led b...
Ali Ahmeti: the Man of Calm that Takes what it Wants
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- Választások
The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration often is charged that is subject to the Nikola Gr...
Thaçi-Ahmeti: We need to strengthen peace and stability in the region
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The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration, Ali Ahmeti held meetings today in Pristina with...
Palmer-Ahmeti: The name contest should be solved as soon as possible
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The chairman of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), Ali Ahmeti has received in a meeting the...
Fragile Balkans' future depends on Macedonia deal
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In 2001 an insurgency broke out among Macedonia's ethnic Albanian minority, who account for about a...
Cipras: Spora o imenu ne bo mogoče rešiti brez revizije makedonske ustave
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Med drugim so na sestanku predsednik države Gjorge Ivanov, predsednik parlamenta Talat Xhaferi ter v...
RTCG Radio Televizija Crne Gore Nacionalni javni servis ...
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Premijer Makedonije Zoran Zaev zatražio je danas opštu podršku za promjenu imena države u "Republika...
Svi se trude oko Makedonije
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Kao što za DW tvrde domaći politički izvori, Nano se tokom vikenda sastao s više makedonskih politič...
Protesti proti imenu Severna Makedonija. Bolgarski premier zavrnil ...
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Bolgarski premier Bojko Borisov je odpovedal srečanje z makedonskim predsednikom Gjorgom Ivanovom, k...
Protesti proti imenu Severna Makedonija. Bolgarski premier zavrnil predsednika Ivanova.
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Kot je potrdil vodja stranke makedonskih Albancev Demokratična unija za integracijo (DUI), koalicijs...
Makedonski Albanci podpirajo dogovor z Grčijo in rešitev spora o imenu
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Prvak koalicijske stranke makedonskih Albancev Demokratična unija za integracijo Ali Ahmeti je potrd...
Grecia-Fyrom: fonti stampa, accordo su nome sarà siglato nel fine settimana a Prespa
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Skopje, 15 giu 09:27 - (Agenzia Nova) - La firma dell'accordo per mettere fine all'annosa disputa su...
Fyrom-Grecia: oggi firma storico accordo su disputa nome a Prespa (2)
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Skopje, 17 giu 09:14 - (Agenzia Nova) - Nella località sono previste proteste, organizzate dal comit...
Али Ахмети, председател на етническата албанска партия ДСИ: Договорът с Гърция е истинско решение за ...
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Скопие. Председателят на етническата албанска македонска партия ДСИ (Демократическият съюз за интегр...
Али Ахмети, председател на ДСИ: Албанците ще гласуват позитивно на референдума за името, защото с него ...
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Скопие. Председателят на „Демократическия съюз за интеграция“ (ДСИ) Али Ахмети е убеден, че албанцит...
Difor tok det Hellas og Makedonia 27 år å bli samde om eit namn
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Det er år 2008. Utanfor Skopje flyplass har dei kledd seg ut som greske soldatar frå antikken med sk...
fYROMacedonian parliament to ratify name agreement anew on Thursday
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House President Talat Xhaferi (of the largest Albanian party in fYROMacedonia, Ali Ahmeti's DUI) sug...
fYROMacedonia: Zaev's government 'rushes' for the referendum
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In this case, the President of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi (of Ali Ahmeti's Albanian BDI party), h...
Ahmeti: Albanci će biti državljani Republike Severne Makedonije
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Ali Ahmeti, predsednik Demokratske unije za integracije (DUI), partije Albanaca u Makedoniji, izjavi...
Premijer Makedonije najavio referendum o imenu za jesen
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Ali Ahmeti, predsednik Demokratske unije za integracije (DUI), partije Albanaca u Makedoniji, izjavi...
Mickoski obećava promene?
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Ali Ahmeti, lider vladajuće Demokratske unije integracija (DUI) koalicionog partnera SDSM-a u Vladi...
Али Ахмети, лидер на ДСИ: Георги Иванов греши, законът за езиците и договорът за името може да встъпат в ...
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Скопие. Разработваме стратегия, която ще позволи Законът за официалната употреба на езиците и догово...
Fyrom: leader partito albanese Dui, legge su lingue ufficiali entrerà in vigore insieme ad accordo su nuovo nome
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E' quanto affermato, in un'intervista all'emittente "Ora News", dal leader del maggiore partito dell...
Zaev večeras sa liderima stranaka u vlasti i opozicije
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Kako je najavljeno pozvani su lideri DUI Ali Ahmeti, lideri dve strane Besa, Bilal Kasami i Afrim Ga...
PREGOVORI SE NASTAVLJAJU: Makedonski stranački lideri nisu uspeli da se dogovore oko referenduma
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Sastanku u Klubu poslanika su prisustvovali predsednici dve vladajuće partije, Zoran Zaev (SDSM) i A...
Fyrom: premier Zaev, nuovo incontro con leader politici su referendum tra il 22 e il 23 luglio
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... di Macedonia (Fyrom), Organizzazione rivoluzionaria interna-Partito democratico per l'unità nazi...
fYROMacedonia: New meeting of the political leaders about the referendum
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The country's Prime minister Zoran Zaev, main opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, the...
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Pored njega, sastanku prisustvuju lider partnera u vladi Ali Ahmeti (DUI) i dve opozicione partije,...
Makedonija: Treći sastanak o referndumu u pet dana
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Sastanku prisustvuju premijer i lider SDSM, Zoran Zaev, najuticajnije opozicione VMRO DPMNE, Hristij...
Nueva ronda de negociaciones de líderes políticos de Macedonia
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También asisten Ali Ahmeti y Bilal Kasami, máximos dirigentes de los partidos de la minoría albanesa...
Macedonian parties fail to reach agreement on name referendum
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Leaders of the four largest parliamentary parties -- Zoran Zaev of SDSM, Ali Ahmeti from DUI, Hristi...
Zaev: No agreement with main opposition party on referendum
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Implementing the agreement with Greece is a condition for its accession to the EU and NATO. After a...
Partes macedonias están en desacuerdo sobre referéndum para nombre
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Los líderes de los cuatro partidos parlamentarios más grandes participaron en el encuentro: Zoran Za...
Zaev: Nema dogovora, biće referenduma
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Makedonski premijer i lider Socijaldemokratskog saveza Makedonije (SDSM) Zoran Zaev izjavio je danas...
Makedonya'da 'isim anlaşması' referandumunda uzlaşılamadı
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BDİ Genel Başkanı Ali Ahmeti de bugünkü toplantının ilk bölümünün olumlu geçtiğini ancak ikinci kısm...
Fyrom: parlamento approva nomina membri commissione elettorale per organizzazione referendum
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... di opposizione, Organizzazione rivoluzionaria interna-Partito democratico per l'unità nazionale...
Fyrom: parlamento, atteso avvio dei lavori su referendum sul nome (3)
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... di opposizione, Organizzazione rivoluzionaria interna-Partito democratico per l'unità nazionale...
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Političke partije u Makedoniji protive se mogućnosti podele Kosova, odnosno menjanja granica između...
Haradinaj: Granice se menjaju ratom; Tači: Jedino tako Preševo, Bujanovac i Medveđa mogu da se pripoje Kosovu
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"Predsednik stranke Ali Ahmeti je govorio nekoliko puta na ovu nametnutu temu o menjaju granica, rek...
"Ohridski sporazum je garancija da nasilje nije mehanizam"
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"Imajte na umu da je NATO igrao važnu ulogu u sprečavanju daljeg širenja sukoba u Makedoniji, dodaju...
Fyrom: premier Zaev, il 30 settembre cittadini sceglieranno una "Macedonia europea"
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Anche Ali Ahmeti, leader del partito albanese, Unione democratica per l'integrazione (Dui), è interv...
Kurti: Dijalog bliži ratu, nego miru
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Ahmeti: Izmišljena debata. Lider albanske partije iz Makedonije Demokratske unije za integraciju Ali...
I fatti del giorno Balcani (5)
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"Sono fiducioso che sceglieranno una Macedonia europea", ha affermato il premier in riferimento al r...
Fyrom: premier Zaev, il 30 settembre cittadini sceglieranno una "Macedonia europea"
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Anche Ali Ahmeti, leader del partito albanese, Unione democratica per l'integrazione (Dui), è interv...
Mickoski to consult the people Independent Balkan News Agency
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Erol RizaovHristijan Mickoski the president of VMRODPMNE has been very busy and worked hard on ex.an...
FYROM: Albanian political parties in favour of the referendum
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“The referendum is a moment that should join us all, because NATO accession interests all the citize...
fYROMacedonia: The majority of people supports the Prespa Agreement
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While nearing the crucial referendum in fYROMacedonia on the settlement of the name issue, it seems...
FYROM: Government starts the election campaign
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The chairman of BDI, Ali Ahmeti said that the referendum which will be held on September 30th will e...
„Плюс Инфо“ (Македония): След среща между Али Ахмети и Себастиан Курц: Време е за евроатлантическа ...
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Скопие. Лидерът на Демократичния съюз за интеграция (ДСИ) Али Ахмети и канцлерът на Австрия Себастиа...
EU, NATO und USA werben für ein Ja zum Namenskompromiss
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Kurz traf sich auch mit Hristijan Mickoski, dem Chef der oppositionellen VMRO-DPMNE, und mit Ali Ahm...
FYROM: Campaign on the referendum continues
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The chairman of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), Ali Ahmeti last night from Tetovo called...
Macedonia apoya el diálogo entre Serbia y Kosovo
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... los países vecinos y que todo el proceso será coordinado por la UE y EEUU. Además de Xhaferi, el...
Špend Ahmeti: Ni Vučić ni Tači nisu iskreni
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Komentarišući inicijativu predstavnika Preševske doline da se Medveđa, Bujanovac i Preševo pripoje K...
Tensions mount over Kosovo-Serbia deal
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It "would produce a domino effect," of other efforts to redraw borders, Ali Ahmeti, a leading Albani...
„Алсат-М“ (Македония): Али Ахмети е уверен в европейската подкрепа за референдума за името
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Скопие. Евродепутатите, които в сряда са били на посещение в Скопие, са уверили лидера на Демократич...
Али Ахмети: На 30 септември колкото повече излезем, толкова по-силни ще бъдем
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Куманово. На 30 септември колкото повече излезем, толкова по-силни ще бъдем,заяви лидерът на Демокра...
FYROM: Campaign for the referendum is coming to an end
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Leader of BDI, Ali Ahmeti said that on September 30, people should embrace the future of the country...
Али Ахмети, председател на ДСИ: Договорът за името и Законът за езиците ще влязат в сила заедно
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Скопие. Етническата албанска партия Демократически съюз за интеграция (ДСИ) проведе във вторник вече...
FYROM: Political parties wrap up their campaign
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“Time has come to bring Europe here. We cannot wait. Every vote in favour of the deal will be in the...
A referendum in Macedonia: on which side of the Albanians?
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People propose “for peace and stability”, said Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the party “Democratic Union...
Líder macedónskych Albáncov pred referendom: Zvolíme si novú kapitolu dejín
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Rusi v Macedónsku majú politickú stranu a snažia sa zasahovať do referenda, hovorí Ali Ahmeti. Odobe...
V národnom parku v Zimbabwe ušliapal slon turistku z Nemecka. Turisti si pri vstupe do rezervácie fotografovali stáda ...
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„Rusi v Macedónsku majú politickú stranu a snažia sa zasahovať do referenda,“ hovorí Ali Ahmeti. Ali...
Macedonia or North Macedonia? Vote tests a nation's identity
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They will vote for peace, stability and security," said Ali Ahmeti, head of Macedonia's ethnic Alban...
REFERENDUM U MAKEDONIJI: Novo ime „iza“ Evrope
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... bez jasnog poziva na bojkot, lider vladjućih socijademokrata (SDSM) i premijer Zoran Zaev, kao i...
Zaev casts his vote in the referendum; the leader of the opposition will not participate
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Meanwhile, the leader of BDI, Ali Ahmeti said that citizens today will decide for their future. “Thi...
Referendum on name tests Macedonia's fate
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SKOPJE, Macedonia — Macedonians have had a country to call their own for less than three decades. No...
Geheime Dokumente: Wie der Streit um Mazedonien gelöst wurde FAZ
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... Mazedoniens Staatspräsident Gjorge Ivanov, Regierungschef Zoran Zaev, Außenminister Nikola Dimit...
Plan B in Skopje
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The only surprise has to do with the failure of the Albanian parties included in Zoran Zaev's cabine...
Referendum in FYROM, Zaev considers it successful, Mickoski considers it a failure
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While the State Election Commission (SEC) is yet to publish the first results for today's voting in...
FYROM: Majority in search of votes for the Prespa agreement
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After Sunday's referendum which was held to decide about the Prespa agreement, it's now Parliament's...
Makedonija po referendumu: Ključna bo vloga EU in Nata
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... "Državljani preprosto ne verjamejo, da jim lahko politiki tipa Zoran Zaev, obrambna ministrica R...
Macedonia Parties Launch Talks on 'Name' Agreement :: Balkan ...
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Macedonia's ruling parties have launched talks with their opposition counterparts in a final attempt...
FYROM: BDI against snap polls
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The largest Albanian political party in FYROM, BDI (Democratic Union for Integration) has declared t...
Ahmeti i Palmer o Prespanskom sporazumu, reformama…
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SKOPLJE – Predsednik albanske partije DUI, članice vladajuće koalicije, Ali Ahmeti razgovarao je sa...
МИА (Македония): Лидерът на ДСИ Али Ахмети изпрати благодарствено писмо на Никос Коцияс
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Скопие. Лидерът на най-голямата албанска партия в Македония – „Демократичния съюз за интеграция“, Ал...
Makedonska opozicija traži da se albanski jezik ugradi u Ustav
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Komentarišući stav DUI, albanske partije koja je manja članica vladajuće koalicije, a koji na opozic...
МИА: Али Ахмети, лидер на Демократичния съюз за интеграция се срещна с испанския посланик в Македония
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Скопие. В неделя Али Ахмети, лидер на партия „Демократичен съюз за интеграция“ (ДСИ), участваща в ко...
Ali Ahmeti sa pripadnicima nekadašnje OVPMB iz Preševa
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Predsednik Demokratske unije Albanaca (DUI) Ali Ahmeti, koji je bio politički vodja Oslobodilačke na...
Pjer Pean, najugledniji francuski istraživački novinar: Pariz obučavao Tačijeve teroriste
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U to vreme u Švajcarskoj je živeo Hašim Tači (od 1994. do 1998.), ali i Bardil Mahmuti, zvanični por...
Turnout in the presidential election also uncertain
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Ali Ahmeti's party explains that this does not mean that the consensus candidate should be an Albani...
Fyrom-Albania: presidente Meta oggi in visita a Skopje
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... accompagnato dal presidente del parlamento macedone Talat Xhaferi, dal vicepremier e ministro pe...
Али Ахмети: Няма да има мир без Преспанския договор
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Скопие. Голям принос за подписването на договора за името между Скопие и Атина има и албанският поли...
Али Ахмети: Денко Малевски е приемлив кандидат за президент на страната
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Скопие. Денко Малевски е приемлив кандидат за президент на страната, заяви лидерът на Демократичния...
Macedonia Albanians Renew Push for 'Consensus' President
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... candidate for next spring's election would not necessarily have to be ethnic Albanian. DUI leade...
Macedonian court sentences former PM Gruevski to 2 years
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A Macedonian criminal court sentenced former conservative prime minister Nikola Gruevski to two year...
Former Macedonian PM convicted in corruption case exposed by illegal government surveillance
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Information exposed by leaked recordings that were part an illegal mass surveillance campaign orches...
Macedonians rally over plans change to country's name
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Former prime minister and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski, who governed Macedonia from 2006 to 201...
Leaders' First TV Duel in Years Grips Macedonia
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A VMRO DPMNE policy of avoiding direct debates with political opponents began when Gruevski became p...
Gruevski to appear in court this week on three different cases
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Former Prime Minister of FYROM, Nikola Gruevski is expected to appear in court this week on three ot...
Macedonian ex-PM Gruevski sentenced over tender for luxury car
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SKOPJE: Macedonia's former prime minister Nikola Gruevski was sentenced to two years in prison on We...
Right-Wing Hungarian Media Moves Into the Balkans
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The party, which ruled the country for a decade, lost power in 2017 amid investigations into corrupt...
Local Orthodox church asks to drop 'Macedonia' from name as talks with Greece continue
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EURACTIV reported in January that Macedonian opposition party VMRO-DPMNE of former Prime Minister Ni...
Macedonian court jails former PM Gruevski
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The court ruled on Wednesday that Gruevski, who served as prime minister from 2006-2016, had influen...
Macedonian PM Found Not Guilty in Corruption Case
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Mr Zaev has always claimed that the charges were politically motivated, coming as they did a short t...