İsmet Sezgin Biography & News
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İsmet Sezgin
Biography & Reputation
There are not many informations about Sezgin yet to calculate the score. Add Content by registering and show others if they could vote İsmet. He is born on N/A and active in Turkey, Ankara as former deputy prime minister. İsmet Sezgin has in total 10 news splited in 10 News, 0 Postif, 0 Négatif, 0 Réussites, 0 Accusations and 0 Convictions. The most active category is News. İsmet Sezgin is mostly active in News.Nouvellees
2018.05.01 - Source: 80% - News
... Behçet Kemal Çağlar, Vasfi Mahir Kocatürk, Fethi Tevetoğlu, Tahsin Banguoğlu, Süleyman Arif Emre, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Yahya Kemal Beyatlı, Gökhan Evliyaoğlu, Kemalettin Kamu, Osman Bölükbaşı, İsmet Sezgin ve Bülent Ecevit vb. uzayıp gidiyor ...