Compare Devlet Bahçeli et Antti Rinne pour savour pour qui voter.
Devlet Bahçeli![]() |
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Antti Rinne![]() |
MHP hits out at polling firms for 'sidelining' party
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Pollsters are not acting impartially in conducting and releasing surveys ahead of the June 24 snap e...
Devlet Bahçeli, 5 ilde bölge istişare toplantıları yapacak
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MHP lideri Bahçeli, '24 Haziran Yeni Bir Doğuş, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi, Neden, Nasıl' tema...
MHP leader defends his visit to notorious mafia leader
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Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli defended his visit to hospitalized mafia lead...
MHP rebels vote “no” to Erdoğan candidacy
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MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli offered the AKP a formal alliance in January, having already declared his...
Devlet Bahçeli'nin üç büyük miting programı belli oldu
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MHP Genel Başkanı Bahçeli'nin 24 Haziran seçimleri öncesi açık hava toplantısı şeklinde düzenleyeceğ...
Bahçeli continues to take aim at Akşener's bid
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The Nationalist Movement Party's (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli has continued to criticize presidential...
Demokrasi havarisi Devlet Bahçeli
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Devlet Bahçeli 1997 yılında Alparslan Türkeş'in ölümünün ardından MHP genel başkanlığına seçilmişti....
Devlet Bahçeli: Köhne Bizans durmuyor ama 24 Haziran'da dağılacak
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MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli İstanbul'un fethinin 565. yıldönümü dolayısıyla Twitter hesabı üzer...
People's Alliance divides over amnesty for non-political prisoners
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Devlet Bahçeli, the leader of National Movement Party (MHP) asked on Twitter on Saturday. His questi...
Devlet Bahçeli: Cumhur İttifakı tarihin akışını değiştirecek
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Ankara Kızılcahamam'da konuşan Bahçeli, "Aziz Milletimizin vicdanında doğan Cumhur İttifakı, 2023'e...
Finnish poll leaders rule out working with nationalists after vote
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Antti Rinne, the head of the main opposition party, the Social Democrats, said it was “very difficul...
Antti Marttinen: Onko Antti Rinne jo voittanut?
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Sosialidemokraatit ovat taitavasti kohdistaneet avokätisiä lupauksia mahdollisimman laajoille äänest...
Orpo and Rinne rule out coalition co-operation with Finns Party
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The chairpersons of the two most supported political parties in Finland, Petteri Orpo (NCP) and Antt...
Mikä mies on Antti Rinne
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Kertokaa miksi perusSuomalaisena äänestän seuraavissa eduskuntavaaleissa SDP.tä. Sinisethän on kuole...
Antti Rinne vastasi eduskuntaa kuohuttaneeseen kysymykseen: Purkaako SDP soten?
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SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne on luvannut perua työttömyysturvan ”aktiivimallileikkurin”, jos puol...
Universal Basic Income Didn't Fail in Finland. Finland Failed It.
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Antti Rinne, the leader of the Social Democratic Party, said last year, “I don't need any basic inco...
Antti Rinne: Perustuslakivaliokunta vuotaa kuin seula
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Sdp:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinneäkee, että perustuslakival...
Antti Rinne hallituksen sote-mallista: Käsittämätöntä tunarointia
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SDP:n puheenjohtaja Antti Rinne ei yllättynyt talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston sote-tyrmäyksestä....
SDP:n Rinne ei ole valmis luopumaan kotihoidon tuesta
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SDP:n puheenjohtaja ja seuraavan hallituksen potentiaalinen pääministeriehdokas Antti Rinne ei lähti...
Justice Minister: Regional election timetable on a knife edge
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Antti Rinne, who chairs the Social Democratic Party, said he was appalled to hear that documents rel...