Compare Rainer Arnold et Tonino Picula pour savour pour qui voter.
Rainer Arnold![]() |
VS |
Tonino Picula![]() |
Thousands of Yazidis still held by ‘IS’
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- Défense, Affaires étrangères
Germany must find alternatives to the Incirlik Air Base and pull its soldiers and weapons from Turke...
Turkey seen approving German parliamentary visit to air ...
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- Défense, Rôle du gouvernement
"I expect that the issue will be resolved next week," said Rainer Arnold, defence spokesman for the...
Warum 80 Prozent der Belegschaft eines Lichtenfelser Kfz-Betriebs ihre Organe ...
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Persönliche Gespräche dazu hat es schon gegeben, beispielsweise mit dem Lichtenfelser Rainer Arnold,...
Arnold André appoints two new managing directors
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Rainer Göhner said: “I am very pleased that this timely expansion of the management board was enable...
Unatego boys, Delhi girls win MAC Relays
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Sidney's trio of Ryan Arnold, Brandon Evans and Liam Matthews won the Shuttle hurdles for the Warrio...
Mit 100 Jahren das erste Selfie
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Die Kinder Rainer und Karin mit Familien feierten mit der Jubilarin, zu deren großer Freude auch Gmü...
Tonino Picula's Amendment on Croatia's Schengen Entry Adopted Conference in June
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A key amendment from Croatian MEP Tonino Picula, that Croatia should become a member of the Schengen...
Picula o Stieru: 'On razmišlja dugoročno'
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Tonino Picula cijeni Stiera kao političara, ali i problematizira njegovu podršku izrazito konzervati...
Picula: Presidential elections – to vote on membership in NATO
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PODGORICA – In his interview for Pobjeda daily, member of the European Parliament (EP) and Head of t...
Europarlamentarci Picula i Lins pozvali na reforme i približavanje Balkana EU-u
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Sudjelujući na međunarodnoj konferenciji u organizaciji Paneuropske unije u Orašju hrvatski i njemač...
Europski parlament ne slaže se s prijedlogom proračuna EK-a
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S jedne strane su EK i EP koji žele puno više novca, a s druge Vijeće koje okuplja one koji trebaju...
Tonino Picula poziva općine i gradove da se prijave za bespovratna sredstva iz programa WiFi4EU
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Zastupnik Tonino Picula, čiji je Ured poduzeo niz aktivnosti od prosinca prošle godine kako bi u Hrv...
Authentic Croatian Toys to Be Promoted in Brussels
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"This is the right opportunity to present something which I believe has the authentic cultural value...
Europski parlament odbio prijedlog proračuna Europske komisije
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S jedne strane su EK i EP koji žele puno više novca, a s druge Vijeće koje okuplja one koji trebaju...
Picula: Svi građani Unije zaslužuju jednak pristup prometnoj infrastrukturi
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BRUXELLES – Svi građani Europske Unije zaslužuju jednak pristup prometnoj infrastrukturi, a oni koji...
Stigao je novi Cro Demoskop; HDZ i dalje pada, ali ne više tako divljački kao prije, Živi zid jedini raste
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Među deset najpozitivnijih domaćih političara još su Božo Petrov (4,1 posto), Tonino Picula (4 posto...