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Corina Crețu vs Adrian Cioroianu

Compare Corina Crețu et Adrian Cioroianu pour savour pour qui voter.

Corina Crețu

Corina Crețu

Adrian Cioroianu

Adrian Cioroianu
Corina Crețu
Adrian Cioroianu
Former European Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry
Former Minister
Bucarest Romania
Bucarest Romania
Parti Sociale Démocrate
Parti politique
Parti national libéral
News, Rôle du gouvernement, Système de justice, Travail
News, Affaires étrangères, Système de justice, Rôle du gouvernement, Vétérans
Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Commission...
2014.09.10 - Source :75% - Rôle du gouvernement
Corina Cretu, the designated commissioner for Regional Policy. The full composition of the next Euro...

Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission
2014.10.03 - Source :95% - Rôle du gouvernement
Corina Cretu, among the winners of the European Commission

Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing
2014.10.02 - Source :80% - Système de justice
Corina Cretu gets positive opinion after EP hearing

EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate
2014.09.02 - Source :75% - Travail
EC president Junker prefers Corina Cretu for Regional Policy European Commissioner mandate

Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina
2006.09.29 - Source :75% - Rôle du gouvernement
Corina Cretu, an observer of the OSCE at the elections in Bosnia/Herzegovina

The lustration law passed by the Senate , April 10, 2006, at HotNews.en
2006.04.10 - Source :90% - Système de justice
The lustration law passed by the Senate , April 10, 2006, at HotNews.en

Romanian Prime Minister Proposes Cioroianu as New Foreign Minister
2007.02.19 - Source :95% - Affaires étrangères, Rôle du gouvernement
Romanian Prime Minister Proposes Cioroianu as New Foreign Minister

Romanian Prime Minister Asks Court to Order President to Appoint New Foreign Minister
2007.03.13 - Source :80% - Affaires étrangères
Romanian Prime Minister Asks Court to Order President to Appoint New Foreign Minister