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Elena Salgado vs Antti Rinne

Compare Elena Salgado et Antti Rinne pour savour pour qui voter.

Elena Salgado

Elena Salgado

Antti Rinne

Antti Rinne
Elena Salgado
Antti Rinne
Former Deputy Prime Minister
Former Deputy Prime Minister
Madrid Spain
Helsinki Finland
Socialist Workers' Party
Parti politique
Social Democratic Party
News, Élections, Rôle du gouvernement
Spains new economy minister
2013.10.18 - Source :75% - Élections, Rôle du gouvernement
Elena Salgado was named Spain's new economy minister on Tuesday by Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodrigue...

She Vanished Walking Back from Class — and Is Found Dead 3 Years Later: 'We Refused to Give Up'
2018.05.30 - Source :85% - News
In the more than three years since 26-year-old Elizabeth Elena Laguna-Salgado disappeared while walk...

Skeletal remains found in Utah canyon ID'd as long-missing woman Elizabeth Salgado
2018.05.28 - Source :75% - News
The skeletal remains of 26-year-old Elizabeth Elena Laguna Salgado were discovered May 18 by a man s...

Elizabeth Elena Laguna-Salgado, a Provo woman missing since 2015, has been found dead in Hobble Creek Canyon ...
2018.05.24 - Source :80% - News
The discovery, it seems, would bring an end to a mystery that began April 16, 2015, when Laguna-Salg...

Remains found in Utah canyon identified as Elizabeth Salgado, missing since 2015
2018.05.24 - Source :80% - News
Using dental records, the remains were identified as belonging to Elizabeth Elena Laguna-Salgado. Th...

Missing Mexican student's remains found in Utah three years after disappearance
2018.05.25 - Source :95% - News
The body of a 26-year-old student from Mexico who disappeared in 2015 was found in Utah County and p...

Desapareció hace 3 años y ahora encontraron su cuerpo: la misteriosa muerte de una mexicana en Utah
2018.05.25 - Source :80% - News
"Luego de una autopsia, y después de consultar con expertos en Antropología Forense y Odontología Fo...

Propone Comisión Europea prohibir 10 plásticos desechables
2018.05.29 - Source :85% - News
Bruselas. La Comisión Europea (CE) presentó ayer una propuesta para prohibir los cubiertos desechabl...

Finnish poll leaders rule out working with nationalists after vote
2018.05.23 - Source :95% - News
Antti Rinne, the head of the main opposition party, the Social Democrats, said it was “very difficul...

Antti Marttinen: Onko Antti Rinne jo voittanut?
2018.05.29 - Source :85% - News
Sosialidemokraatit ovat taitavasti kohdistaneet avokätisiä lupauksia mahdollisimman laajoille äänest...

Orpo and Rinne rule out coalition co-operation with Finns Party
2018.05.24 - Source :75% - News
The chairpersons of the two most supported political parties in Finland, Petteri Orpo (NCP) and Antt...

Mikä mies on Antti Rinne
2018.05.26 - Source :80% - News
Kertokaa miksi perusSuomalaisena äänestän seuraavissa eduskuntavaaleissa SDP.tä. Sinisethän on kuole...

Antti Rinne vastasi eduskuntaa kuohuttaneeseen kysymykseen: Purkaako SDP soten?
2018.05.23 - Source :75% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne on luvannut perua työttömyysturvan ”aktiivimallileikkurin”, jos puol...

Universal Basic Income Didn't Fail in Finland. Finland Failed It.
2018.05.02 - Source :90% - News
Antti Rinne, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, said last year, “I don't need any basic inco...

Antti Rinne: Perustuslakivaliokunta vuotaa kuin seula
2018.05.25 - Source :95% - News
Sdp:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne https://www.is.fi/haku/?query=antti+rinnenäkee, että perustuslakival...

Antti Rinne hallituksen sote-mallista: Käsittämätöntä tunarointia
2018.05.22 - Source :85% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne ei yllättynyt talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston sote-tyrmäyksestä....

SDP:n Rinne ei ole valmis luopumaan kotihoidon tuesta
2018.05.30 - Source :90% - News
SDP:n puheenjohtaja ja seuraavan hallituksen potentiaalinen pääministeriehdokas Antti Rinne ei lähti...

Justice Minister: Regional election timetable on a knife edge
2018.05.25 - Source :85% - News
Antti Rinne, who chairs the Social Democratic Party, said he was appalled to hear that documents rel...