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Marina Schuster vs Agnes Alpers

Compare Marina Schuster et Agnes Alpers pour savour pour qui voter.

Marina Schuster

Marina Schuster

Agnes Alpers

Agnes Alpers
Marina Schuster
Agnes Alpers
Berlin Germany
Berlin Germany
Free Democratic Party
Parti politique
Die Linke
News, Rôle du gouvernement, Droit civil
A Call To Action - Human rights activist Marina Schuster speaks for Bhutto-Ispahani lecture series
2013.05.16 - Source :95% - Rôle du gouvernement
A Call To Action - Human rights activist Marina Schuster speaks for Bhutto-Ispahani lecture series

Prisoner’s Godparenthood: Marina Schuster adopts Pavel Vinahradau
2010.06.18 - Source :90% - Droit civil
Prisoner’s Godparenthood: Marina Schuster adopts Pavel Vinahradau

High schools: St. Catherine's track sprints through raindrops
2018.05.22 - Source :75% - News
Da'Shaun Brown and Tiana Marshall won their respective boys and girls 100 meter races for the Angels...

SWC track and field: Newtown girls, Bunnell boys win titles
2018.05.24 - Source :80% - News
Dardielle Exantus, Bunnell, 49.76; 5. Marina Lambiase, Pomperaug, 49.90. 4x100 meter relay: 1. Bunne...

Seattle-area music-and-nightlife events May 25-31: Sasquatch! 2018, Maroon 5 and more
2018.05.25 - Source :80% - News
Heather Edgley, Marina & The Dreamboats, Gaby DeSpain, Teresa and The Wolves, 8 p.m., High Dive; $6-...

CHIO-Blogger treffen ihre Fans am Samstag
2018.05.03 - Source :75% - News
Skyfire), Harriet Charlotte Jensen, Kim Burschik, Marina Schuster (Marina und die Ponys), Miriam Sch...

These are the athletes named to the all-Record Searchlight girls basketball teams
2018.05.25 - Source :90% - News
The all-NAL selection was among the top 3-point shooters in the section, nearing 60 makes beyond the...

Final Section V Scoreboard: Wednesday, May 2
2018.05.03 - Source :80% - News
IQL Maggie Vay 4 goals; Marina Butler 2 goals, 2 assists; Bridget Inclema 2 goals. Honeoye Falls-Lim...

Legal notices for May 6-12, 2018
2018.05.08 - Source :85% - News
Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary of the Estate of ROSA MARINA BERRY, Deceased, were...

Cardinal Heights lists third quarter honor roll
2018.05.01 - Source :80% - News
... Timothy Sachtleben, Victoria Sands, Connor Savor, Kennedy Schaefer, Willem Schasker, Charles Sch...

Clarence Middle posts honor roll
2018.05.15 - Source :90% - News
... Dylan Rifenburg, Ava Robinson, Luke Russ, Lauren Russell, Thomas Russell, Tyler Ryan, Maria Salv...

BookExpo 2018: Around the Booths
2018.05.11 - Source :85% - News
Part of the CBS Corporation, Simon & Schuster publishes fiction and nonfiction for all ages, across...

Am Wasser ging's heiß her
2018.06.11 - Source :75% - News
... von Marina Katzenschlager, Martin und Benjamin Kastler, Andreas und Martina Eder, Florian Hahn,...

Fado inspira o Castelo de Caras em Portugal
2018.06.12 - Source :80% - News
André Bankoff, Maria Eugênia Suconic, Carla Salle, Marina Moschen, Carla Diaz, Edna Costa, Bruno Cab...

Oregon senior Kailie Sweeney's amazing comeback tour has one more stop: Uihlein Soccer Field
2018.06.13 - Source :85% - News
Oregon senior girls soccer player Kailie Sweeney, right, tries to keep the ball away from Waunakee s...

2018.06.13 - Source :75% - News
Tiany Schuster, Krum, Texas $56,208. 6. Lisa Lockhart, Oelrichs, S.D. $55,834. 7. Kylie Weast, Coman...

Morality clauses: are publishers right to police writers?
2018.06.13 - Source :90% - News
Last year, Simon & Schuster cancelled a book by the rightwing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos after co...

Wo es in Schongau Erdbeeren gibt
2018.06.16 - Source :95% - News
Schongau – „Diese Erdbeeren kommen frisch vom Feld“, sagt Marina Taubenhuber aus Reichling. Das glau...

City council acts on requests, denies item tabled last month
2018.06.20 - Source :85% - News
The Guttenberg city council at its regular monthly meeting on June 11 moved forward on a noise ordin...

High School Honor Roll
2018.06.27 - Source :95% - News
Lucas Aiello, Marina Amato, Anna Andrade*, Jade Barma*, Abigail Beem*, Logan Beier*, Mitchell Benusa...

Eine Antwort auf sexistische Äußerungen von Frank Castorf
2018.07.04 - Source :95% - News
... Doris Margarete Schmidt, Volker Schmidt, Yvonne Schmidt, Maxi Schmitz, Franziska Schmitz, Anne S...

72 Abiturientinnen an Sankt Gertrudis
2018.07.05 - Source :85% - News
Julia Abele (P), Johanna Abendschein (B), Larissa Apprich (P), Lea Baur (P), Marina Baur, Julia Betz...

CHUMS lists fourth quarter honor roll
2018.07.06 - Source :95% - News
... Connor Savor, Kennedy Schaefer, Willem Schasker, Charles Schauer, Lilly Schellpfeffer, Jonathan...

72 bestehen Abitur an St. Gertrudis
2018.07.05 - Source :85% - News
Julia Abele (P), Johanna Abendschein (B), Larissa Apprich (P), Lea Baur (P), Marina Baur, Julia Betz...

Cateys 2018: International Outstanding Achievement Award – Wolfgang Puck
2018.07.07 - Source :75% - News
Today, Puck operates CUT outposts in Las Vegas, at Singapore's Marina Bay Sands resort, at the Addre...

Abiturjahrgang mit Prädikat
2018.07.08 - Source :80% - News
Annemarie Aupperle (B), Linda Beißwenger, Sarah Eisenmann, Marina Frank, Sinem Genc, Karolin Hlawats...

2018.07.10 - Source :95% - News
Ogni volta che ci incontriamo resto strabiliato, è un'esperienza meravigliosa, e il tema di quest'an...

Sieg geht nach Hohenaschau
2018.07.11 - Source :80% - News
... Nachmittags für einen reibungslosen Verlauf gesorgt hatten. Die Röcke frauen des Vereins um Irmi...

Saubere Leistung der jungen Trachtler
2018.07.12 - Source :85% - News
Marina Sattelberger (Grainbach), 2. Stephanie Krug (Hirnsberg-Pietzing), 3. Barbara Schober (Roßholz...

District announces fourth quarter Honor Roll
2018.07.12 - Source :95% - News
... Isabelle Pehanick, Jessica Petrosky, Timothy Pickarski, Macenzie Powell, Thomas Rable, Mason Rai...

Den Abschluss in der Tasche
2018.07.16 - Source :85% - News
... Dominik Hoffmann, Madita Illenberger, Marina Illenberger, Leon Kinzler, Lorena Kleebauer, Kim-Gi...

Siren Film Festival: la Sirena di Vasto apre al Cinema Internazionale
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
"Euterpe" apre con "Walls", cortometraggio palestinese che parla di muri e barriere, diretto da Maik...

Fachhochschulreife in der Tasche
2018.07.16 - Source :95% - News
Oberstudiendirektorin Karin Wagner und Oberstudienrätin Barbara Schuster-Gratz gratulierten zusammen...

Masterclass, incontri e proiezioni: il Siren si arricchisce con il Film Festival
2018.07.18 - Source :80% - News
"Euterpe" apre con "Walls", cortometraggio palestinese che parla di muri e barriere, diretto da Maik...

'Siren Film Festival': la 'Sirena' di Vasto apre al cinema internazionale
2018.07.19 - Source :80% - News
"Euterpe" apre con "Walls", cortometraggio palestinese che parla di muri e barriere, diretto da Maik...

Transfer-Rekordzahl in Vorarlbergs Unterhausfußball VOL.AT
2018.07.19 - Source :90% - News
Aufsteiger 4. Landesklasse. Zu: Sandro Tomaselli (Satteins), Clemens Stadlinger, Manuel Egger, Benja...

Abington Heights High School students named to Honor Roll for fourth quarter
2018.07.24 - Source :80% - News
Lauren Schofield. Kylie Schultz. Eric Schuster. Leanna M. Sciabbarrasi. Kaitlyn C. Seechock. Sabriya...

70 haben ihr Examen in der Tasche
2018.07.24 - Source :85% - News
13 Absolventen wurden für ihre sehr guten Leistungen ausgezeichnet: Rocio Carvajal Ortiz, Irmtraud M...

Die Sieger des OVL-Cups 2018 stehen fest
2018.07.24 - Source :95% - News
Sepp Völkl, TSV Pleystein; 3. Manfred Lindhof, Ski-Club Schwandorf; Senioren M 65: 1. Ludwig Hecht,...

2018.07.25 - Source :95% - News
... Service, L. Dan French Builders, Grace Christian Church, Sugar Shack, Krompetz Elevator, Secord...

Il 28 luglio a Parco Schuster spazio al teatro con la Dreamers Company
2018.07.24 - Source :90% - News
Il 28 luglio a Parco Schuster spazio al teatro con la Dreamers Company che porterà in scena lo sfron...

2018.07.27 - Source :75% - News
Cele două formaţii care au disputat finala au avut următoarea componenţă: Marina: Dumitrescu; Curta,...

Die Fußballer schlagen zurück
2018.07.29 - Source :80% - News
... (0/2), Dennis Schwarz (1/0), Chris Fleischer, Fabian Eninger (0/1), Housein Okan, Timo Maier, Ad...

Strategien gegen Sucht
2018.07.29 - Source :85% - News
Jugendsozialarbeiterin Marina Simon erklärte bei der Preisübergabe im Landratsamt den "ganzheitliche...

Paradă de Ziua Marinei Militare Ruse: mult spectacol, dar câtă substanţă? FOTO
2018.07.30 - Source :75% - News
„Suntem, pe bună dreptate, mândri de marina noastră, de forţele noastre navale, de nivelul lor cel m...

Mittelschule gewinnt Präventionspreis
2018.08.03 - Source :85% - News
Jugendsozialarbeiterin Marina Simon erklärte bei der Preisübergabe im Landratsamt den „ganzheitliche...

2018.08.05 - Source :80% - News
... Isabelle Pehanick, Jessica Petrosky, Timothy Pickarski, Macenzie Powell, Thomas Rable, Mason Rai...

Vorbeugung wird großgeschrieben
2018.08.05 - Source :90% - News
Jugendsozialarbeiterin Marina Simon erklärte bei der Preisübergabe im Landratsamt den „ganzheitliche...

Unión campeón del Apertura
2018.08.07 - Source :85% - News
El domingo se disputó el Top 4 de Primera División femenino de la Asociación Rafaelina de Voley. El...

2018.08.12 - Source :80% - News
... Sang Nguyen, Grace Okrepkie, Lauren Palmiter, Chloe Pearce, Ericka Pica, Jacob Rasimovich, Eric...

Cecilia Echenique estrena single con Gepe y lanzará álbum con distintas colaboraciones
2018.08.12 - Source :85% - News
El sábado 28 de julio pudo encontrarse con sus seguidores en el Casino Marina del Sol de Talcahuano,...

Delpini ricorda Tettamanzi: "Fu sempre fedele al Vangelo”
2018.08.13 - Source :95% - News
Fu un uomo e un Arcivescovo al quale «è stato facile volere bene» per la sua umanità. Così l'Arcives...

Knossalla zeigt gute Frühform
2018.08.13 - Source :75% - News
Marina Hamann (Lahr), 2. Daniela Viertel (Hochheim), 3. Laura Anders (Siegbach), 4. Beatrix Pfaffend...

Neun alte Bekannte und ein Neuling
2018.08.13 - Source :95% - News
Abgänge: Oksana Bespalova (Laufbahn beendet), Andrea Schuster (SG Bornheim), Sabine Vogel (VfL Nußba...

Familie filmt Staubteufel bei Niedernhall
2018.08.19 - Source :95% - News
„Das ist wie so ein kleiner Tornado“, sagt Thomas Schuster vom Deutschen Wetterdienst am Samstag auf...

The Rundown: LSU athletics Academic Excellence Gala
2018.08.20 - Source :90% - News
The 2018-19 season for LSU's student-athletes kicked off on Sunday evening with the Academic Excelle...

Books: The Sunday Times Bestsellers, August 26
2018.08.25 - Source :90% - News
4 Colour of Time by Dan Jones & Marina Amaral (Head of Zeus £25) History revisited through 200 digit...

Mit Rückenwind und Regenbogen
2018.08.26 - Source :90% - News
Den Schweicher Erfolg komplett machte Vorjahressiegerin Marina Wierz als Drittplatzierte (1:33:37)....

Team Köllensperger stellt Kandidaten vor Stol
2018.08.27 - Source :85% - News
Das Team Köllensperger hat am Montag seine Kandidaten für die Landtagswahlen vorgestellt.

Frauen-Regionalliga: Köln II fertigt Mönchengladbach II ab FuPa
2018.08.26 - Source :75% - News
Ina Wilm), Sarah Mönnekes, Yvonne Hansmeier, Christina Drewitz, Lena Kuhlmann, Marina Heidebrecht, C...

LIQUID IV Closes Series B Round with "A-List" Backing
2018.08.28 - Source :85% - News
MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Aug. 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Liquid I.V., one of the fastest growing CPG br...

Wondering which properties recently sold in Manatee County? Here's a complete list.
2018.08.29 - Source :80% - News
$495,830 Minto Bradenton LLC to Pbp LLC; Marina Walk On One Particular Harbour; Aug. 23. $490,000 Ca...

The Waters sitewalk provides answers Biddeford Saco
2018.08.30 - Source :80% - News
Lisa Vickers, senior project manager of Atlantic Environmental, answered questions about the marina,...

Here Are 34 Fall 2018 Books We Can't Wait To Read
2018.09.01 - Source :90% - News
Ponti, by Sharlene Teo (Simon & Schuster) .... Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Ange...

Pet Projects: Celebrating strays of all stripes and stuff
2018.08.31 - Source :90% - News
The following pet-related businesses regularly feature cat, dog and rabbit adoptions. If you're a Lo...

The Art of Virtual Reality
2018.09.01 - Source :80% - News
Artists thus far seem decidedly in the cinematic VR camp—although a few, including Marina Abramović,...

Four still missing from boat crash
2018.09.03 - Source :85% - News
TOPOCK — Mohave County Sheriff Doug Schuster said Sunday the search to find four remaining victims —...

4 missing in US boat collision
2018.09.03 - Source :95% - News
The collision occurred about 8 p.m. on Saturday between Pirates Cove and the Topock Marina near Moab...

Central California Woman's Body Recovered, 3 Others Still Missing After Boat Crash in Colorado River
2018.09.03 - Source :90% - News
Search efforts are continuing for the three other boaters -- a male and two females -- who remain mi...

One dead and 3 missing after boat collision at California-Arizona border
2018.09.03 - Source :75% - News
None of the people on board either of the boats was wearing a life jacket, Mohave County Sheriff Dou...

Kirra Drury & Raegan Heitzig: Full Story of Colorado River Boat Crash
2018.09.04 - Source :95% - News
The boats crashed around sundown between the popular Pirates Cove and Topock Marina. After the crash...

Die Nöte der Pflegekräfte im Blick
2018.09.04 - Source :80% - News
Der Ansporn, sich aufstellen zu lassen, kam von der FDP-Kreisvorsitzenden Marina Schuster. Sie hielt...

Intensive search continues for missing victim of crash
2018.09.07 - Source :90% - News
TOPOCK — Searchers on Thursday continued scouring an 18-mile stretch of the Colorado River in effort...

LSU Recognizes Spring 2018 3.0 Student-Athletes
2018.09.08 - Source :90% - News
Lexie Priessman, Gymnastics. Gracen Standley, Gymnastics. Aaron Epps, Men's Basketball. Skylar Mays,...

Florence, Irma, 'Monday Night Football,' and NASCAR: 5 things you need to know Monday
2018.09.10 - Source :75% - News
Workers cleared seaweed left after flooding from a beach at the Casa Marina Resort in Key West. ANDY...

Search continuing for last missing boater
2018.09.11 - Source :75% - News
1 in the Colorado River near Topock Marina. As is the MCSO's policy, it will not ... Schuster respon...

Mohave County sheriff calls off divers in search for boat accident victim
2018.09.11 - Source :85% - News
According to Schuster, deputies and volunteer search and rescue personnel will continue to extend th...

Revisiting the Robinho situation, ten years later
2018.09.11 - Source :95% - News
Over the years, Chelsea, like any other club, have missed out on quite a few signings, especially at...

Chapter 1 of Port Covington to Include 3 Million Sq. Ft. of Office, Retail, Residential, and Hotel Properties
2018.09.13 - Source :90% - News
... underwent some renovations and is now the home to workforce development non-profits; and the fou...

City council revisits food truck ordinance, considers pool change
2018.09.19 - Source :90% - News
Also on hand were City Manager Denise Schneider and City Attorney Michael Schuster. ... The council...

Search for missing boater nears third week
2018.09.19 - Source :95% - News
Sheriff Doug Schuster has publicly stated the search will not stop until Heitzig is found. According...

Buque de guerra chino tuvo encuentro "inseguro" con destructor de EE.UU., en medio de tensiones
2018.10.02 - Source :75% - News
El encuentro cercano les dejaría a los capitanes del barco solo unos segundos para reaccionar ante c...

Elf Freundinnen trotz elf Gegentoren
2018.10.03 - Source :85% - News
Nach vier Minuten klingelte es schon zum ersten Mal im Kasten der Gäste: Marina Schuster schickte An...

La Marina de Estados Unidos propone una gran demostración de fuerza para advertir a China
2018.10.04 - Source :85% - News
Los destructores de 8.000 toneladas podrían haber estado a segundos de colisionar, dijo Carl Schuste...

Peißenberg gelingt Aufholjagd im Derby
2018.10.10 - Source :80% - News
Statistik: Weilheims Spielerinnen und ihre Tore: Karen Albust (5/1 Siebenmeter), Elisabeth Zwiekopf...

Chinese Super League versus Indian Super League: A comparison
2018.10.12 - Source :85% - News
There is Bernard Schuster, coach of Dalian Yifang, who played for both the Madrid clubs and West Ger...

HSOT 101: A heavy dose of cross country (and some other fall sports)
2018.10.24 - Source :90% - News
First Flight's Katherine Schuster had a 67. These two were 11 and 12 strokes ahead of third-place Ma...

Neuer Kita-Elternbeirat gewählt
2018.10.30 - Source :80% - News
Die Leiterin der Kindertagesstätte St. Johannes, Sabine Wurm-Rupprecht, konnte zur Elternversammlung...

Briefe an die Redaktion: 2. November 2018
2018.11.01 - Source :90% - News
Merz ante portas. Die beste Nachricht im Abendblatt seit langer Zeit. Leute, sammelt Bierdeckel, vie...

Marina Schusters Ziel: Zurück auf die große Bühne
2018.11.06 - Source :95% - News
Greding (luf) Marina Schuster will nach Brüssel: "Ich kandidiere für Europa", hat die FDP-Politikeri...

2018.11.07 - Source :75% - News
New Rockford 13-16-11. North Star -- Danielle Hagler 24-2-3, Mya Halverson 9-1-1, Jasmine Heisler 7-...

Der ganz alltägliche Judenhass
2018.11.09 - Source :85% - News
Die jüdische Gemeinschaft, stellt der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden, Josef Schuster, fest, müs...

Wenn Hass die Schulhöfe erreicht
2018.11.08 - Source :95% - News
Die Jüdische Gemeinschaft, stellt der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden, Josef Schuster, fest, müs...

Gesangverein sucht mit neuer Spitze nach Tenören
2018.11.11 - Source :75% - News
Die Mitglieder und der Verein bedankten sich bei Gabi Schuster mit einem Abschiedsgeschenk für ihre...

In Radevormwald ging es stimmungsvoll zu.
2018.11.12 - Source :80% - News
Christian Melzer gewann mit Marina und Detlef Wölk neue Kunden aus Wuppertal. Das Ehepaar kommt oft...

88 great books for holiday gift giving in 2018, from fun fiction to brain food
2018.11.16 - Source :80% - News
A stunning gift set for readers of children's literature. "The Library Book" (Simon & Schuster), by...

Das bringt der Wintersporttag am Samstag
2018.11.17 - Source :85% - News
Beim ersten Wettkampf der neuen Skisprung-Saison ist das Team von Bundestrainer Werner Schuster glei...

Bayern-FDP: Viele Bewerber für Europa
2018.11.18 - Source :75% - News
Prinzbach hat die Initiative Pulse of Europe in München mitgegründet und ist Mitglied bei der Initia...

Kane schießt England ins Final Four der Nations League
2018.11.18 - Source :95% - News
"Stephan hat hat das Zeug dazu, in diesem Winter aufs Podium zu kommen", sagte Bundestrainer Werner...

"Es macht für mich leider keinen Sinn, so ein Rennen zu fahren"
2018.11.17 - Source :90% - News
"Stephan hat hat das Zeug dazu, in diesem Winter aufs Podium zu kommen", sagte Bundestrainer Werner...

Council moves forward on food truck ordinance, okays fireworks change
2018.11.21 - Source :95% - News
The Guttenberg city council at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13, moved forward on an...

Das Geohaus hilft dem Rathaus
2018.11.20 - Source :95% - News
Doch auch wenn Schuster und seine Mitstreiter (sein Sohn) Ingenieur Dr. Hanns-Florian Schuster, Dipl...

A Dozen Books to Read Over the Thanksgiving Holiday
2018.11.21 - Source :95% - News
Frederick Douglass (Simon & Schuster)—a result of 10 years of research and planning—is candid about...

What the teams said – Friday in Abu Dhabi
2018.11.23 - Source :80% - News
But Bottas pushed Red Bull close in FP1 and went fastest in second practice, showing his skill aroun...

Abington Heights High School releases first quarter honor roll
2018.11.26 - Source :80% - News
Gianna Sabatini. Ryan J. Salony. Eleanor Saunders. Salvatore B. Schiavone II. Breeanne L. Schmig. Be...

GALLERY: Around the world in 55 photos
2018.11.26 - Source :90% - News
Actor Will Smith waves a checkered flag as Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain crosses the fin...

Guardian best books of 2018: across fiction, politics, food and more
2018.12.01 - Source :75% - News
Our House by Louise Candlish (Simon & Schuster) offers a different take on domestic suspense: with a...

Honor Rolls: Waterloo Middle School
2018.11.30 - Source :95% - News
Natalie Jones, Markell Kingston Johnson, Justin Knowlton, Kaelin Larizza, Kaka Lu, Marina Lyon, Oliv...

How To Quit Your Job And Pursue A Dream Career In Travel
2018.12.04 - Source :85% - News
The new book, Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life (Simon & Schuster) is about to bec...