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Antonio Cuomo  vs Alessia Morani

Compare Antonio Cuomo  et Alessia Morani pour savour pour qui voter.

Antonio Cuomo 

Antonio Cuomo 

Alessia Morani

Alessia Morani
Antonio Cuomo 
Alessia Morani
Rome Italy
Rome Italy
Parti politique
Chris Cuomo believes there's room in the middle
2018.06.01 - Source :75% - News
NEW YORK (AP) — Chris Cuomo envisions his new CNN prime-time show as a haven for independent thinker...

Gov. Cuomo cuts ribbon on new Finger Lakes Welcome Center
2018.06.01 - Source :80% - News
Andrew Cuomo formally opened the new facility Thursday. Located on Seneca Lake in Geneva, New York,...

Nixon backs injection sites, says no rush on sports betting
2018.06.04 - Source :80% - News
Andrew Cuomo, who Nixon is challenging in the Democratic primary, has sounded a similar note, questi...

Where states stand on legal sports gambling
2018.06.05 - Source :90% - News
Andrew Cuomo has said the issue is too complicated to resolve before the Legislature adjourns later...

The Latest: Cuomo appoints special prosecutor
2018.05.08 - Source :80% - News
NEW YORK (AP) — The Latest on the resignation of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman followi...

Cuomo: $100M available for local transportation projects
2018.05.20 - Source :85% - News
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo says $100 million in federal transportation funding is availab...

Cynthia Nixon seeks live television debate with Gov. Cuomo
2018.05.07 - Source :90% - News
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — "Sex and the City" star and New York governor's race candidate Cynthia Nixon has...

Celebrity birthdays for the week of June 10-16
2018.06.05 - Source :85% - News
Singer David Gray is 50. Singer Deniece Pearson of Five Star is 50. Musician Soren Rasted (Aqua) is...

In key governor's races, Democrats split on education
2018.06.03 - Source :80% - News
The issue also hasn't been on the front-burner in New York, where Nixon has hammered Cuomo mainly ov...

Hall of Famer Joe Torre pushes for sports betting measures
2018.06.04 - Source :80% - News
While some New York lawmakers say legislation allowing legalized sports wagers can be in place by th...

La situazione politica dopo l'incarico a Carlo Cottarelli: intervista ad Alessia Morani
2018.05.29 - Source :95% - News
Giustizia e giustizialismo. Intervista ad Alessia Morani sui temi affrontati durante l'Assemblea di...

L'incarico per formare il governo ad Alessia Morani
2018.05.08 - Source :95% - News
Gentilissima Alessia Morani, ieri noi di una Associazione “Pro Nato” abbiamo telefonato al president...

Governo, Morani (Pd) vs Giordano: “Film horror. Conte? Curriculm gonfiato”. “La Fedeli disse bugie su sua laurea”
2018.05.24 - Source :85% - News
“Questo governo è un film horror e resta tale anche se cambiano i personaggi e gli interpreti. Che c...

Matteo Renzi swings wrecking ball at tie-up with Five Star
2018.05.03 - Source :90% - News
Matteo Renzi had remained conspicuously silent in the immediate aftermath of the bruising election d...

Vince la Partita del cuore davanti alla Sciarelli. Tra i talk ok Vespa, Merlino, Gruber e Mannoni
2018.05.31 - Source :80% - News
'Otto e mezzo' ha prodotto 2,177 milioni di spettatori e il 9,36% con Massimo Cacciari, Alessandro S...

Alessia Morani, la pasdaran di Renzi: avanzano Lega e M5s? Colpa dei giornalisti
2018.05.16 - Source :85% - News
Alessia Morani, deputata del Pd e membro della segreteria nazionale del partito, non è nuova alle ga...

Renzi steps in to thwart Italian coalition deal
2018.05.03 - Source :95% - News
Matteo Renzi had remained conspicuously silent in the immediate aftermath of the bruising election d...

Alessia Morani (Pd): da Di Battista intimidazioni fasciste
2018.05.24 - Source :85% - News
Governo, Alessia Morani contro i Di Battista – Non procede nel migliore dei modi il cammino verso la...

Spread continua a salire. Di Maio: “Problema non eravamo noi”, Pd: “Si chiama #SalviniTax”
2018.05.29 - Source :90% - News
”La borsa e la credibilità internazionale dell'Italia precipitano, insieme alla fiducia di cittadini...

#TheCube: i tweet su Giuseppe Conte
2018.05.23 - Source :75% - News
La vicenda del curriculum del Presidente del Consiglio in pectore fa discutere. Luca Colantoni e Gio...