Compare Gabriele Zimmer et Helga Trüpel pour savour pour qui voter.
Gabriele Zimmer |
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Helga Trüpel![]() |
A better Europe: group leaders set out their expectations ...
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- Rôle du gouvernement
Gabriele Zimmer (GUE/NGL, Germany) One thing was clear from the Brexit referendum: the EU cannot go...
European Parliament : 2016 State of the Union debate ...
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- Rôle du gouvernement, Travail, Economie
'It is always the shoulders of citizens that carry the debts', said Gabriele ZIMMER (GUE/NGL, DE). '...
The EU believes Theresa May's 'unstable' government could collapse before Brexit
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The European Union believes Theresa May's government could fall before Brexit negotiations finish, a...
'BRITAIN'S UNSTABLE!' EU in stunning attack claiming May's Brexit could fall at ANY MOMENT
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Gabriele Zimmer said there are serious concerns in Brussels the Prime Minister could be overthrown b...
Mark Zuckerberg hearing shows it's Europe — not America — Facebook should be worried about
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Syed Kamall of the European Conservatives and Reformists asked how non-Facebook users could stop the...
Zuckerberg needs a wizard to clean up Facebook's mess
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... has run amok, flooding the house with pails of water he has commanded it to fetch. He pleads for...
European lawmakers had tough questions for Mark Zuckerberg. For the most part, he ducked them.
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“Is this the case? Have you really taken 1.5 billion people outside of the effective reach of regula...
Zuckerberg needs a wizard to clean up Facebook mess
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It was this moment that reminded left-wing German Member of the European Parliament Gabriele Zimmer...
EU debate LIVE 'There's NO European identity' Farage RIPS APART Juncker in astounding rant
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Gabriele Zimmer, German MEP, addressed Parliament saying that there are contradiction within the blo...
Those tough questions European lawmakers had for Mark Zuckerberg? He mostly ducked them.
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Have you really taken 1.5 billion people outside of the effective reach of regulations? People from...
DSGVO: Der Bürger wird stumm geschaltet
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... und mächtig sein durch „Stecker ziehen“ zu beenden. Für solche kapitalismuskritischen Fragen der...
Facebook: Die acht seltsamsten Zitate aus dem Zuckerberg-Interview
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Gabriele Zimmer (GUE-NGL, Linke): „Ist es so bei Facebook, um mit Goethes Zauberlehrling zu sprechen...
Γκ. Τσίμερ: Να δείξουμε αλληλεγγύη και να εμπιστευτούμε τον ελληνικό λαό και την κυβέρνηση
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"Είναι αναγκαίο να δώσουμε πίσω στην Ελλάδα την πλήρη κυριαρχία", λέει στο ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ η Γκάμπι Τσίμερ [...
Fraktionschefin der Linken im EU-Parlament tritt nicht mehr an
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Sie trete bei der Neuwahl des EU-Parlaments im Frühjahr nicht wieder an, sagte Zimmer am Montag. «Da...
Liderzy pięciu unijnych frakcji wezwali Junckera do obrony polskiego Sądu Najwyższego
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Towarzyszą im szef liberałów Guy Verhofstadt, współprzewodniczący Zielonych Ska Keller i Philippe La...
MEPs and NGOs urge ministers to reach deal on Work-Life Balance directive
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... Europe are behind the imitative. Socialist group leader Udo Bullman, and his counterparts Philip...
L'équilibre vie professionnelle/vie privée divise l'UE
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... vie indépendante, ILGA Europe, ou encore COFACE Familles Europe. Les chefs de file des groupes s...
Agentur für Arbeit Siegen: Meldung vom 19.06.2018
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In dem Projekt bilden Kerstin Fischer aus der Arbeitsvermittlung und Gabriele Zimmer aus dem Arbeitg...
Lista hańby. Publikujemy nazwiska europosłów, którzy zagłosowali przeciw rezolucji wzywającej Rosję do zwolnienia ...
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Niemcy. Stefan ECK, niezależny. Cornelia ERNST, Lewica Sabine LÖSING, Lewica Jörg MEUTHEN, Alternaty...
#ask: Meine Sicht auf Europa Universität Wien
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Gabriele Zimmer schloss sich dieser Meinung an. Zíle (2.v.l.) betont die Notwendigkeit der Trennung...
Europosłowie i NGO-sy chcą porozumienia dot. dyrektywy o równowadze między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym
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Przywódca grupy socjalistów, Udo Bullman, oraz jego odpowiednicy Philippe Lamberts z Zielonych i Gab...
Parlament Europejski chce zapewnić Europejczykom równowagę między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym
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... Europe oraz COFACE Families Europe. Swoje podpisy złożyli również: przywódca grupy socjalistów w...
Verdi Pe a Tajani, serve posizione ufficiale contro razzismo
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La lettera, firmata dai copresidenti del gruppo dei Verdi/Ale Lamberts e Ska Keller, è stata siglata...
Who's Currently Winning the Privacy Safeguards Issue: Facebook or the Regulators?
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Speaking to reporters after the hearing, German leftist MEP Gabriele Zimmer called them “very genera...
36 ευρωβουλευτές κατά Ματέο Σαλβίνι
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... Ramon Tremosai Balcells(ALDE, Ισπανία), Bodil Valero (Πράσινοι, Σουηδία), Monika Vana (Πράσινοι,...
Statement by the Brexit Steering Group on UK government White paper
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Gabriele Zimmer. Philippe Lamberts. Danuta Hübner. Background. In its March resolution, the European...
Statement by #BrexitSteeringGroup on UK government #BrexitWhitePaper
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Gabriele Zimmer · Philippe Lamberts · Danuta Hübner. Background. In its March resolution, the Europe...
Statement by #BrexitSteeringGroup on UK government White Paper
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Gabriele Zimmer · Philippe Lamberts · Danuta Hübner. Background. In its March resolution, the Europe...
Gerechtes Erbe
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Gabriele P.: „Meine Eltern hatten drei Immobilien. Ein Appartement und eine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung am Chie...
Cine este eurodeputatul care a cerut Comisiei Europene o anchetă pe furtul miliardului din R.Moldova Deschide.MD
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Semnatarii declarației de garanție personală erau: Helmut Scholz, deputat în Parlamentul European, m...
Brexit: Europarlamento, soluzione su frontiere irlandese deve salvaguardare integrita' Ue -2-
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Il comitato europarlamentare che segue il negoziato (ne fanno parte Guy Verhofstadt, Elmar Brok, Rob...
Atenţie, români! Ce va însemna noul plan post-Brexit de înregistrare pentru cetăţenii din UE-27?
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Este alcătuit din personalităţile cele mai influente din PE: Guy Verhofstadt, Preşedinte şi coordona...
Vielerorts gibt es Airbnb-Einschränkungen: Muss auch Karlsruhe die ...
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Sie bieten günstige Wohnungen und Zimmer direkt in der Stadt - für Reisende ein Segen, für Städte un...
EU diplomats expect delay in Brexit deal beyond October target
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Gabriele Zimmer, a leftist German member of the European Parliament who deals with Brexit doubts a d...
Brexit: vers un conseil européen extraordinaire en novembre
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Décembre sera déjà trop pour nous", a déclaré l'eurodéputée allemande Gabriele Zimmer, du parti de l...
Angepeiltes „Brexit“-Verhandlungsende in Schwebe
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Ein Abschluss im November wäre die letzte Möglichkeit, „Dezember ist für uns schon zu spät“, sagte d...
EU Expects Delay in Brexit Deal Beyond October Target
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Gabriele Zimmer, a leftist German member of the European Parliament who deals with Brexit, doubts a...
Nem akármilyen forró ősz jön
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Semmilyen konkrét javaslat nincs előttünk az ír határ ügyében, miközben ha decemberig csúsznának a t...
EXCLUSIVE: Theresa May set to address MEPs in final Brexit deal push
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Prime Minister Theresa May is set to travel to Brussels to address a group of leading MEPs as part o...
European Union expects delay in Brexit deal beyond October target
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Gabriele Zimmer, a leftist German member of the European Parliament who deals with Brexit, doubts a...
Community Calendar
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Speakers: Jane M. Fearn-Zimmer, shareholder, Elder & Disability, Taxation, Trusts and Estates, Flast...
St. Tammany property transfers, Aug. 6-17, 2018
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Powell Heights subdivision, Phase 2, lot 17, square C: $35,000, Gabriele von Massebach Timmerman to...
Community Calendar
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Speakers: Jane M. Fearn-Zimmer, shareholder, Elder & Disability, Taxation, Trusts and Estates, Flast...
Eine Nacht für die Demokratie
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In der Galerie zeigt der Asylhelferkreis die Ausstellung "Was bedeutet für mich Demokratie", eine Ei...
GUE leader: Weber represents CSU, which is close to Putin and anti-EU forces
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... Weber's European Commission presidency bid is “absurd” given that he represents a political part...
The Brief, sponsored by Danfoss – Sound of silence
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His candidacy is “absurd” given his political party's close links to Vladimir Putin Hungary's Viktor...
S&D chief sees importance of pro-EU camp, hits at Mélenchon
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In an interview with EURACTIV last week, leftist chief Gabriele Zimmer (GUE-NGL) also referred to Mé...
Patriotism on socks
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"He only spoke about 'We have to be stronger in the world', 'we have to speak with one language', th...
Alexis Tsipras has series of contacts in Strasbourg
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... Monetary Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, the president of the European group of Socialist and Social...
Elégedetlenség Juncker beszéde után
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Azt azonban elfelejtette, hogy a legnagyobb tiszteletet a saját állampolgárainktól kaphatjuk” – véle...
Críticas al discurso de Juncker sobre el Estado de la Unión
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Los partidos de izquierdas han echado de menos, por su parte, un mayor compromiso con la agenda soci...
Le discours de Juncker donne le coup d'envoi des élections européennes
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Udo Bullmann, la co-présidente des Verts, Ska Keller et Gabriele Zimmer ont demandé à Jean-Claude Ju...
Britain's Syriza: Corbyn looks to learn from the Greeks
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UK's Labour party have been taking lessons from Greece's radical leftist Syriza party, the Greek Min...
La gauche européenne rêve d'alliance malgré ses divisions
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Dans une interview accordée à Euractiv le mois dernier, Gabriele Zimmer, qui dirige le groupe, a ind...
Accueil des migrants : le Manifeste des 150 devient le Manifeste des 30 000
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... députée européenne Génération.s – Yánis Varoufakis, co-fondateur DIEM25 – Marie-Christine Vergia...
EU-Parlamentarier fordern Entschuldigung von britischem Außenminister
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Führende Europaabgeordnete fordern Abbitte vom britischen Außenminister Jeremy Hunt für seinen Vergl...
Vergleich mit Sowjetunion: Hunt soll sich entschuldigen
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Die Linken-Fraktionschefin Gabriele Zimmer meinte, ein Scheitern werde immer wahrscheinlicher. EU-Ko...
La France Insoumise wants to turn European elections into anti-Macron referendum
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Moreover, this incompatibility seems to be mutual since Gabriele Zimmer, chair of the left group (GU...
EP Steering group calls for WA negotiations to intensify
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The Brexit Steering Group of the European Parliament chaired by Guy Verhofstadt has followed with pa...
Manovra, Fico in Ue da mediatore istituzionale super partes
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... per l'Europa, Guy Verhofstadt (PE), alle 17,15 quello con il co-presidente del Gruppo dei Verdi/...
##Manovra, Fico in Ue da mediatore istituzionale super partes
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... alle 17,15 quello con il co-presidente del Gruppo dei Verdi/Alleanza libera europea, Philippe La...
Ue. Fico vola a Bruxelles: porto voce Italia. Stop ad austerità
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Dopo Moscovici e Verhofstadt, Fico nel pomeriggio vedrà il copresidente del gruppo dei Verdi Philipp...
Hungary's Orbán thanks Greek far-right Golden Dawn for its support
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In an interview with EURACTIV, leftist chief Gabriele Zimmer (GUE-NGL) said she expected a closer co...
Orbán dankt Rechtsextremen für Unterstützung
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Im Gespräch mit EURACTIV sagte die Vorsitzende der linken GUE/NGL, Gabriele Zimmer, sie erwarte eine...
Il fronte Tsipras (e oltre) marcia diviso alle elezioni europee Il Foglio
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Nessuna alleanza con Macron: nella sinistra radicale ci sono grandi divergenze, inconciliabili. Alcu...
TUTicket steht mächtig in der Kritik
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Gabriele Zimmer erhielt dementsprechend sehr viel Kritik am Mittwochabend und betonte abschließend....
Cine sunt greii care candidează pentru Parlamentul European! Ofertele partidelor
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Europa Națiunilor și a Libertății va avea, conform proiecției, 59 de locuri. Stânga Unită Europeană,...
Agentur für Arbeit Siegen: Birgit Riemer-Schnabel berät am 06. und 07 ...
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In dem Projekt bilden Kerstin Fischer aus der Arbeitsvermittlung und Gabriele Zimmer aus dem Arbeitg...
MEPs review Brexit talks at EU summit
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Left-wing GUE group leader Gabriele Zimmer, also a German MEP, accuses Syed Kamall of a lack of unde...
Brexit en migratie leveren giftige debatten op in het Europees Parlement
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Udo Bullmann van de sociaaldemocraten (S&D) sprong bijna uit zijn vel van woede, daarin gesteund doo...
L'Ue critica l'Ue: la bocciatura italiana non passa sotto silenzio a Strasburgo, in plenaria sotto accusa le istituzioni Ue
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All'indomani della bocciatura della manovra italiana da parte della commissione europea, il Parlamen...
Tajani on Raw Politics: Farage showed disrespect to Nazi victims
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... is a hostiility there towards some of those who have a different stance," he claimed. However, G...
Nazis, cash and tragedy: A day in the life of Brexit
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“Surely you're not so isolated on your island that you don't understand the history of Europe” — MEP...
A nácikhoz hasonlította a szociáldemokratákat a brit konzervatív EP-képviselő
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A nap folyamán aztán komoly politikai össztűz zúdult Kamallra, főleg a német képviselők voltak kiaka...
Mito su Mito | Vedi Napoli: in mostra le opere di Xante Battaglia
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... Gregory Battcock, Michel Tapiè, Thomas M.Messer, Carlo Franza, Giulio Carlo Argan , Luigi Carluc...
Zimmer urges leftist parties to escape from 'self-isolation', seek majorities
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Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the European Forum of Progressive, Ecological and...
The Brief, powered by EFPIA – Day of remembrance
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by Alexandra Brzozowski. The EU will need solidarity to handle migration, the biggest failure of the...
«La candidature de Manfred Weber est absurde»
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Pour Gabriele Zimmer, le PPE doit choisir entre être un parti conservateur appartenant au centre ou...
L'union de la gauche européenne butte sur le néolibéralisme
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Gabriele Zimmer, présidente de la GUE-NGL au Parlement européen, a enjoint aux forces de gauche en E...
Merkele: nacionālisms un egoisms nedrīkst vēlreiz gūt virsroku Eiropā
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Ska KELLER (Zaļie/EFA, Vācija). • Gabriele ZIMMER (GUE/NGL, Vācija). • Nigel FARAGE (EFDD, Apvienotā...
Većina hrvatskih europarlamentaraca podržala govor Angele Merkel o budućnosti EU
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Ska Keller, (Zeleni/EFA), je kazala da Njemačka više mora pridonijeti europskoj politici obuzdavanja...
Martin Schirdewan soll für Gabriele Zimmer ins EU-Parlament
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Der Politikwissenschaftler Martin Schirdewan soll für die Linke Nachfolger der Thüringerin Gabriele...
Dokąd zmierza Angela Merkel?
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... imieniu frakcji Europejskich Konserwatystów i Reformatorów, potem szef liberałów Belg (Flamand)...
May Taking Very Important Step on Brexit in EU, Germany's Zimmer Says
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Gabriele Zimmer, member of European Parliament for Germany, discusses U.K. Prime Minister Theresa Ma...
Brexit: Wie stehen die Chancen auf Einigung?
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Vor dem Brexit-Gipfel am Sonntag sind die Unterhändler der Europäischen Union und Großbritanniens ei...
Statement by Michel Barnier at the Plenary session of the European Parliament on the Article 50 negotiations with ...
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... and to all the members of the Brexit Steering Group: Danuta Hübner, Elmar Brok, Roberto Gualtier...
#Brexit – 'The time has come to back the withdrawal deal'
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Philippe LAMBERTS (GREENS/EFA, BE). Gabriele ZIMMER (GUE/NGL, DE). Nigel FARAGE (EFDD, UK). Gilles L...
Anti-Semitism: A growing problem across Europe
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Greens/EFA group MEP Helga Trüpel, reacting to the murder of Knoll, said “As a German citizen, it is...
Europa Cinemas Network unveils 2017 statistics in Cannes
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At the Cannes meeting, Helga Trüpel of the European Parliament and Lucia Recalde from the European C...
Brüssel will Plastik zu Geld machen
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Die Grünen sehen in Oettingers Vorlage einen "Schritt hin zu einem Zukunftshaushalt", wie die EU-Abg...
Von der "Piepmatz-Affäre" zu Personalquerelen
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Etwa, als sich männliche Grüne darüber mokierten, ihre Parteifreundin Helga Trüpel führe als Kulturs...
Bangen um den Traumjob
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Auf Einladung der Bremer Europa-Beauftragten, Staatsrätin Ulrike Hiller, hatten Bürger und lokale Ak...
"Niemand will weniger"
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... in Bremen-Nord“ statt. Bürger und Vertreter verschiedener Initiativen diskutieren unter anderem,...
Linke jubeln, CDU und Liberale optimistisch, Sieling unzufrieden
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Die Grünen-Europapolitikerin Helga Trüpel teilte am Mittwoch mit: „Ich bin absolut für einen Kurs de...
Wo Wildeshausen international ist
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Und im Geschichtsunterricht versuche er den Schülern klar zu machen, dass die deutsche Identität auc...