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Felipe González Biography & News

- Wealth & Score

Felipe González

Felipe González

Volt miniszterel...
05 márc 1942
Politikai párt:
Külső hivatkozások:

Felipe González

Volt miniszterel...
05 márc 1942
Politikai párt:
Külső hivatkozások:

Biography & Reputation

Felipe González's Votrameter is negative and that is something you should really be worried about. Read also Felipe positive things done and find out if González is worth leading. The Users of Votra thinks Felipe is bad and you should not vote him. Check the positive things done as well or help to bring good thinks to light from González.
He is born on 05 márc 1942 and active in Spain, Madrid as volt miniszterelnök.
Felipe González has in total 601 news splited in 600 News, 0 Pozitív, 1 Negatív, 0 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Felipe González is mostly active in News and Választások.


2018.05.23 - Forrás: 80% - News
"Si Andrés Manuel López Obrador nadara de muertito, llega a la orilla con la ventaja que tiene", aseveró el expresidente del gobierno español Felipe González, en referencia a la ventaja que tiene el candidato de Juntos Haremos Historia respecto a sus...

2018.05.07 - Forrás: 85% - News
El ex presidente del Gobierno español Felipe González aseguró que hay una fractura interna en el "régimen" de Nicolás Maduro y que éste "se va a caer solo" pase lo que pase en las elecciones venezolanas del 20 de mayo, que según la oposición se ...

2018.05.07 - Forrás: 85% - News
Felipe González, expresidente español, dijo que el resultado fue un golpetazo de realidad durísimo. | Proceso de Paz |

2018.05.06 - Forrás: 80% - News
En el encuentro participarán los expresidentes José Mujica y Felipe González, y se llevará a cabo en la sede de la Gobernación del departamento de Bolívar (norte), ubicada en su capital, Cartagena, donde se presentará un nuevo informe del Instituto ....

2018.05.02 - Forrás: 85% - News
On the other side, Marlborough was led by the efforts of Brendan Patano and Felipe Gonzalez. Patano won the long jump (19-2), the high jump (5-8), and took third in the 100 (11.8), while Gonzalez won the 100 (11.6), placed second in the 200 (24.1), a...

Felipe Gonzalez to four main party leaders: "Please don't .....
2016.09.09 - Forrás: 80% - Választások
Felipe González to four main party leaders: “Please don't bother standing for election if you can't form a government”

2012.12.29 - Forrás: 75% - Választások
Felipe González Speaker, Speeches, Booking Agent, Agency

More Info

Vagyon & Fizetés

We don't have the wealth for Felipe yet. Try to find a Biography to get more infos about Felipe's past. We don't have the saraly for Felipe González yet. Maybe you find in a CV the answers.

Prison, Corruption & Trust

Felipe González has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Felipe González is PSOE from Spain. Felipe is active as Volt miniszterelnök.
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