Michael Chertoff Biography & News
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Michael Chertoff
Former 65th; Uni...
28 nov 1953
Politikai párt:
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Chertoff yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Michael. He is born on 28 nov 1953 and active in United States, Wheaton as former 65th; united states secretary. Michael Chertoff has in total 171 news splited in 171 News, 0 Pozitív, 0 Negatív, 0 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Michael Chertoff is mostly active in News and Választások.Hírek
2018.09.02 - Forrás: 95% - News
Her comments came as a book by Michael Chertoff, Barack Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security, suggests that companies should be banned from forcing consumers into handing over significant amounts of personal information online in order to access .....
2018.08.31 - Forrás: 75% - News
Grå eminense. Michael Chertoff har i nærmere to tiår en av de viktigste bakspillerne i amerikansk sikkerhets- og etterretningsvesen. Han advarer mot svakheter i den digitale kjerneinfrastrukturen som gjør Norge og andre land sårbare for angrep. Del ....
2018.08.31 - Forrás: 95% - News
Michael Chertoff, Former Secretary of Homeland Security. “John McCain set an example of the highest standard of public service. As is well known, from the time of his military service through his Senate tenure, he embodied honor, courage, devotion to...
2018.08.30 - Forrás: 95% - News
TCEI's 14 members include former heads of state and top officials, among them former NATO Secretary-General Anders Rasmussen, former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, former Mexican President ...
2018.08.29 - Forrás: 90% - News
STAVANGER (Nettavisen): - Det er ikke sikkert at skjer, men skulle jeg trekke frem et område som jeg er bekymret for med tanke på Norge, så er det russiske dataangrep, sier Michael Chertoff til Nettavisen. Chertoff var sikkerhetsminister, eller ...
2018.08.29 - Forrás: 85% - News
Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, who served under Former President George W. Bush from 2005 to 2009, led off the session. He set the table for the other speakers, when he said that “the costly and dynamic nature of cybersecurit...
2018.08.29 - Forrás: 90% - News
ABS Cyber Security Senior Advisor Cris DeWitt delivered a keynote address alongside Former US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff at the Critical Infrastructure and Cyber event at Offshore North Sea (ONS) 2018, ABS said in its press relea...
2018.08.27 - Forrás: 80% - News
13 the World Affairs Council plans to present the respected Michael Chertoff. Chertoff, who served as secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, will fly in from the East Coast to share his considerable perspective on both nationa...
2018.08.27 - Forrás: 95% - News
Mannen som hadde ansvar for sikkerheten under president George W. Bush, Michael Chertoff, frykter dataangrep mot det som holder samfunnet sammen.