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Thomas Oppermann Biography & News

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Thomas Oppermann

Thomas Oppermann

27 ápr 1954
Politikai párt:
Social Dem...
Külső hivatkozások:
Kormányzati szerep
Polgári jogok

Thomas Oppermann

27 ápr 1954
Politikai párt:
Social Dem...
Külső hivatkozások:

Biography & Reputation

Thomas Oppermann's Votrameter is positive so Votra thinks you could vote Thomas. Check anyway Oppermann news. The Users opinion about Thomas is positive so most people think you can vote him. Read anyway what and if Thomas did something wrong to be sure on what you will decide.
He is born on 27 ápr 1954 and active in Germany, Berlin as chairman.
Thomas Oppermann has in total 197 news splited in 196 News, 1 Pozitív, 0 Negatív, 0 Megvalósitás, 0 Vádak and 0 Ítéletek. The most active category is News. Thomas Oppermann is mostly active in News and Kormányzati szerep.


2018.05.28 - Forrás: 80% - News
Berlin (dpa) - Vor der SPD-Vorstandssitzung zur außenpolitischen Linie der Partei haben führende Sozialdemokraten einen intensiveren Dialog mit Russland gefordert. "Deutschland und Russland haben ein gemeinsames Interesse, wieder zu einer engeren ...

2018.05.28 - Forrás: 85% - News
Заместитель председателя бундестага Томас Опперман (Thomas Oppermann) в интервью этому же изданию констатировал, что постоянный диалог является "важным средством в общении с трудными партнерами". Со своей стороны ...and more »

1ST LEAD German right-wing populists aim to be nation's ...
2016.09.19 - Forrás: 85% - Kormányzati szerep
But an SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann told German radio that the constant arguing between the CDU and its Bavarian sister party the Christian ...

Germany Bans Fracking Forever - Check Out The Healthy World
2016.09.14 - Forrás: 85% - Kormányzati szerep
... compromise legislation calls for the German parliament to reassess whether the decision is still valid in 2021, said Thomas Oppermann, ...

Turkey ends ban on lawmakers visiting German troops at air ....
2016.09.11 - Forrás: 80% - Kormányzati szerep
Thomas Oppermann, head of the Social Democrats (SPD) in parliament, said the resolution was not legally, but politically binding. "They have understood ...

Germany, in Gesture to Turkey, Says Genocide Resolution ...
2016.09.08 - Forrás: 75% - Kormányzati szerep
Thomas Oppermann, head of the Social Democrats (SPD) in parliament, said the resolution was not legally, but politically binding. “We expect that all ...

With Refugee Influx, Germany Struggles To Outlaw Child ...
2016.09.02 - Forrás: 90% - Kormányzati szerep, Polgári jogok
One lawmaker, Thomas Oppermann, told Die Welt newspaper that “the protection of children has to be our top priority. And the same has to apply to underage refugees.”

2014.01.17 - Forrás: 90% - Kormányzati szerep
... und wurde dann SPD-Fraktionschef. Wie Thomas Oppermann mit seinem ungewollten Aufstieg umgeht und worauf Angela Merkel gefasst sein muss.

More Info

Vagyon & Fizetés

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Prison, Corruption & Trust

Thomas Oppermann has not been to prison yet and no really corrupt things happened. His trust score is 0 so not many Information if we can trust his speeches are here yet. We are continuously working on updating profiles but you can help eater.

Political Party

The political party of Thomas Oppermann is Social Democratic Party from Germany. Thomas is active as Chairman.
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