Uday Pratap Singh Biography & News
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Uday Pratap Singh
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Singh yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote Uday. He születési dátuma N/A és Új-Delhi (India) városában aktiv. Uday Pratap Singh has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Pozitív, 0 Negatív, 0 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Uday Pratap Singh is mostly active in News.Hírek
2018.05.01 - Forrás: 80% - News
The task force headed by DDA vice-chairman Uday Pratap Singh is meeting on Wednesday to decide on the further course of action. It comprises of all civic agencies, including three municipal corporations, public works department (PWD), and DDA, among ...