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Meyrem Almaci vs Udit Raj

Compare Meyrem Almaci et Udit Raj pour savour pour qui voter.

Meyrem Almaci

Meyrem Almaci

Udit Raj

Udit Raj
Meyrem Almaci
Udit Raj
Orangeburg Belgium
New Delhi India
Parti politique
Bharatiya Janata Party
Belgian minister: Parents of girl shot dead by police 'also responsible'
2018.05.25 - Source :90% - News
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, who belongs to the liberal Open VLD party, called for “rest...

Meyrem Almaci stelt haar boek voor in De Griffel
2018.05.22 - Source :80% - News
Zandhoven - Groen-boegbeeld Meyrem Almaci stelt op maandag 28 mei om 20u haar boek 'Respect is de ni...

Belgian police who shot dead two-year-old 'want to justify' tragedy, says lawyer
2018.05.25 - Source :95% - News
Green party chair Meyrem Almaci accused him of “an inappropriate and disrespectful” comment aimed at...

Meyrem Almaci: "50 jaar na Leuven Vlaams wordt Leuven Groen"
2018.05.05 - Source :80% - News
"Bij de verkiezingen over zes maanden gaan we in Leuven potten breken. 50 jaar na Leuven Vlaams zal...

Spijbelen in Kamer? De Wever, Almaci en Beke verliezen geen loon
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News
Kamerleden die minder dan tachtig procent van de stemmingen in het parlement bijwonen, verliezen tie...

Groen hekelt '10 gebroken beloftes' van Vlaamse en federale regering
2018.05.25 - Source :80% - News
"Hier zetelt de schaduwpremier", stelt Groen-voorzitster Meyrem Almaci. "In schril contrast met het...

Chambre: les présidents de partis flamands ne veulent pas de traitement de faveur
2018.05.29 - Source :80% - News
Discours identique du côté de Meyrem Almaci (Groen). "Cette exception n'est pas nécessaire. Quand on...

Premier Michel: “Informatie is op dit moment nog niet stabiel en daarom volgen ...
2018.05.29 - Source :85% - News
Groen-voorzitter Meyrem Almaci heeft ook reeds gereageerd op de schietpartij in Luik. "Plots komt he...

'Premier zijn onder Bart De Wever is een zwaar beroep'
2018.05.25 - Source :80% - News
Niet toevallig verkondigden voorzitter Meyrem Almaci, federaal fractieleider Kristof Calvo en zijn V...

Groen heeft lijst bijna klaar (maar laat nog 5 plaatsen open)
2018.05.28 - Source :85% - News
Ze is de dochter van wijlen Wilfried Van Durme, oud-gemeenteraadslid, volksvertegenwoordiger en gron...

BJP's dining with Dalits: Party MP Udit Raj criticises move, says it won't solve problems
2018.05.05 - Source :80% - News
It seems that Bharatiya Janata Party's 'dinner-at-Dalit-house' campaign is not welcomed by many, inc...

Dalit man's murder in Saharanpur a blot on nation: BJP MP Udit Raj
2018.05.12 - Source :95% - News
NEW DELHI: In a huge embarrassment to the Bharatiya Janata Party, its own MP Udit Raj has claimed th...

Modi Govt deprived me of ministership for raising Dalit voice: BJP MP Udit Raj
2018.05.14 - Source :85% - News
Nagpur: Another 'sulking' BJP MP has raised his voice and targeted the Prime Minister Narendra Modi....

Mahapanchayat of 360 villages convened against sealing in Delhi's villages
2018.05.30 - Source :80% - News
Delhi BJP president Manoj Tiwari, North West Delhi MP Dr Udit Raj, outer Delhi BJP District presiden...

'Eating with Dalits' is only a photo-op and election strategy for the BJP
2018.05.03 - Source :90% - News
“The exercise is more like humiliating Dalits,” Udit Raj, the BJP MP from North West Delhi and a sen...

'SC's ruling was the catalyst that fired up the anger accumulated for decades'
2018.05.07 - Source :80% - News
There is a growing unrest among the dalit community and the April 2 “Bharat Bandh” called by dalit g...

Modi vs united Opposition in 2019? Digvijaya fights it out with Javadekar at Panchayat Aaj Tak
2018.05.26 - Source :95% - News
"Ask Murli Manohar Joshi, Arun Shourie, Yashwant Sinha, Udit Raj, Savitri Bai Phule and Pravin Togad...

Caste-based politics returns to India as Dalits seek equality
2018.05.14 - Source :75% - News
“I have no objection if any leader goes to any place for dinner, tea and stay,” says BJP lawmaker Ud...

Sonia Gandhi's Hongi Hug Swings 2019 Spotlight on Mayawati vs Modi
2018.05.26 - Source :75% - News
The atrocities in western Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have brought all Dalits togeth...

Sonia Gandh's Friendly Hug Swings 2019 Spotlight on Mayawati vs Modi
2018.05.26 - Source :85% - News
The atrocities in western Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have brought all Dalits togeth...