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Bernie Sanders Biography & News

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Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

08 szept 1941
Politikai párt:
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Bernie Sanders

08 szept 1941
Politikai párt:
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Biography & Reputation

Bernie Sanders's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Bernie. Check anyway Sanders news. The Users opinion about Bernie is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Bernie did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 08 szept 1941 and active in United States, Washington as senator.
Bernie Sanders has in total 736 news splited in 735 News, 1 Pozitív, 0 Negatív, 0 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Bernie Sanders is mostly active in News and Veteránok.


2018.12.05 - Forrás: 85% - News
Peter Beinart contrasted the Warren and Sanders visions in the Atlantic last week, writing, “Warren's vision is more conventional; Bernie Sanders's is more radical.” That's true to an extent. Sanders is more critical of America's history of military...

2018.12.05 - Forrás: 95% - News
Bernie Sanders continues to deflect questions about his plans for 2020, but plenty of signs point to another run at the Democratic nomination by the independent senator for Vermont. If he does run, Sanders will likely find himself in a crowded field...

2018.12.05 - Forrás: 90% - News
A new Harvard/Harris poll released Monday showed former Vice President Joe Biden leading the pack with 28 percent of support among Democrat and independent voters. Former 2016 presidential candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second with ...

2018.12.05 - Forrás: 80% - News
“This expense was for transportation for the senator's nine-day, nine-state tour to support Democratic candidates up and down the ballot ahead of Election Day,” said Arianna Jones, senior communications adviser for Friends of Bernie Sanders. “This co...

2018.12.05 - Forrás: 75% - News
On Tuesday, one senator from Vermont organized a climate change town hall to discuss why many lawmakers believe that urgent action on climate change is essential. Indeed, Bernie Sanders' climate change warning emphasized how little time the world ...

2018.12.04 - Forrás: 85% - News
Roughly a third of Americans said climate change played into their voting decisions in the last four years. Other than Colorado, voters in the Mountain West are even less interested in the issue. Bernie Sanders is trying to change that. He hosted an...

2018.12.04 - Forrás: 95% - News
Bernie Sanders didn't have to remind the hundreds of activists, young people, policy wonks, and thousands of viewers online watching his climate change town hall Monday night of “the great crisis facing our planet and facing our humanity.” That was o...

2018.12.04 - Forrás: 85% - News
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gives Inspiring Speech at Bernie Sanders Town Hall. Share on Facebook · Tweet this article. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. bernie sanders. climate change. town hall. December 4, 2018. 3:01 PM EST. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says ...

2018.12.04 - Forrás: 90% - News
Bernie Sanders, a likely 2020 presidential candidate, and a group of climate activists held a town hall Monday evening with a simple message: The world is running out of time to get serious about climate action to limit the worst impacts from a warmi...

More Info

Vagyon & Fizetés

We don't have the wealth for Bernie yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Bernie's past. We don't have the saraly for Bernie Sanders yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Bernie Sanders has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Bernie Sanders is Democratic from United States. Bernie is active as Senator.
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