Compare Ivan Šuker et Arsen Bauk pour savour pour qui voter.
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Former Croatia striker Davor Suker thrilled by the prospect of his nation's pre-World Cup friendly against Brazil at ...
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Davor Suker, one of Europe's greatest-ever marksmen, never enjoyed much success in front of the Kop...
Anfield will ensure Brazil vs Croatia is a festival of football Suker
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Davor Suker, one of Europe's greatest-ever marksmen, never enjoyed much success in front of the Kop...
World Cup Countdown: Talented Croatia arrives with unfulfilled ...
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With 18 days left to Russia 2018, 90 Minutes presents Croatia, featuring a generation of talented pl...
Dalic gamble pays off for Croatia World Cup hopes
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ZAGREB: Croatia took a gamble when they appointed Zlatko Dalic as national coach last October but he...
2018 World Cup in Russia: Group D features Argentina, Iceland, Croatia and Nigeria
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With a squad featuring Davor Suker, Slaven Bilic, Robert Jarni, Mario Stanic, Robert Prosinecki and...
FIFA World Cup 2018: Group D
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Since their third-place finish at the 1998 World Cup led by the legendary Davor Suker, Croatia have...
Croatia World Cup 2018 squad: Latest player news and injury information
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Davor Suker, who was that tournament's top-scorer, now has overall responsibility as the head of Cro...
MPs Warn about Status of Croats in Bosnia and Serbia
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"The election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina must be such that Croats elect their representatives in...
When two become one: the Iván Zamorano and Marcelo Salas diaries
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For a period, Zamorano and Davor Šuker, his strike partner at Sevilla, formed one of the most feared...
Ketika 'Kotak-kotak' Memburu Nostalgia 1998
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Prestasi pada edisi pertama semakin lengkap ketika Davor Suker ke luar sebagai top skor. Super Suker...
Arsen Bauk: Nema dokaza da se referendumski obrasci i dalje ne ...
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Predsjednik Kluba zastupnika SDP-a Arsen Bauk u srijedu je u Saboru komentirao objavu inicijative Na...
Arsen Bauk: Prošlo je Plenkovićevo zlatno doba, pala mu je europska pozlata
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To što je u najnovijoj anketi oko 20 posto ispitanika za to da Andrej Plenković bude premijer i nije...
Bauk: 'Velika koalicija? Kada se riješe lopova i ustaša'
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Predsjednik Kluba zastupnika SDP-a Arsen Bauk ironično je kazao da bi na veliku koaliciju HDZ-a i SD...
Arsen Bauk jedini SDP-ovac koji se ogradio od Stazićevog ružnog ...
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Predsjednik Kluba SDP-a u Hrvatskom Saboru Arsen Bauk komentirao je nedavni ispad zastupnik Nenada S...
Arsen Bauk: Svakom objavom novih mailova pada jedna crta Plenkovićeve obrane
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Kada je riječ o prijavi Andreja Plenkovića Povjerenstvu za odlučivanju za sukob interesa koji su pod...
Prime Minister Reported for Conflict of Interest
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Earlier in the day, SDP whip Arsen Bauk said that the SDP would not report Plenković to the Conflict...
Arsen Bauk: Plenković proklinje dan kad se odlučio vratiti iz Bruxellesa
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Arsen Bauk: Plenković proklinje dan kad se odlučio vratiti iz Bruxellesa. Premijer je, kaže Bauk, na...
Bauk: Plenković je u defanzivi iu HDZ-u iu javnosti
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Predsjednik Kluba SDP-a Arsen Bauk u Saboru je objasnio zašto još SDP još neće podnijeti prijavu pro...
Parliament Postpones LNG Bill Vote
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... on May 31, adding that parliament would dedicate one afternoon exclusively to voting on the amen...
Arsen Bauk
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Značajnu ulogu u tome odigrao je njegov otac Miro Bauk koji je bio dobar prijatelj s Ivicom Račanom....